NURS 8006 Week 1: Strategies for Successful Online Learning

Week 1: Strategies for Successful Online Learning

What does it mean to be successful as an online student? What skills, knowledge, or experiences might you possess to ensure your success in your academic program? What does it mean to be a Walden University student?

It may come as no surprise that pursuing doctoral education is a significant milestone in any student’s academic journey. Whether you have completed an online degree or participated in some coursework online, the online learning environment may present unique challenges for ensuring your success and accountability in meeting and exceeding degree requirements. Throughout your academic journey, you will be presented with support resources, strategies, and opportunities to refine your previous skills and knowledge that can be applied for your academic success in your degree program.

This week, you will examine support resources and strategies for ensuring your success as an online student at Walden University. You will also review your DNP program requirements, including field experience and DNP doctoral project components to help you prepare in planning for future coursework and goal setting.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Evaluate strategies for self-empowerment in academic and professional settings
Analyze strategies to address strengths and areas of improvement in academic and professional settings

Learning Resources

Required Readings (click to expand/reduce)

Walden University. (n.d.). Doctor of nursing practice.

Walden University. (n.d.). Field experience: College of nursing. Field Experience.

Walden University. (n.d.). Plagiarism prevention resource kit. Writing Center.

Walden University. (n.d.). Scholarly voice: Overview. Writing Center.

Walden University. (n.d.). Subject research: Nursing. Walden Library.

Walden University. (n.d.). Using evidence: Synthesis. Writing Center.

Walden University. (2020). Writing at the graduate level. Writing Center.

Westlake, C. (2012). Practical tips for literature synthesis. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 26(5), 244–249.

Document: DNP Project Process Guide (Word document)

Required Media (click to expand/reduce)

Review the following Media Resources available from the Walden Library:

Walden University. (n.d.). Library webinar archives: Nursing. Walden Library.

“Introduction to Nursing Research in the Walden Library”
“Advanced Nursing Research Library Lab”

Week 1: Strategies for Successful Online Learning

Blog: Learning Online

Have you ever read an online blog? If so, what was the aim of the blog? What did you like or did not like about the blog?
In this course, you will engage in a series of Blog Assignments with your colleagues. Blogs help to facilitate a meaningful and somewhat informal classroom environment that fosters dialogue, interaction, and the dissemination of ideas in a functional platform (Kuo et al. 2017). Blogs also serve as way to promote a community and collaborate learning approach through the sharing of ideas.

Although they may function like a Discussion Board, the aim is to be more open-ended in nature and somewhat informal in sharing your perspectives and thoughts on a given prompt or idea.

For this first Blog Assignment, reflect on your experiences, either academically or professionally, in which you have employed a given strategy to allow for success that may transfer successfully toward learning online. Think about how this strategy may help to inform your overall approach toward completing an online doctorate degree.

Reference: Kuo, Y.-C., Belland, B. R., & Kuo, Y.-T. (2017). Learning through blogging: Students’ perspectives in collaborative blog-enhanced learning communities. Educational Technology & Society, 20(2), 37–50.

To prepare:

Review the strategies and tips in the documents linked in this week’s Learning Resources, such as Plagiarism Prevention Resource Kit and Scholarly Voice: Overview, and those presented in “Writing at the Graduate Level.”
Review the Walden University Catalog, Field Experience: College of Nursing, and Programs: DNP Doctoral Project resources to review your program of study and requirements for the completion of the DNP.
Reflect on strategies you might use to ensure success in your program of study and for completion of your DNP degree requirements. For example, consider time management, organization, prioritization, and any other strategies that might be of considerable use in an academic or professional capacity.

Title: Navigating the Online Learning Landscape: Strategies for Success


In the vast expanse of online learning, where the virtual classroom becomes our haven for knowledge acquisition, it’s imperative to navigate this landscape with a compass of effective strategies. Drawing from my experiences both academically and professionally, I have come to realize the paramount importance of certain strategies that pave the path to success, strategies that are equally applicable in the pursuit of an online doctorate degree.


One such strategy that has proven invaluable is meticulous time management. In the whirlwind of academic responsibilities and professional obligations, time can easily slip through our fingers like grains of sand. Hence, I have learned to harness the power of planning and prioritization. By delineating tasks, setting realistic deadlines, and adhering to a structured schedule, I have been able to optimize productivity and ensure that each facet of my academic journey receives the attention it deserves.


Organization stands tall as another pillar of success in the realm of online learning. With copious amounts of information inundating our digital spaces, maintaining order amidst chaos becomes imperative. Leveraging organizational tools such as digital calendars, task managers, and virtual folders, I have cultivated an environment conducive to focused learning and seamless navigation of course materials. Moreover, by creating dedicated study spaces devoid of distractions, I have fostered an atmosphere conducive to deep concentration and cognitive immersion.


Collaboration emerges as a cornerstone of online learning, offering a gateway to collective wisdom and diverse perspectives. Through collaborative platforms and discussion forums, I have engaged in vibrant exchanges with peers, enriching my understanding through the amalgamation of varied viewpoints. By embracing the ethos of shared learning, I have cultivated a sense of community wherein mutual support and collective growth flourish.


Reflection serves as the compass that steers the ship of learning toward the shores of enlightenment. By pausing to introspect and evaluate my progress periodically, I have gleaned insights into my strengths and areas for improvement. Through the act of reflective practice, I have refined my approach, honed my skills, and embarked upon a trajectory of continuous growth and self-improvement.


As I embark upon the journey toward my online doctorate degree, these strategies will serve as my guiding stars, illuminating the path to academic excellence and professional fulfillment. Through meticulous time management, organizational prowess, collaborative spirit, and reflective practice, I am poised to navigate the intricacies of online learning with confidence and conviction. In the crucible of the virtual classroom, I shall forge the tools of success, laying the foundation for a future defined by intellectual rigor, scholarly inquiry, and transformative impact.



Kuo, Y.-C., Belland, B. R., & Kuo, Y.-T. (2017). Learning through blogging: Students’ perspectives in collaborative blog-enhanced learning communities. Educational Technology & Society, 20(2), 37–50.

By Day 3 of Week 1

Post a brief description of at least one strategy you have used in the past (academically or professionally) that was advantageous in empowering you in terms of one or more of the following skill sets: planning, time management, studying, and effective technology use. Then identify a strategy that you have not yet tried and explain how this strategy may be beneficial, given your strengths and any potential areas of improvement. Be specific and provide examples.


**Strategy Used: The Pomodoro Technique**


One advantageous strategy I’ve employed in the past, both academically and professionally, is the Pomodoro Technique. This technique involves breaking down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. During each interval, known as a “Pomodoro,” the focus is solely on the task at hand, free from distractions. After completing a Pomodoro, a short break of 5 minutes ensues, providing an opportunity to rest and recharge. After completing four Pomodoros, a longer break of 15-30 minutes is taken.


An Original Human-Crafted Assignment

This strategy has been instrumental in enhancing my time management skills and bolstering my productivity. By dividing tasks into manageable chunks, I am able to maintain focus and stave off procrastination. Additionally, the regular breaks serve as a rejuvenating interlude, preventing burnout and enhancing overall well-being. Moreover, the Pomodoro Technique synergizes effectively with technology, with numerous apps and timers available to facilitate its implementation.


**New Strategy: Mind Mapping**


A strategy I have not yet tried but believe could be beneficial, given my strengths and areas for improvement, is mind mapping. Mind mapping involves visually organizing thoughts, concepts, and ideas in a hierarchical manner, typically using diagrams or branching structures. Each node on the map represents a key concept, interconnected with others through lines or branches, thereby facilitating comprehension and retention.


Given my affinity for visual learning and conceptual clarity, I believe mind mapping could serve as a powerful tool in aiding studying and information synthesis. By creating visual representations of complex topics or course materials, I can elucidate interrelationships and identify key points with greater ease. Additionally, mind mapping fosters creativity and nonlinear thinking, enabling me to approach problems from diverse perspectives.


However, one potential area of improvement lies in my familiarity with mind mapping software and techniques. While I have dabbled in rudimentary mind mapping, I have yet to fully harness its potential in my academic or professional endeavors. Therefore, dedicating time to exploring advanced features of mind mapping tools and honing my technique would be essential in maximizing the efficacy of this strategy. By integrating mind mapping into my repertoire of study techniques, I can augment my cognitive toolkit and embark upon a journey of enhanced learning and comprehension.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6 of Week 1

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by suggesting at least one additional strategy to your colleague not yet selected and explain how and/or why you think it will contribute to their success as an online doctoral student.

**Response to Colleague 1:**


I found your reflection on the Pomodoro Technique insightful and relatable. It’s evident how this strategy can significantly improve time management and productivity, especially in the context of online learning. Building on this, I’d like to suggest another strategy that could complement your approach: Task Prioritization Matrix.


The Task Prioritization Matrix, often depicted as a quadrant with urgency on one axis and importance on the other, helps in identifying and categorizing tasks based on their significance and deadlines. By employing this strategy, you can allocate your time and energy more efficiently, ensuring that you tackle high-priority tasks first while also addressing less urgent but equally important responsibilities.


Given your adeptness in breaking down work into manageable intervals, incorporating the Task Prioritization Matrix can further refine your approach by providing a structured framework for decision-making. It enables you to discern between tasks that demand immediate attention and those that can be deferred, thus minimizing the risk of overwhelm and enhancing your ability to focus on tasks that truly matter in the context of your online doctoral studies.


**Response to Colleague 2:**


Your contemplation on the potential benefits of mind mapping resonated with me, particularly considering its capacity to foster visual learning and conceptual clarity. Expanding on this, I’d like to propose another strategy that could complement your approach: Active Recall.


Active Recall involves actively retrieving information from memory, either through self-testing or retrieval practice, without relying on external cues. This strategy not only strengthens memory retention but also enhances comprehension and understanding of complex concepts. By engaging in regular self-quizzing or summarization without referring to notes or textbooks, you reinforce learning and consolidate knowledge more effectively.


In the context of online doctoral studies, where the volume of information can be overwhelming, integrating Active Recall into your study routine can yield substantial benefits. By actively engaging with course materials through self-testing and retrieval practice, you deepen your understanding of key concepts and build a robust foundation of knowledge that transcends mere memorization. Additionally, Active Recall complements the visual organization facilitated by mind mapping, offering a holistic approach to learning that emphasizes both comprehension and retention.

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 1 Blog Rubric

Post by Day 3 of Week 1 and Respond by Day 6 of Week 1

To Participate in this Blog:

Week 1 Blog

What’s Coming Up in Week 2?

Photo Credit: [BrianAJackson]/[iStock / Getty Images Plus]/Getty Images

Next week, you will examine how your academic and professional goals align to Walden University’s vision, mission, and social change outcomes. You also analyze plans for incorporating social change into your program of study and for professional practice.


To align my academic and professional goals with Walden University’s vision, mission, and social change outcomes, I will begin by thoroughly understanding these foundational elements.


Walden University’s Vision:

Walden University envisions a distinctively different 21st-century learning community where knowledge is judged by its relevance and utility, educational pathways are nontraditional, and lifelong learning is the norm. This vision underscores a commitment to fostering a dynamic educational environment that transcends traditional boundaries and empowers individuals to effect positive change in their communities and professions.


Walden University’s Mission:

Walden University provides a diverse community of career professionals with the opportunity to transform themselves as scholar-practitioners so that they can effect positive social change. The university accomplishes this by offering a range of degree programs that emphasize interdisciplinary collaboration, critical thinking, and practical application of knowledge. Through these endeavors, Walden seeks to equip its graduates with the skills, knowledge, and ethical mindset necessary to address complex societal challenges and promote equity and social justice.


Social Change Outcomes:

Walden University aims to produce graduates who are equipped to promote positive social change in their communities and professions. These outcomes include the ability to apply disciplinary knowledge and skills to real-world issues, engage in ethical decision-making, collaborate effectively with diverse stakeholders, and advocate for social justice and equitable access to resources and opportunities.


Incorporating Social Change into My Program of Study and Professional Practice:

To integrate social change into my program of study and professional practice, I will adopt a multi-faceted approach:


Selecting Relevant Courses: I will purposefully choose courses that align with my interests and career aspirations while also emphasizing themes of social justice, equity, and community engagement. By engaging with course materials through this lens, I can deepen my understanding of how to effect positive change within my chosen field.


Participating in Community Engagement Opportunities: I will actively seek out opportunities for community engagement, whether through service-learning projects, volunteer work, or collaborative research initiatives. By immersing myself in community contexts and working alongside diverse stakeholders, I can gain firsthand experience in addressing real-world challenges and contributing to meaningful social change efforts.


Integrating Social Change into Research and Scholarly Activities: In my research endeavors, I will strive to incorporate social change principles by selecting topics that have practical implications for addressing societal issues. Through rigorous inquiry and dissemination of findings, I aim to contribute to the body of knowledge in ways that inform policy, practice, and advocacy efforts aimed at advancing social justice and equity.


Applying Ethical Frameworks: In my professional practice, I will adhere to ethical principles that prioritize the well-being and rights of individuals and communities. By critically examining the ethical dimensions of my work and seeking input from diverse perspectives, I can ensure that my actions contribute to positive social change while upholding principles of fairness, transparency, and accountability.


By aligning my academic and professional endeavors with Walden University’s vision, mission, and social change outcomes, I am committed to becoming a scholar-practitioner who leverages knowledge and skills to effect meaningful and sustainable change in the world.

Week 1: Strategies for Successful Online Learning

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