New Mexico is a unique place in many ways. Its human landscape is the expression of a particular (and in some ways, tragic) history that has been well recorded since the at least the 1600s. Its environment is arid and continental, but high in elevation, which gives rise to the beautiful forests and grasslands within the state. New Mexico differs significantly from its neighbor states, not only environmentally and historically but also in terms of economy.
Your assignment is to DESCRIBE a different region, country, or sub-region that has a SIMILAR CLIMATE to New Mexico, and to MAKE COMPARISONS between the two. YOUR COMPARATIVE REGION MUST BE OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES. In order to accomplish this, you will need to do some of your own research, report facts and statistics, and evaluate the differences and similarities based on the facts you discover. Your report should address the environment, as well as one of the following: history, culture, or economy (and ideally how two of these aspects are related). Your textbook (or even Wikipedia) is a good resource to start with, but you must reference at least two other resources as well. Any facts you report must involve references (otherwise, where did you learn these facts?).
Your report should be at least 500 words in length, not including the works-cited section. It should not be longer than 750 words. You may use any citation style, but APA is recommended ( to an external site.).
Your report will be evaluated on the basis of information-richness (30%), how well it addresses the prompt (20%), organization and writing quality (40%) and referencing (10%). Have fun!
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