My assignmnet is a research paper. My topic is how religion has its ups and down

My assignmnet is a research paper. My topic is how religion has its ups and downs. Religion has caused good and bad things in history. It needs to not be opinionated at all. NO opinions can be provided.
Assignment Instructions:
Write a research paper that is 7 pages (minimum, 1,750 words) – 10 pages (maximum, 2,500 words), based on your approved topic.  Support your points with documented sources and include a Works Cited page listing at least 5 sources. You can use Wikipedia as a source, but it will not count as one of the required 5 sources. The Works Cited page will not count as one of the required 7-10 pages of content. The Works Cited page is a separate requirement.
Writing Guidelines:
Your paper must be typed using Times New Roman or Calibri font size 12, must be double spaced, and incorporate MLA style guidelines.
Your paper should consist of an introductory paragraph that includes a clear thesis statement (main idea), as many body paragraphs as needed, counter-argument paragraph if your research is an argument, and a concluding paragraph.
Below are some suggestions for structuring the content of your paper.
Keep in mind that the research paper must be written objectively. Do not incorporate yourself into the paper. Do not write from the first-person point of view, (I think, I feel, we believe). You should also avoid using the second person point of view (You would think that you). Use the third person throughout your text (People think, the author stated, Shakespeare argued).
Introductory Paragraph
Introduce your topic.  Consider pointing out why your topic is significant. Provide some background or context for your topic if necessary.  
Thesis statement: This should be a statement (not a question!) that shows a clear position/main idea that your research will support or focus on.
Body Paragraphs
Include as many body paragraphs as needed to support your thesis statement. Each paragraph must be focused to one main point. Make sure to begin body paragraphs with strong topic sentences. Include transitional words throughout your essay.
Counter-argument Paragraph
If making an argument, make sure to include a counter argument paragraph that explains why someone would disagree with your view. Make sure to not incorporate yourself into the text.
Concluding Paragraph
Summarize your paper. Do not copy what you have already said in your essay, rephrase. Remind the reader of your argument and your main points.
Do not include any new points. 
Your paper will be graded on the following criteria:
Introduction that contains a clear thesis statement – 15 points                                     
Body paragraphs that support your thesis statement / Development of ideas and a concluding paragraph that summarizes thesis and main points – 15 points
Paper follows a logical organization with paragraphs that have topic sentences, clear and appropriate transitions, and focus on one main point – 10 points
Paper incorporates basic elements of MLA guidelines/Works cited page- 15 points
The paper is double-spaced.
All paragraphs are indented.
The paper contains a heading.
The paper includes the last name and page number on all pages.
The title is typed correctly.
The paper includes at least 5 sources and in-text citations.
Works Cited page is properly formatted.
*For help creating MLA citations go to
Paper meets the minimum page number- 10 points
7-10 pages of content
A Works Cited page
Grammar: paper should avoid run-on sentences, fragments, must keep a consistent tense, sentences should express clear thoughts, uses third person consistently – 15 points
Academic integrity/ Paper avoids plagiarism -20 points
Paper has a Turnitin similarity score that is less than 15%
Less than 10% AI score
*Plagiarized papers will receive a 0 grade.
*Final research paper will not be accepted late without a valid documented excuse.                                                                                             
Make sure to enhance your argument by using a variety of sources and different methods to incorporate those sources into your paper.
You can summarize, paraphrase and quote sources of information.
Summarizing – When writing a summary, you find the most important ideas in a text and restate them in your own words in shortened form.
Paraphrasing – Paraphrasing is restating someone else’s ideas in your own words—not necessarily shortened.
Quoting – Use quotes to back up your main points. Every quotation should be introduced and integrated into your essay to show the relationship between the quotation and your own ideas. When you use a quote, you should always explain what the quote means in relation to what you are trying to explain.
Don’t forget that whether you are quoting, summarizing or paraphrasing, you must tell your reader where and/or from whom you got your information from.
*Do not use more than two block quotes in your paper.