Mid-Term Presentation Assignment: Building Effective Organizations Objective:  To evaluate student understanding and application of core concepts in b

Mid-Term Presentation Assignment: Building Effective Organizations

Objective:  To evaluate student understanding and application of core concepts in building effective organizations, with a focus on teamwork, motivation, positivity, emotions, social perception, and managing diversity.

Assignment Description:

The requirement is to create a presentation on how organizations can effectively integrate and balance teamwork, motivation, positivity, emotions, social perception, and managing diversity to build a cohesive and high-performing workplace.

You will choose an existing organization (real-world or case study) to analyze and present on.

Components of the Presentation:

Title Slide


•        Provide a brief overview of the organization you have chosen.

•        Explain why this organization is relevant to the course topics.


–  Discuss how the organization fosters teamwork.

-Describe specific strategies and tactics used to enhance collaboration among employees.


–  Explain the methods the organization uses to motivate its employees.

-Discuss the role of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in the organization’s strategy.

Positivity and Emotions:

–  Analyze how the organization promotes a positive work environment.

-Provide examples of how they manage emotions in the workplace, including stress management techniques.

Social Perception:

–  Discuss how the organization addresses social perception among its employees. -Examine any training or awareness programs aimed at improving social perception within the workplace.

Managing Diversity:

–  Describe the organization’s approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

-Highlight any policies, initiatives, or programs that focus on managing diversity effectively.

Integration and Analysis:

–  Provide an integrated analysis of how all these elements (teamwork, motivation, positivity, emotions, social perception, and diversity) work together to build an effective organization.

-Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the organization’s approach.

Conclusion and Recommendations

–  Summarize the key points and findings from your analysis.

–  Offer actionable recommendations for the organization to improve in the areas discussed.

Grading Elements

A minimum of 10 content slides.  Remember that slides should be engaging and have minimal text.  Use brief bulleted points and graphics on slides.  Use the speaker notes section to deliver the written portion relevant to each slide/key point.