NCO111 Conduct a critical evaluation of your learning goals that engage with the arguments expressed: Work and Learning in a Changing World Essay, SUSS

TMA01 (Tutor-Marked Assignment)
Conduct a critical evaluation of your learning goals that engage with the arguments expressed in the following article by Yuval Noah Harari: Harari, Y. N. (2018, August 12). Yuval Noah Harari on what the year 2050 has in store for humankind. WIRED UK. lessons-for-the-21st-century
Your answer should take the form of a coherent and well-substantiated essay.

TMA01 Requirements
In the prescribed article, Harari highlights the skills and qualities that one would need in order to survive or to achieve success in the 21st century.
You probably have learning goals of your own (i.e. the skills, qualities, and/or knowledge that you would like to acquire) that are informed by your personal perceptions of key 21st century trends (e.g. technological, political, economic, business, etc.). Your learning goals and your perceptions of key 21st century trends may or may not be aligned with Harari’s views. In this assignment, you are to critically reassess your learning goals in the light of the arguments expressed in the prescribed article. You are therefore expected to do the following in your essay:

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List your current learning goals and explain how they are linked to your current views on key 21st century trends.
Identify the key arguments in the Harari article.
 Comment on how the arguments in the Harari article have affected your perceptions of key 21st century trends and your thoughts on the learning goals that you ought to set for yourself. This will involve engaging with the following:
o Do you agree with Harari’s vision of the coming years of the 21st century?
o Do you agree with Harari’s thoughts on the skills and qualities that we need to acquire in order to survive or to achieve success in the 21st century?
o Having read the article, would you modify/broaden your present learning goals or leave them unchanged?

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