Now write your own, modernised fractured version of your chosen fairy tale type,

write your own, modernised fractured version of your chosen fairy tale type,
only the basic essence of it the same. You can
create a new plot twist and unexpected
characters. Your fractured fairy tale must include
a modern setting. Interpret the theme
in the context of today’s world. You can also give
it a new title.
Choose one fairy tale type (available through  Ashliman (2022) from the following list then
answer the three questions that follow:
· The Bear
Trainer and His Cat
· Catarinetta
· Peacock
This is a creative task, so there is much room for
your own interpretation. However,
please observe the following restrictions:
· Your modernised, fractured fairy
tale must be based on one of the traditional stories
from the list provided in Section 1 above and take
place today (i.e. in the last fifty
years). Has to be set within the last 50 years!
· It does not have to be suitable
for children, although you may write with a children’s
audience in mind. Please be mindful of your
identified audience.
· Plan your story carefully. You
must show plot development – that is, a beginning,
rising action, climax and resolution. Pace is
· While the assignment requires
you to fracture’ a traditional story, you may keep
certain common characteristics the same.
· Note that the assignment is
testing not only your creative writing skills, but your
understanding of the genre as well.
use of imagery, sound and direct speech.
Do not plagiarize or use any form of AI at all!!!
Turnit in report will highlight everything as well as the university AI Detector!!!
Do not make use of previously used stories no matter how long ago it was
submitted, we will know!