My Favorite World World Religion

It is with that thought in mind that for your Week 7 Presentation: My Favorite World World Religion, you are being asked to develop a multi-media presentation representing what has become for you over this course, My Favorite World Religion. The purpose of this assignment is for you to demonstrate effective research skills in the development of a multi-media presentation that will highlight the study of your favorite religion and expand upon its place on the world’s stage of religions.


You will need to include the following in your presentation:


A brief Introduction of your favorite religion and the reasons why you have selected to research it.

Provide a brief historical study and background information about your religion that will include:

The founder of the religion

The date of the religion

The geographical location and the role geography plays in the religion

Provide current demographical information about your religion

Detail and discuss the major components of this religion’s belief system.

The nature of a god or supreme being

Identify and define major rituals

Discuss views of the afterlife

Detail any worship practices and places of worship or no places

Detail and discuss the contemporary application of the religion in the world today

Highlight mission and services they provide to local communities

Highlight how this religion and its religious leaders may be working with other world religious leaders to address real-world issues.

What are those issues and how are they addressing them?

Project the future of your favorite religion

For the growth or decline of it in the United States

For the growth or decline of it on the world’s stage

Use actual demographic and academic studies to support your projections


Summarize your findings

Re-iterate why it is your favorite religion

Include an academically approved Citation Format along with a resource page. Use in-text citations directly on your slide to identify your resources and avoid plagiarism

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