NR 439 Week 3 Discussion: The Literature Review and Searching for Evidence

NR 439 Week 3 Discussion: The Literature Review and Searching for Evidence

NR 439 Week 3 Discussion: The Literature Review and Searching for Evidence

The first question asks you to

Locate the literature review section. Summarize using your own words from one of the study/literature findings. Be sure to identify which study you are summarizing.

To clarify, you are not supposed to summarize the findings from THIS study – you are supposed to summarize one of the study findings from within the literature review, and make sure to identify which you are summarizing.

The second question asks you to “Discuss how the author’s review of literature (studies) supported the research purpose/problem.” (This means how did Boyle & Thompson’s review of the literature support Boyle & Thompson’s research purpose/question.)

In order to answer the third question, I strongly suggest that you read the required readings in Houser this week.  You really won’t be able to answer the questions without doing so.

There was a slight error in the discussion questions.  The correct reference for the article for this week should be:

Boyle, D. K. , & Thompson, S. A. (2020). CMSRNs’ continuing competence methods and perceived value of certification: A descriptive study. MEDSURG Nursing, 29(4), 229-254. to an external site.

Also, a reminder that your week 3 assignment is due this week.  Remember to put the actual PICOT letters into the question.  Also remember that not only your topic but also your INTERVENTION must be an independent nursing function.

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Literature review and summarize by using my own words.

After Conducting a large-number survey, The American Board of Nursing Specialties (ABNS) summarized three top facilitators and barriers of obtaining and maintaining nursing certification (Niebuhr & Biel, 2007).

The top three facilitators are:

Reimbursement for exam feesRenewal fees

Continuing education

 The top three barriers are:

Cost of the examLack of institutional support

Lack of time and materials preparing for the exam

Discuss how the author’s review of studies supported the research problem. Share something that was interesting to me as I read through the literature review section.

Boyle uses Niebuhr’s quantitative study “The value of specialty nursing certification” to support her subject matter. Niebuhr’s survey was done on 8,615 certified nurses from 20 ABNS member organizations (Boyle, 2020). Boyle use Niebuhr’s large-sample study to support her theme. The quantitative study gathers information and analyze the data. The study has no report for response percentages. This type of study is attempting to understand the phenomena (Houser, 2018). I was surprised to the fact that lack of institutional support is one of the top three barriers. I have been working in three different medical organizations, and most of my friends are in nursing field. This has never been a barrier for us.

Describe one strategy that I learned that would help me create a strong literature review/research for evidence. Share my thoughts on the importance of a thorough review of the literature.

One strategy I learned that would help me to create a strong literature review/research for evidence is the following. When conducting research, use standard designs, methods, and procedure whenever possible (Houser, 2018). I have also learned to follow steps when evaluating the quality of a research report, and the importance of utilizing trusted unbiased literature to support my research (Houser, 2018). I should use the most recent application literatures as possible. It will help me saving time and having a higher start point. It is also very importance to focus on the research topic and to know designed audiences for the study results. I have learned that besides primary resource information, such as clinical trials; secondary source information, potential search tools that I can trust are CINAHL, MEDLINE/PubMed, PsycINFO, and Cochrane central Register of Controlled trails (Houser, 2018).


Boyle, D. K., & Thompson, S. A. (2020). CMSRNs’ continuing competence methods and perceived value of certification: A descriptive study. MEDSURG Nursing, 29(4), 229-254. to an external site.

Niebuhr, B., & Biel, M. (2007). The value of specialty nursing certification. Nursing Outlook, 55(4), 176-181. to an external site.

Houser, J. (2018). Nursing research: Reading, using, and creating evidence (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett.

       Question 1

Locate the literature review section  Summarize using your own words from one of the study/literature findings.  Be sure to identify which study you are summarizing.

I choose to summarize the Research article: Continuing Competencies: There were four categories of literature noted in the study from 2012-2020.  They were Validation, international, and competencies in the disciplines other than nursing.  It was found that some educational sessions that were utilized lacked quality of knowledge, needed.  The study highlighted that professionals might attend cheap and convenient education courses that lacked quality or are not in what particularly necessary in the practice and in greatest need (Boyle2020).  It also stated that participants “may not be to understand, retain, or use the information provided and attendance in the courses does not ensure changes in practice” (Boyle. 2020).  The review discussed several means of continuing competency    methods through publication and professional presentation, portfolios, and performance formal 360 degree assessment. (Boyle. 2020).  The article mentioned simulations on virtual and actual patients are also accepted but felt there was not enough evidence to support  Simulations were used as means of evaluating competence in credentialing and certifying.

  Question 2

 Discuss how the author’s review of literature (studies) supported the research    purpose/problem.  Share something that was interesting to you as you read through the literature review section.

The research was focused on review of continuing competencies for ensuring certification and credentialing.  The research had four components.  There were 50 or more articles over a time span, so accuracy is evident.  The author quoted Di Leonardi several times.  Di Leonardi was a member of a task force of authors which were sponsored by an organization that has accreditation Board of Specialty Nurse Certification (Leonardi. 2019).  “The task force discovered perspectives on continuing competency and found although licensing and credentialing organization addressed the topic thoroughly, little attention has be devoted to the perspectives of individual clinicians, and recipients of clinician services”.  (Leonardi. 2019).  It was stated by the members of the task force that conducted the study Boyle had did a successful job at contributing research to her review of the studies done by Di Leonardi to address continuing competence by quoting the researcher several times which supported the review.  I found it interesting that the literature review section for continuing competencies didn’t give much merit to using simulation for evaluation  I worked in a    .facility which we had quarterly mock simulation and codes.  It was called over the P.A. system, all necessary departments responded.  We would go the full drill as if it were a real code, then have a debriefing to discuss what could be improved..  This involved nursing, doctors, anesthesia, lab and the house supervisor etc.  I found it quite useful and informative.

Question 3

Describe one strategy that you learned that would help you create a strong literature review research for evidence.  Share your thoughts on the importance of a though review of literature.

The strategy tatt I learned and will adopt is using as much research literature that is available for your Evidence Based research.  Get yourself comfortable with the process, be through in your search don’t be uncomfortable about asking for help.  Don’t try to reinvent the wheel.


Boyle, D. K. & Thompson, S. A. (2020). CMSRNs’ continuing competence methods and perceived value of certification: A descriptive study. MEDSURG Nursing, 29(4), 229-254. to an external site.

 Leonardi, B., Search for more papers by this author, Hagler, D., Marshall, D., Stobinski, J., & Welsh, S. (2019, December 17). From competence to continuing competency. Retrieved March 16, 2021, from to an external site.