MKT6045: As the Sustainability Manager within an organisation of your choice, you have been asked to deliver a presentation to the Senior Management Team: One Planet Business, BCU

Summative Assessment Overview:

Individual, in-person presentation that is worth 100% of the final mark. This item will assess LO: 1, 2, 3, 4


As the Sustainability Manager within an organisation of your choice, you have been asked to deliver a presentation to the Senior Management Team that outlines the sustainability issues within the industry and makes recommendations to address one or more of these issues.

Your presentation should be delivered using Microsoft PowerPoint. Supporting material may also be provided as a handout, although this is not mandatory. All presentation materials must be submitted the day before the scheduled presentation.

The maximum time allowance for your presentation is: 15 minutes + Q&A.

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Required tasks

Your business presentation must address the following elements:

1) Using an appropriate academic framework(s), identify the key sustainability issues relating to the industry in which your organisation operates AND assess the extent to which the organisation is addressing these issues. 30 Marks

2) Based on the assessment provided in Task 1, make specific recommendations for how the organisation could become more sustainable, using appropriate academic frameworks to justify your recommendations. 30 Marks

3) Propose, with justification supported by academic theories and/or frameworks, three distinct tactical marketing activities that could be implemented as part of the proposed recommendations in Task 2, which will encourage ONE specific stakeholder group to adopt more sustainable behaviour.

An additional 10 marks are available for the level of professionalism evident in the presentation of your work, including use of formal business English, correct use of Harvard referencing, vocal delivery, body language and time management.

There should be a logical, narrative flow evident throughout your presentation. Students are NOT allowed to use notes during the presentation.

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Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this assignment, students should be able to demonstrate their ability to

1. Critique the social, economic and ecological factors within the marketing environment that are driving the need for pro-sustainable behaviour and ethical decision-making
2. Evaluate the extent to which organisations are currently addressing the sustainability challenges facing their industry
3. Create activities that an organisation could implement in order to reduce its impact on the planet and on society
4. Apply appropriate transferable skills that are essential to a career in business, such as commercial awareness and communication skills.

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