NCO103 Choose a story presented on any medium (e.g. film, short story, graphic novel, novel, song, TV series, podcast etc.): Listen and Be Heard: Effective Communication through Storytelling Assignment, SUSS

Question 1 (Total 45 marks)
Choose a story presented on any medium (e.g. film, short story, graphic novel, novel, song, TV series, podcast etc.).

a) Describe in brief what your chosen story is about and the medium on which it is presented. (15m)
b) Analyse your choice based on what you have learned in the module so far. (30m) Please answer (1a) and (1b) in separate parts. Do NOT combine them into a single essay.
Your answers for (1a) and (1b) should not exceed 600 words in total.

Question 2 (Total 55 marks)
a) Apply what you have learned by writing an outline. Your answer should not exceed 100 words. (20m)
Describe how you would re-tell your chosen story. Please see below for prompts you may want to consider. A re-telling could include: Recontextualizing (e.g. changing the American Barbie to a Singapore context; time periods, situations, places, and cultures are examples of what can be reconceptualized)

Reconceptualizing (e.g. changing the original medium from film to short video; changing the genre from Romance to Horror; telling the story from a different point of view, introducing new characters, changing the ending; a recreating of main ideas of the original work in general) Note that these prompts are not exhaustive. They are simply to guide you in answering the question. You can choose to retell your story in other ways

b)Explain why you choose to do it this way. Your answer should not exceed 300 words. (35m)
Please answer (2a) and (2b) in separate parts. Do NOT combine them into a single essay.

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