NR-599 Week 6 MidWeek Comprehension Question

NR-599 Week 6 MidWeek Comprehension Question

NR-599 Week 6 MidWeek Comprehension Question

The point-of-care tools I will use in my future NP practice include computers and systems like CDSS, EHR, and E-prescribing. I will stay current with new and innovative telecommunication tools in healthcare by joining a professional nursing organization that offers regular informatics training and publishes newsletters with current nursing informatics news and technology advances (Navaz et al., 2021). Besides, I will subscribe to newsletters with technology publications and follow the tech sites they recommend to remain current. In addition, I will attend nursing informatics conferences and informatics events. Conferences are a great opportunity to see innovative technology specific to nursing (Schiavone & Ferretti, 2021). I will listen to industry leaders during the conferences, attend classes, and talk with vendors about their products.

NR-599 Week 6 MidWeek Comprehension Question References

Navaz, A. N., Serhani, M. A., El Kassabi, H. T., Al-Qirim, N., & Ismail, H. (2021). Trends, Technologies, and Key Challenges in Smart and Connected Healthcare. IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions9, 74044–74067.

Schiavone, F., & Ferretti, M. (2021). The FutureS of healthcare. Futures134, 102849.

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As mentioned in this lesson, numerous telecommunications-ready tools are already available to assist nurses in delivering care and improving patients’ health outcomes. New and innovative tools are rapidly making it to the marketplace, making current tools dated and sometimes obsolete. Continue to reflect upon the point-of-care tools you may be familiar with using in your role as a Registered Nurse and how your responsibilities will change with your future role as an APN. How will you stay current? Provide a brief response (100 words or less)