Critically assess the International Business Strategy of a chosen company using the theory stated below as covered in the unit. (2500 words)
below as covered in the unit. (2500 words)
Key Details:
Choose a multinational company that has a physical presence in countries beyond its home nation. DO NOT choose LG, Jet Blue or CEMEX nor a company from Korea as we step through these in class. Provide a very brief description of the firm and its international operations (5% of marks)
Use Porter’s diamond model (Porter 1990) to analyse the company’s home business environment. Critically comment on how this environment may have contributed to the firm gaining a “firm-specific” advantage. (30% of marks)
With reference to the RBV theory, identify a competency(s) the provides the firm with an advantage in non-domestic markets (20% of marks)
Using Ghemawat’s AAA framework critically assess how the firm could better exploit its firm specific advantage and improve its performance across its international markets. (30% of marks)
Based on the above make recommendations on how the firm might need to change its structures and operations to deliver you recommended “As” strategy (15% of mark)
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