NR 305 Week 4 Assignment: Patient Teaching Plan (graded)

Patient Teaching Plan

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Your Name:                                                                               Date: 07/28/2020

Purpose: The purpose of this Patient Teaching Project is to develop a patient teaching plan and create a visual teaching tool aimed at promoting health and preventing disease for a specified patient population.


This Teaching Plan is Part 1 of the Patient Teaching Project. You will use this Patient Teaching Plan to create a Visual Teaching Tool in Part 2 of this project.

Patient Teaching PlanHEALTH TOPICANSWER  State the topic you have selected for your Teaching Project. (Please select from the list provided in the Teaching Project guidelines located in Module 4.)   Describe in detail why this is an important topic for patient education. Use evidence from the textbook, lesson or an outside scholarly source to support your rationale.Medication Safety at Home Prescription drugs, those that require a medical prescription in order to be acquired, have become a standard form of treatment by healthcare providers worldwide. Current assessments indicate that prescription drug use, accompanied by polypharmacy (the use of at least 5 different medications), has increased in adults over 20 years old for the time period of 1999 – 2012, a trend that is expected to continue in the following years (Kantor et al., 2015). With increasing use of prescription drugs and treatments in the patient’s home, the probabilities of suffering an adverse drug effect, which includes any injury resulting from the use of medication, increases. Adverse drug effects may present as a result of incorrect dosing, accidental ingestion, consumption of the wrong medication or interaction with other elements (drugs, food, drinks) (Lovegrove et al., 2015; Zerillo & Walsh, 2017). Recent estimates indicate that approximately 1.1 million persons a year are admitted to the emergency room for drug poisoning, with people ranging from 20 – 34 years old being the most frequent, while adults over 50 years old had the same prevalence as teenagers under 19 years old (Albert et al., 2015). It is important to point out that 48.3% of admissions were related to poisoning with prescription drugs different from analgesics or sedatives (Albert et al., 2015). Although the data point to adults between the ages of 20 to 34 years old as the demographic group with the most admissions to emergency rooms (Albert et al., 2015), they are not traditionally classified as a population at risk. Children under 6 years old and adults over 65 years old are typically classified as the population at risk, due to their dependence on other people to provide the prescription drugs, decreased cognitive abilities and health literacy and other factors, such as polypharmacy for older adults (Agarwal et al., 2015; Lovegrove et al., 2015; Meyer-Massetti et al., 2018; Zerillo & Walsh, 2017). The Visual Teaching Tool will provide general information on questions that should be asked to the doctor in consults, how to correctly storage prescription medicine and what to look for in the medicine tag. Additionally, two sections will be dedicated to considerations for prescription drug management for children and elders, with special focus on correct dosing and storage for each case.POPULATIONANSWER  Describe, in detail, the characteristics of the population you are planning to teach with the Visual Teaching Tool.    High School Seniors were selected as the population that would be taught with the Visual Teaching Tool. They comprise a group of young adults (between the ages of 17 to 19 years old) that are undergoing several cognitive and developmental changes (Manganello, 2007). Research shows that average adolescents have an optimal capacity to process information and employ reasoning skills necessary for understanding health related literature (Manganello, 2007). Furthermore, it has been reported that knowledge acquired during adolescence influence lifestyle patterns in adulthood (Ghaddar et al., 2012; Manganello, 2007). High school seniors were chosen because of their unique role in the family unit and their optimal cognitive capabilities that allow them to care for themselves as well as other vulnerable members of their families, like children and elders.BARRIERSANSWERWhat are some potential learning barriers for this population of learners? (Barriers might be cultural, physical, educational, or environmental. Refer to the assigned article in the project guidelines for more information.)As high school seniors are already within a daily educational context, the potential learning barriers for this particular population are narrowed down to physiological barriers (decreased eye sight, hearing capabilities or cognitive capabilities) and cultural barriers (particular family or cultural values and main health care decision maker for the patient) (Beagley, 2011). Additional learning barriers may include different learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic), as even in classroom settings students have shown a preference over a particular kind of teaching strategy over the others (Beagley, 2011).  Describe how you could develop your Visual Teaching Tool in a way that will address these potential barriers.    In order to overcome the learning styles and physiological barriers, an interactive Visual Teaching Tool will be developed, taking advantage of the expected technological knowledge for high school seniors, as well as access to smartphones with integrated camera and internet connectivity. Research has shown that access to credible online sources greatly enhances health literacy in adolescents, as well as their interest in health-related topics (Ghaddar et al., 2012). The Visual Teaching Tool will provide QR-codes linked to official government websites that address common practices for home medication safety for children and adults. As cultural barriers are highly variable and are culture specific, the Visual Teaching Tool could be adapted to include a Spanish version with language specific terminology in order to facilitate health literacy understanding, as well as including aspects of different cultural structures within the English text of the Visual Teaching Tool.SETTINGANSWER  Where do you plan to utilize your Visual Teaching Tool? (Examples: primary care clinic, health fair, school, etc…)  The Visual Teaching Tool is designed to be used in schools or academic facilities.  Will you be teaching one-on-one, in small groups, or to a large crowd?  The teaching sessions are designed to deliver the information to small groups (up to 10 students) at a time.LEARNING OBJECTIVESANSWER  Write three specific learning objectives your visual teaching tool will address. Example: At the end of this education, the learner will be able to list 3 benefits of regular physical activity.1. At the end of this education, the learner will be able to list the main questions that should be asked to the healthcare provider when starting to consume a prescription drug.2. At the end of this education, the learner will be able to extract important information from the medication package.3. At the end of this education, the learner will be able to administer the correct dosage to children and elders respectively.EVALUATIONANSWER  Write a paragraph describing how you could evaluate whether your visual teaching tool was successful and met the learning objectives. Consider the population’s abilities and the setting.    Since high school students are proficient at answering written tests, a short multiple-choice questionnaire could be employed in order to evaluate if the objectives were met. Additionally, a hands-on activity could be performed where students are asked to locate important information on the medicine package of some prescription drugs. In that sense, different kind of learning styles are supported in the assessment.REFERENCESANSWER  List any references used to create this Teaching Plan in APA format.  (Hanging indent not required.) Remember to also use in-text citations within this document, when appropriate (Author, year).    Agarwal, M., Williams, J., Tavoulareas, D., & R. Studnek, J. (2015). A Brief Educational Intervention Improves Medication Safety Knowledge in Grandparents of Young Children. AIMS Public Health, 2(1), 44–55. Albert, M., McCaig, L., & Uddin, S. (2015). Emergency department visits for drug poisoning: United States, 2008–2011 (NCHS Data Brief No. 196). National Center for Health Statistics. Beagley, L. (2011). Educating Patients: Understanding Barriers, Learning Styles, and Teaching Techniques. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 26(5), 331–337. Ghaddar, S. F., Valerio, M. A., Garcia, C. M., & Hansen, L. (2012). Adolescent Health Literacy: The Importance of Credible Sources for Online Health Information. Journal of School Health, 82(1), 28–36. Kantor, E. D., Rehm, C. D., Haas, J. S., Chan, A. T., & Giovannucci, E. L. (2015). Trends in Prescription Drug Use Among Adults in the United States From 1999-2012. JAMA, 314(17), 1818. Lovegrove, M. C., Weidle, N. J., & Budnitz, D. S. (2015). Trends in Emergency Department Visits for Unsupervised Pediatric Medication Exposures, 2004-2013. PEDIATRICS, 136(4), e821–e829. Manganello, J. A. (2007). Health literacy and adolescents: A framework and agenda for future research. Health Education Research, 23(5), 840–847. Meyer-Massetti, C., Hofstetter, V., Hedinger-Grogg, B., Meier, C. R., & Guglielmo, B. J. (2018). Medication-related problems during transfer from hospital to home care: Baseline data from Switzerland. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 40(6), 1614–1620. Zerillo, J. A., & Walsh, K. E. (2017). Home Medication Safety and Adherence. In C. E. Dandoy, J. M. Hilden, A. L. Billett, & B. U. Mueller (Eds.), Patient Safety and Quality in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation (pp. 239–252). Springer International Publishing.