“My Philosophy of Christian Leadership: Essential Qualities, Practices, and Foundations”

At the conclusion of the term, each student will submit a capstone position paper, titled: “My Philosophy of Christian Leadership.” This paper will require students to demonstrate their active engagement with the full scope of course readings, materials, sessions, and learning
Use the following Prompts:
• What is your philosophy of Christian leadership?
• What are the essential qualities of faithful and effective Christian leaders?
• What are the essential leadership practices of faithful and effective Christian leaders?
• What are the biblical and theological foundations that inform your philosophy of the
practice of Christian leadership?
• How is your philosophy of Christian leadership informed by additional theories and
resources in the literature (e.g., scholarly books/articles/commentaries, practitioner-
oriented books/articles, and additional resources in the field)? In other words, what
sources have primarily shaped your thinking about Christian leadership and how so?
• How would you approach communicating or teaching your philosophy of leadership to
current and future leaders in your church or organization? Consider, for instance, how
you would approach developing current or future staff, volunteers, board members,
deacons, or elders to effective practice leadership in their roles.
• Note: your capstone paper does not need to be outlined around these questions. Just be sure your paper explicitly addresses these questions as you present your philosophy of Christian leadership
Include the following for bibliography:
Irving, Justin A., and Mark L. Strauss. Leadership in Christian Perspective: Biblical
Foundations and Contemporary Practices for Servant Leaders. Baker Academic:
Grand Rapids, MI, 2019.
Eric Geiger and Kevin Peck. Designed to Lead: The Church and Leadership
Development. B&H Books: Nashville, 2016.
Mohler, Albert. The Conviction to Lead: 25 Principles for Leadership that Matters.
Bethany House Publishers: Bloomington, MN, 2012.
Trentham, John David. “Reading the Social Sciences Theologically (Part 1):
Approaching and Qualifying Models of Human Development.” Christian
Education Journal 16, no. 3 (December 2019): 458–75.
______. “Reading the Social Sciences Theologically (Part 2): Engaging and
Appropriating Models of Human Development.” Christian Education Journal 16,
no. 3 (December 2019): 476–94. doi:10.1177/0739891319882699.
Wilder, Michael S, and Timothy Paul Jones. The God Who Goes before You: Pastoral
Leadership as Christ-Centered Followership. B&H Academic: Nashville, TN,
McCloskey, Mark, and Jim Louwsma. The Art of Virtue-Based Transformational
Leadership: Building Strong Businesses, Organizations and Families. The
Wordsmith: Bloomington, MN, 2016.

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