NU 680 Research Paper: Current Trends/Issues for the Nurse Practitioner


Like any other technology, telehealth tech has been the recent advancement in patient care. Telehealth Technology being adopted in healthcare has fostered diagnosis and treatment for patients. The tech became effective in the early 2000s, and at present, it has been widely deployed. Nursing Practitioners (NPs) are expected to adopt the technology and train how to use it to provide patient care services. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has defined it as a technology used for transmitting electronic information, also understood as telecommunication. The first telecommunication technology was launched in Australia back in 1928. As time passes, healthcare specialists have been preferring the advanced technologies that have been limited due to the lack of enough professionals knowing how to utilize them in providing care services. Another problem with the adoption of new technology is the fact that there has been a shortage of professionals in the healthcare field to cater to all the needs of patients. The pros of adopting telehealth technology in patient care include it saving on patients’ expenses and that there are regulations in the US allowing the use of advanced technology in healthcare. The cons are that the regulations also limit who could use the technology and limits the chances of patients receiving physical examination services from care providers. The research paper looks into the adoption of telehealth technology and its utilization as it is perceived to be a positive move for NPs to continue offering reliable and effective healthcare services to patients.

Keywords: Telehealth, Telemedicine, Telecommunication, Nursing Practitioners (NPs) & Patient Care.

Background and Context

The use of cutting-edge technology in patient care is called telehealth, a recent trend in healthcare. NPs are required to be knowledgeable about the current developments in the world by receiving training and actively making use of these systems. Depending on the outcomes of the systems, patients can be diagnosed and treated in a variety of healthcare settings. The telehealth technologies that are used today to provide healthcare services have their pros and cons too as far as public health is concerned. The technology has led to successful and failed interventions of NPs in healthcare delivery. The world is said to change when healthcare professionals use technology to provide professional services with guidance on how to do it as supported by the systems. NPs have to be prepared at all costs to adapt to these technologies as well as learn how to apply them in their practice.

How has the use of telehealth technology accommodated social justice and equity in patient care? Using Patient Intervention Comparison and Outcome (PICO), the question can be answered as:

Patient – the elderly populations receiving public care services from NPs.

Intervention – using telehealth technology to reach those in rural areas.

Comparison – the use of advanced technology as compared to the past interventions that included physical assessments that limited the number of assisted patients.

Outcomes – Telehealth technology improved healthcare service delivery in the US.

Telehealth initiatives had proven effective in delivering patient care by the early 2000s, and telemedicine technology was extensively deployed. Adopting technology technologies helped numerous healthcare institutions ensure that individuals were not misdiagnosed or given the incorrect medications for unexplained health concerns. During the COVID-19 pandemic, when healthcare workers used cutting-edge technology to screen for the virus, telehealth systems were used recently. The successful delivery of care is a result of the systems’ successful utilization. NPs must thus accept new technologies, learn how to utilize them, and employ them to benefit patient care. In this research, there will be an identification of how there is a problem of delayed use of technology in healthcare. The interventions to solve the problem include using telehealth technologies to provide healthcare services to the public. Adapting to telehealth technology needs to be done as soon as possible to facilitate the delivery of care services in all patient fields, public and private sectors.

The Use of Telehealth Technology in Patient Care

Due to the current wave of technological changes in the globe today, nurses have been forced to adapt to using telehealth technologies to boost patient care. Nursing practitioners should adapt to technology to facilitate patient care. Most of the patients have an access to healthcare facilities and can contact them using their communication gadgets. The problem identified for this research is the issue of providing effective healthcare services to the public using recommendable technologies. The paper will focus on the interventions of healthcare practitioners in the efforts to ensure that the adapted technology is applied in service delivery. The NPs have to learn how to use and control the system for successful interventions. The expected achievements are improving healthcare service delivery to everyone in the public and private sectors.  In the technologically developing world today, NPs must adapt to telehealth technology as a way of transforming how patient care is provided.

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) defines telehealth as the use of technology to transmit electronic information, also known as telecommunication (, 2019). As recorded in healthcare history, telehealth and telemedicine were discovered many decades ago, and in 1906 the first electrocardiogram was made. Since then, Alaska has continued being the heart of most telehealth tech used for telemedicine purposes throughout the decades. It is also recorded that the first radio communication technology used in healthcare had its origins in Australia, in 1928. The technology has been upgraded from the old system of patient care where manual records were kept leading to delayed service delivery. The systems that are currently used hold vital information about patients and their care strategies to help them improve healthcare delivery and communication.

The Intervention of Nursing Practitioners and Challenges

It has been discovered that telehealth has received widespread referrals from experts working in distant healthcare institutions. Many specialists prefer using the new technologies as they are upgraded and support the saving of patient records. It is also modified in ways that allow the organizing of medication and scheduled visits to the patients. The use of technology has been extended to reach remote populations. Specialists with the skills to use the technology utilize them to serve in public health. The interventions of NPs in utilizing the technology have called for healthcare-providing departments to encourage specialists in getting trained on their usage. The interventions will help in ensuring that every healthcare specialist is participating in providing quality and guided services to patients. There are ways of supporting the NPs’ interventions by using the tech.

There has been a recorded critical shortage of professionals dealing with mental health challenges in the past in the US. The issue of mental health has been found to affect people of all ages, races, ethnicity, and social classes in society today (Bashshur et al., 2016). According to this research conducted by several scholars in healthcare, it was found that the intervention of specialists to help the public in solving the issue was influenced by the availability of telehealth tech. the intervention of professionals using the tech was through communicating with professionals who could guide them in providing mental healthcare services to the affected populations. The diagnosis procedures being laid out using the systems helped the nurses in learning about different mental health issues, how to provide therapy, and organizing follow-ups for their clients. The intervention to emphasize the use of telehealth tech succeeded due to support between professionals and allies supporting the practices.

In comparison to how services were delivered in the 20th century, the future of deploying telehealth services is brighter. Having telehealth technology leveraged is the main objective of healthcare professionals. This is due to the technology creating opportunities for extended healthcare services to remote and urban patients. To achieve a sustainable development objective in the future of public healthcare, Sankaran (2020) contends that technology must be utilized. In this context, it can be understood that professionals also adapting to a change in technology when delivering care services has been successful.

Utilization and Control of Telehealth Technology

Having control of the telehealth technology to be used in different public health services fields is a challenge that affects caregivers. The technology has been designed to give directions to the practitioners to ensure that they are providing the appropriate services. Having control of the systems requires them to have access and limit the usage as they also engage in other nursing activities. The control that healthcare professionals have over technology needs to be effective to allow the best performances in the fields. Telehealth technology has been made with controls that help NPs and other healthcare practitioners to access patient portals as well as review their devices that are modified to be wearable.

In the technological era today, patients can have their portals created with their information and the description of their conditions. This helps any healthcare professional with the skills to interpret the data in a position to serve a patient. This control method has helped in ensuring patients can get care anywhere and at any time. Additionally, the wearable devices record the patient’s health status and can be used to help health professionals identify those that need emergency and regular checkups. This control strategy has saved healthcare professionals time and resources that could have been utilized in providing physical and regular home visits. It has also led to easy ways of ensuring that patients have their information recorded on their portals that do not require them to go through tests every time they need help.

The world today has been facing distracting issues that have been caused by natural calamities and pandemics that are affecting many people’s lives. In recent years, there has been a deadly virus, COVID, that has claimed many lives globally. It is through such pandemics that governments and involved healthcare professionals come up with a way to solve the issue. In the COVID situation, telecommunication and telehealth technologies were utilized to ensure that information was shared globally about the disease (Carneiro et al., 2022). These technologies led to increased communication and global support experiences that supported extreme measures to help patients prevent themselves. There were collaborations in passing information across the globe from researchers, virus specialists, doctors, nurses, and other healthcare specialists. The information helped in ensuring that people were cred and prevented from the virus. The outcome of these technologies at this moment saved the world from a pandemic that could have been uncontrollable without effective communication.

Pros and Cons of Telehealth Tech

The use of telehealth tech has its pros and cons. Saving on expenses is one of the advantages of having telehealth technologies employed in healthcare. Telehealth has been considered a possible worldwide healthcare cost-cutting measure (Jong, Mendez, & Jong, 2019). Canada benefits from technology since it has adopted it and is compelled to use and improve it for effective service delivery. Many other nations have been following the benefiting trends and have seen success. In the United States, legislation governing the use of the technologies was created between 2008 and 2015. (Schmit et al., 2019). Due to this, there have also been some regulations put to ensure the technology is utilized accordingly.

Patient satisfaction is proof of successful care service delivery. Kyle, Blendon, Findling, & Benson (2021) claim that telemedicine services have improved patient satisfaction across the US. It has been confirmed by most patients that the services provided met their expectations. According to the study, the majority of patients and people connected to them saw it as a significant step toward the country’s adoption of digital healthcare.

On the other hand, there are several cons connected to the world adapting to the use of telehealth tech in providing care. The first disadvantage is the regulations made in the industry on the usage of technology in healthcare services provision. The barriers have led to many specialists not adapting to the tech. The second con is the limitation of physical examinations for patients. Patients have faced reduced interventions with service providers leading to delayed and poor healthcare services to some point. Lastly, there has been the issue of equipment and technology unavailability. The expensive technology-acquiring procedures have led to many specialists not adapting to the systems. As a result, the delivery of care services has been limited to those who can afford the technology.

This research has supported the study of how telehealth technology can be utilized in the United States. NPs must adjust to telehealth technologies in the modern, technologically advanced environment to change the way patient care is delivered. This is significant because patients receiving care via telehealth technologies have observed improvements in their health as a result of the systems’ accuracy and dependability in providing patient follow-up services. The healthcare fields need to consider choosing effective technology that emphasizes solving a health problem, supporting NPs intervention, enabling easy control of the systems, and promoting successful outcomes from their utilization. There should also be a consideration of pros, cons, and recommendations. Therefore, adapting these technologies will have a positive impact on how healthcare services are delivered across the US.


Bashshur, R. L., Shannon, G. W., Bashshur, N., & Yellowlees, P. M. (2016). The empirical evidence for telemedicine interventions in mental disorders. Telemedicine and e-Health22(2), 87-113.

Carneiro, A. C., de Pinho, G. S., Belo, J. V., Bolonhini, S., Carneiro Neto, M. B., Mallet Toueg, A., & Fernandes, A. G. (2022). Outcomes of telemedicine care during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experience from an intervention program designed for vulnerable population in Brazil. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 1357633X221089151. (2019). What is Telehealth? Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved from: 

Jong, M., Mendez, I., & Jong, R. (2019). Enhancing access to care in northern rural communities via telehealth. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 78(2), 1554174.

Kyle, M. A., Blendon, R. J., Findling, M. G., & Benson, J. M. (2021). Telehealth use and satisfaction among US households: results of a national Survey. Journal of patient experience, 8, 23743735211052737.

Sankaran, G. (2020). Leveraging Technology for Attaining Sustainable Development Goal 3: The Road Ahead. In Technology and Global Public Health (pp. 195-202). Springer, Cham.

Schmit, C. D., Ferdinand, A. O., Callaghan, T., Kageyama, M., Nima Khodakarami, M. B. A., & Morrisey, M. A. (2019). The development of telehealth laws in the US from 2008 to 2015: A legal landscape. Policy Brief

This assignment was locked Dec 24, 2022 at 11:59pm.


Students will identify a current trend or issue that impacts the role or practice of the Adult-Gerontological Nurse Practitioner

You will write a five-page research paper in APA format describing a current issue or topicthat impacts practice for AG PCNP’s

APA format includes: Title Page, 12-pt font, double-spacing, proper in-text and reference page citations, proper formatted headings

Your paper must have at least 5 scholarly sources other than the textbook, published in the past 5 years. In addition to these 5 sources, you can also cite the textbook, non-scholarly sources, and sources >5 years old.

You may include your opinion in your paper if you choose

All work is to be submitted through Canvas and assessed for plagiarism

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Research Paper Rubric NU-680

CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Paper FocusPurpose/Position Statement5 to >4.5 pts ExemplaryIdentifies a relevant research topic and a thesis that provides direction for the paper that is engaging and thought provoking, The thesis clearly and concisely states a relevant current issue and explains its impact on AGPCNP practice; focus is consistently maintained throughout the paper. 4.5 to >4.0 pts AccomplishedIdentifies a relevant research topic and a thesis that provides adequate direction for the paper with some degree of interest for the reader. The thesis states a relevant current issue and explains its impact on AGPCNP practice; focus is mostly maintained throughout the paper. 4 to >3.5 pts DevelopingIdentifies a research topic but may be too broad in scope and/or the thesis is somewhat unclear and needs to be developed further. Focal point is not consistently maintained throughout the paper. Current issue is not well defined, and/or not convincingly and rigorously related to AGPCNP practice. 3.5 to >0 pts UnsatisfactoryFails to identify a relevant research topic or is not clearly defined and/or the paper lacks focus throughout. Current issue is poorly defined, and/or not convincingly related to AGPCNP practice.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome AnalysisAnalysis of research topic and thesis7.5 to >6.75 pts ExemplaryDemonstrates a sophisticated understanding and careful, critical analysis of the research topic and thesis (argument). Draws original and thoughtful conclusions with future implications. 6.75 to >6.0 pts AccomplishedDemonstrates an understanding and some critical analysis of the research topic and thesis (argument). 6 to >5.25 pts DevelopingDemonstrates general understanding with limited critical analysis of the research topic and thesis (argument). 5.25 to >0 pts UnsatisfactoryDemonstrates a lack of understanding and inadequate analysis of the research topic and thesis.7.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome EvidenceQuality of Sources7.5 to >6.75 pts ExemplaryProvides compelling and accurate evidence to support in-depth the central position. Research sources are highly relevant, accurate, and reliable and add to the strength of the paper, and are effectively referenced and cited throughout the paper. 6.75 to >6.0 pts AccomplishedProvides essential, accurate evidence to support the central position with the required (5) scholarly research sources from the past 5 years that are mostly relevant, accurate, and reliable. Sources are referenced and cited appropriately throughout the paper for the most part. 6 to >5.25 pts DevelopingProvides some evidence to support the central position with only a few research sources. Some sources may not be relevant, accurate, and reliable and/or appropriately referenced and cited in the paper. 5.25 to >0 pts UnsatisfactoryLacks sufficient research sources to support the central position and/or, if included, are generally not relevant, accurate, or reliable. Contains numerous factual mistakes, omissions, or oversimplifications. Sources, if included, are not properly referenced and cited in the paper.7.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Organization2.5 to >2.25 pts ExemplaryPaper is effectively organized. Ideas are arranged logically, flow smoothly, with a strong progression of thought from paragraph to paragraph connecting to the central position. Includes all required components (introduction, body, conclusion, references, etc.). 2.25 to >2.0 pts AccomplishedPaper is adequately organized. Ideas are arranged reasonably with a progression of thought from paragraph to paragraph connecting to the central position. Includes required components (introduction, body, conclusion, references, etc.) for the most part. 2 to >1.75 pts DevelopingPaper is somewhat organized, although occasionally ideas from paragraph to paragraph may not flow well and/or connect to the central position or be clear as a whole. May be missing a required component and/or components may be less than complete. 1.75 to >0 pts UnsatisfactoryPaper lacks logical organization, impeding readers’ comprehension of ideas. Central position is rarely evident from paragraph to paragraph and/or the paper is missing multiple required components.2.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Writing QualityWriting Quality & Adherence to Format Guidelines2.5 to >2.25 pts ExemplaryPaper is well written and clear, using APA guidelines. Basically free from grammar, punctuation, spelling, usage, or formatting errors. Length is 5 pages. 2.25 to >2.0 pts AccomplishedPaper follows APA guidelines. Minor errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, usage, and/or formatting. Length is 5 pages. 2 to >1.75 pts DevelopingPaper follows APA guidelines. Minor errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, usage, and/or formatting. Length is 5 pages. 1.75 to >0 pts UnsatisfactoryPaper is well written and clear, using APA guidelines. Basically free from grammar, punctuation, spelling, usage, or formatting errors. Length is 5 pages.2.5 pts
Total Points: 25