Sample Answer for NUR 631 TOPIC 1 DQ 2 Included After Question
Use the “Discussion Forum Sample” to answer two of the following questions.
What is the difference between epigenetics and genetics?
In nurse practitioner clinical practice, how would one apply the principles of epigenetics when determining the plan of care for a patient?
What is the difference between hyperplasia, dysplasia, and metaplasia in relation to epigenetic disorders?
A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NUR 631 TOPIC 1 DQ 2
Title: NUR 631 TOPIC 1 DQ 2
The master plan in life program is DNA and its ability to reproduce a diversity of physical and behavioral traits. In addition, when a disease is found by alterations in the cellular genetic control of the DNA, then the change and sequence of the Nucleotides give birth to changes in cellular physiology and gene mapping that increase curiosity to the now study of Genetics
In contrast, to Genetics and specific rules the Epigenetic remains a topic of discussion with the scientific community. The term is used for modifications that are not encoded in the nucleotide sequence but are transmitted when a somatic cell divides when gametes are produced in germline inheritance (McCane & Huerther, 2018). The definition of Epigenetic is referred to modulation on how a given set of genomic information gives rise to phenotype. Moreover, including chemical modifications to DNA by histones, production of small regulatory RNA molecules and regulation epigenetic processes at transcription or translation (McCane & Huether, 2018).
Th clinician needs to be clear and prudent with information that are explained in terms of how this condition is not at fault on family but on genetic disorder that research is continuation of screening is ongoing. Provide information on counseling and child protection.
Capriotti, T. (20AD, April 2). Davis Advantage for pathophysiology: Introductory concepts and clinical perspectives. Google Books.
McCance, K. L., & Huether, S. E. (2018). Pathophysiology (8th ed.). Elsevier Health Sciences.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Genetics is defined as the study of genes and heredity, where certain traits are passed from parents to children as result of changes to DNA sequence (National Institute of General Medical Science, n.d.). Epigenetics is defined as the study of behaviors and environment that can cause changes in the way genes work (What is Epigenetics?, 2022) Unlike genetics, epigenetics changes can be reversed and do not change DNA sequences (What is Epigenetics?, 2022). An example of epigenetics I came across was changes in DNA methylation in smokers versus nonsmokers. When looking at studies of the AHRR gene in people who smoke, there were less findings of DNA methylation in comparison to nonsmokers (What is Epigenetics?, 2022). However, if smokers quit there has been evidence of increased DNA methylation in this gene over time (What is Epigenetics?, 2022).
As mentioned above, people who smoke can develop changes in DNA methylation. The role of a nurse practitioner would be to educate on the health risks and counsel the patient in a compassionate way on the negative health effects of their lifestyle choice. Another example I came across is nutrition during a mother’s pregnancy and the effects on the baby. A mother’s environment and the food she eats during pregnancy can greatly effect the babies epigenetics (What is Epigenetics?, 2022). Epigenetic changes established during pregnancy can sometimes remain for decades and might predispose the baby to certain diseases (What is Epigenetics, 2022). So the role of an informed and compassionate nurse practitioner would be of great significance to a pregnant patient unaware of the importance of nutrition and environment during pregnancy term.
Hyperplasia, metaplasia, and dysplasia are all terms referring to abnormal cell growth. As seen in epigenetic disorders, these three types of abnormal cell growth are all reversible because they’re results of a stimulus (Cancer Terms | SEER Training, n.d.). Hyperplasia is defined as an abnormal increase in cells, which are within a normal tissue component and arranged in a normal fashion with subsequent growth of the affected part (Cancer Terms | SEER Training, n.d.) An example of this is thyroid hyperplasia, which is enlargement of the thyroid gland caused by abnormal growth of epithelial cells lining the follicles (Cancer Terms | SEER Training, n.d.). Metaplasia refers to the replacement of a mature cell type with another mature cell type (Cancer Terms | SEER Training, n.d.). An example of metaplasia is squamous metaplasia of the respiratory columnar epithelium, which is seen by the metaplastic cough of a smoker (Cancer Terms | SEER Training, n.d.). Dysplasia refers to the replacement of one mature cell type with a lesser mature cell type; as seen in the dysplasia of cervix epithelium (Cancer Terms | SEER Training, n.d.).
Cancer Terms | SEER Training. (n.d.).
National Institute of General Medical Sciences. (n.d.). National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS).
What is Epigenetics? | CDC. (2022, August 15). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.,and%20your%20behaviors%20and%20environment.