NURS 8006 Week 3: AACN Essentials for the Doctorally Prepared Nurse

Week 3: AACN Essentials for the Doctorally Prepared Nurse

[The AACN DNP] Essentials outline the foundational competencies that are core to all advanced practice roles, including the four nationally-recognized Advanced Practice Registered Nursing roles: nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, nurse anesthetists, and nurse midwives.

— American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2006)

What does it mean to be a DNP-prepared nurse? What core function of advanced nursing practice do you hope to practice upon completion of your DNP? How will earning a DNP enhance your nursing practice?

Questions such as these may represent some underlying consideration that led you to pursue a DNP. In your role as a DNP-prepared nurse, you will likely be called upon to perform advanced nursing practice skills that not only enhance patient care but will impact the delivery of healthcare, organizational standards, and quality improvement initiatives.

This week, you consider the role of a nurse with a practice doctorate, including the expectations associated with obtaining a DNP degree. You reflect on your personal motivations for pursuing a doctoral degree and begin to examine how your proposed Doctoral Project and practicum/field experience will align to the AACN DNP Essentials.


American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2006). DNP essentials.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Analyze the role of a nurse with a practice doctorate
Analyze expectations associated with obtaining the DNP degree
Analyze personal motivations for pursing a doctoral degree
Explain the role of the DNP-prepared nurse in meeting organizational quality improvement needs
Evaluate alignment between the AACN DNP Essentials and completion of Doctoral Projects
Evaluate alignment between the AACN DNP Essentials and completion of a practicum/field experience

Learning Resources

Required Readings (click to expand/reduce)

Discussion: The Doctoral Degree and Professional Nursing Practice

A doctoral degree carries a certain set of expectations associated with the completion of advanced educational attainment. Earning a DNP degree is no exception. What are the expectations associated with a DNP-prepared nurse? How might these expectations differ among nursing staff without a DNP degree?

The role of a DNP-prepared nurse is multifaceted; they can serve as nurse educators, policy and legislation advocates, direct nursing care supervisors, or advanced practice nurses responsible for tracking, installing, and monitoring initiatives aimed at improving nursing and healthcare delivery. Regardless of the expectations associated with a DNP-prepared nurse, throughout your program of study, you will hone the skills necessary to enact each of these roles. Consider which role you are most excited about. What do you hope to accomplish in the realm of professional nursing practice with your DNP degree?

For this Discussion, reflect on your personal motivations to pursue a DNP degree. Consider the expectations associated with the DNP-prepared nurse, including how these may differ with a PhD-prepared nurse. Reflect on the DNP degree requirements, including your practicum/field experience and completion of your Doctoral Project. Then, think about how you will demonstrate the alignment of the AACN DNP Essentials to the completion of these program-of-study milestones.

To prepare:

Review the Learning Resources and reflect on the reasons you have chosen to pursue a DNP degree. How do you anticipate that earning this degree will support your professional goals?
Reflect on the differences between DNP and PhD degrees. How may this relate to your decision to pursue the DNP degree?
Review the degree requirements for completing your DNP at Walden. Specifically, consider the focus of the Doctoral Project and practicum experiences as discussed in the DNP Essentials Keep in mind that you will be required to identify a site or sites for completion of your DNP project and your practicum hours required for the degree. You can refer to the Field Experience requirements presented in the Learning Resources.

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After reviewing the DNP Essentials document and the Project Process Guide for the DNP project, reflect on what it means to address an organization’s needs to attend to a gap in practice or implement a practice change. What is the difference between a gap in practice and a practice change? How does your role as the DNP-prepared nurse contribute to meeting a stakeholder need?

Week 3: AACN Essentials for the Doctorally Prepared Nurse


As I reflect on my personal motivations for pursuing a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree, I am drawn to the multifaceted role that DNP-prepared nurses embody within the healthcare landscape. The expectations associated with a DNP-prepared nurse are diverse and encompass a range of roles and responsibilities, including but not limited to:


Advanced Clinical Practice: DNP-prepared nurses are equipped with advanced clinical skills and knowledge to provide expert-level care to patients across diverse healthcare settings. They may serve as nurse practitioners, nurse anesthetists, clinical nurse specialists, or nurse midwives, delivering comprehensive and evidence-based care to individuals and families.


Leadership and Management: DNP-prepared nurses are prepared to assume leadership roles within healthcare organizations, guiding strategic planning, policy development, and quality improvement initiatives. They possess the skills to lead interdisciplinary teams, advocate for patient safety and quality outcomes, and drive organizational change to enhance healthcare delivery.


Education and Training: DNP-prepared nurses contribute to the education and training of future generations of nurses through roles as nurse educators and clinical preceptors. They serve as mentors and role models, imparting their expertise and shaping the professional development of aspiring nurses.


Evidence-Based Practice and Research: DNP-prepared nurses are champions of evidence-based practice, conducting research, translating evidence into practice, and evaluating outcomes to inform clinical decision-making and improve patient care delivery. They play a crucial role in advancing the science of nursing and contributing to the body of knowledge in healthcare.


Compared to nursing staff without a DNP degree, DNP-prepared nurses are expected to demonstrate advanced clinical competence, leadership acumen, and expertise in evidence-based practice and research. While all nurses are committed to providing high-quality care to patients, DNP-prepared nurses possess the additional skills and knowledge necessary to lead transformative change and drive innovation within healthcare systems.


In terms of my own professional aspirations, I am most excited about the prospect of assuming leadership roles that allow me to effect positive change at both the individual and systemic levels. With my DNP degree, I hope to leverage my expertise to lead quality improvement initiatives, advocate for health equity and social justice, and contribute to the advancement of nursing practice and healthcare delivery.


The differences between DNP and PhD degrees lie primarily in their focus and emphasis. While both degrees prepare nurses for scholarly inquiry and advanced practice, the DNP is practice-focused and designed to prepare nurses for leadership roles in clinical practice, while the PhD is research-focused and geared toward preparing nurses for careers in academia and research.


In my decision to pursue the DNP degree, I am drawn to its emphasis on translational research, evidence-based practice, and leadership development, all of which align closely with my career goals and aspirations. By earning a DNP degree, I aim to enhance my clinical expertise, contribute to practice innovation, and drive positive change in healthcare delivery.


As I progress through my DNP program at Walden University, I will demonstrate alignment with the AACN DNP Essentials by integrating these competencies into my practicum experiences and doctoral project. Specifically, I will focus on addressing organizational needs, identifying gaps in practice, and implementing practice changes that improve patient outcomes and enhance the delivery of healthcare services. Through my role as a DNP-prepared nurse, I will collaborate with stakeholders to identify areas for improvement, develop evidence-based interventions, and evaluate the effectiveness of practice changes in meeting the needs of patients and communities.

By Day 3 of Week 3

Post a brief explanation of the role of the nurse with a practice doctorate. Be specific. Explain the expectations associated with obtaining this degree, including how these expectations might be different for a nurse who holds a different degree. Then, explain how these considerations relate to your motivation to pursue a DNP, including a brief description of how your role as a DNP-prepared nurse will meet a potential organization’s need to address a gap in practice or implement a practice change. Discuss any experiences you have had in addressing a gap in practice or a practice change within an organization. Be specific.

The role of a nurse with a practice doctorate, such as a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), is multifaceted and encompasses a range of responsibilities aimed at improving patient care delivery, advancing nursing practice, and driving organizational change. Specifically, the expectations associated with obtaining a DNP degree include:


Advanced Clinical Practice: DNP-prepared nurses are expected to demonstrate advanced clinical skills and expertise in their specialty area of practice. They provide expert-level care to patients, integrating evidence-based practice and research findings into their clinical decision-making to optimize patient outcomes.


Leadership and Management: DNP-prepared nurses are prepared to assume leadership roles within healthcare organizations, guiding strategic planning, policy development, and quality improvement initiatives. They lead interdisciplinary teams, advocate for patient safety and quality outcomes, and drive organizational change to enhance healthcare delivery.


Education and Training: DNP-prepared nurses contribute to the education and training of future generations of nurses through roles as nurse educators and clinical preceptors. They mentor students, facilitate learning experiences in clinical settings, and disseminate best practices to promote professional development.


Evidence-Based Practice and Research: DNP-prepared nurses are champions of evidence-based practice, conducting research, translating evidence into practice, and evaluating outcomes to inform clinical decision-making and improve patient care delivery. They contribute to the generation of new knowledge through scholarly inquiry and dissemination of findings.


The expectations associated with a DNP degree differ from those of nurses with other degrees, such as a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) or a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). While all nurses are committed to providing high-quality care to patients, DNP-prepared nurses possess advanced clinical competencies, leadership skills, and expertise in evidence-based practice and research that set them apart. Nurses with an MSN or BSN may also provide excellent care, but they may not have the same depth of knowledge and skills in areas such as leadership, evidence-based practice, and quality improvement.


My motivation to pursue a DNP degree stems from a desire to expand my clinical expertise, enhance my leadership skills, and make a meaningful impact on healthcare delivery. As a DNP-prepared nurse, I see myself playing a pivotal role in addressing organizational needs and implementing practice changes to improve patient outcomes. For example, I may collaborate with healthcare teams to identify gaps in practice, such as medication reconciliation processes or discharge planning protocols, and develop evidence-based interventions to address these gaps. Additionally, I may lead quality improvement initiatives aimed at reducing hospital readmissions or improving patient satisfaction scores.


In my previous experiences, I have had the opportunity to address gaps in practice and implement practice changes within healthcare organizations. For instance, I collaborated with interdisciplinary teams to streamline communication processes between healthcare providers, resulting in improved coordination of care and enhanced patient safety. Additionally, I led initiatives to standardize clinical pathways for patients with chronic conditions, leading to better continuity of care and reduced healthcare costs.


Overall, my goal as a DNP-prepared nurse is to leverage my skills and expertise to drive positive change in healthcare delivery, ultimately improving outcomes for patients and communities.

By Day 6 of Week 3

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by suggesting an additional perspective on what it means to be a nurse with a practice doctorate, offer support to the expectations with obtaining the degree that your colleague posted, or expand upon your colleague’s post.


An Original Human-Crafted Assignment

**Response to Colleague 1:**


I appreciate your insightful reflection on the role of a nurse with a practice doctorate and the expectations associated with obtaining a DNP degree. Your emphasis on advanced clinical practice, leadership, education, and evidence-based practice truly captures the multifaceted nature of the DNP-prepared nurse’s role.


One additional perspective to consider is the significance of advocacy and policy involvement for DNP-prepared nurses. As leaders in healthcare, DNP-prepared nurses have a unique opportunity to advocate for systemic changes that promote health equity, access to care, and social justice. By engaging in policy development, legislative advocacy, and community outreach, DNP-prepared nurses can amplify their impact beyond the clinical setting, shaping healthcare policy and addressing the underlying determinants of health disparities.


Your post effectively highlights the expectations associated with obtaining a DNP degree, showcasing the breadth and depth of skills and knowledge required to excel in this role. Your focus on improving patient outcomes and driving organizational change aligns closely with the mission of the DNP degree, and your experiences in addressing gaps in practice and implementing practice changes demonstrate your readiness to take on this transformative role in healthcare.


**Response to Colleague 2:**


Your reflection on the role of a nurse with a practice doctorate and the motivations behind pursuing a DNP degree is insightful and well-articulated. Your recognition of the multifaceted expectations associated with the DNP degree, including advanced clinical practice, leadership, education, and evidence-based practice, demonstrates a thorough understanding of the scope and significance of this advanced nursing credential.


Expanding upon your post, it’s important to acknowledge the collaborative nature of the DNP-prepared nurse’s role and the value of interprofessional teamwork in achieving healthcare goals. DNP-prepared nurses often work alongside colleagues from various disciplines, including physicians, pharmacists, social workers, and allied health professionals, to deliver holistic and comprehensive care to patients. By fostering effective communication, mutual respect, and shared decision-making within interdisciplinary teams, DNP-prepared nurses can maximize the impact of their interventions and improve patient outcomes.


Furthermore, your commitment to addressing gaps in practice and implementing practice changes within healthcare organizations underscores your dedication to continuous improvement and innovation in nursing practice. Your experiences serve as a testament to your readiness to assume leadership roles and drive positive change in healthcare delivery as a DNP-prepared nurse.

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 3 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 3 of Week 3 and Respond by Day 6 of Week 3

To Participate in this Discussion:

Week 3 Discussion

Assignment: Linking Areas of FocusInto Future Plans for the DNP

In obtaining your DNP degree at Walden, you will complete a practicum/field experience and Doctoral Project. Both of these program-of-study milestones are directly aligned to the achievement of the AACN DNP Essentials.
The focus of your Doctoral Project will be on a quality improvement project that you would advocate for to address a nursing practice gap or organizational need.

In this first course, you will begin to consider the type of Doctoral Projects you might be interested in pursuing for completion of your DNP degree. Similarly, the clinical hours you will complete in your practicum/field experience will also align to the achievement of certain competencies as defined in the AACN DNP Essentials. Consider how alignment between your future plans in completing your practicum/field experience and your Doctoral Project will represent alignment to the DNP Essentials.

For this Assignment, reflect on the Discussion Forum from this week and think about how the completion of your Doctoral Project and practicum/field experience demonstrates alignment to the AACN DNP Essentials.


Reflecting on the Discussion Forum from this week and considering the completion of my Doctoral Project and practicum/field experience, I can see clear alignment with the AACN DNP Essentials. The Doctoral Project, focusing on a quality improvement initiative, and the practicum/field experience both offer opportunities to demonstrate competency in various essential areas outlined by the AACN.


For instance, in the Doctoral Project, which aims to address a nursing practice gap or organizational need, alignment with AACN DNP Essentials can be observed in several ways. The project inherently incorporates competencies related to evidence-based practice and translation of research into practice (Essential III), as it involves utilizing current evidence to identify and implement interventions aimed at improving patient outcomes or enhancing healthcare delivery. Additionally, the project will likely involve collaboration with interdisciplinary teams and stakeholders, demonstrating competency in organizational and systems leadership (Essential V), as well as influencing healthcare policy (Essential VII) if the project impacts broader organizational practices or policies.


Similarly, the practicum/field experience provides opportunities to demonstrate competency across multiple AACN DNP Essentials. Engaging in direct clinical practice under the guidance of a preceptor allows for the application of advanced clinical skills and expertise (Essential I). It also facilitates the integration of ethical, cultural, and social justice considerations into practice (Essential II), as DNP students work with diverse patient populations and navigate complex healthcare systems.


Furthermore, the practicum/field experience may involve participation in quality improvement initiatives or research projects, fostering competency in evidence-based practice and research (Essential III). Collaborating with healthcare teams and community partners during the practicum/field experience also contributes to competency in interdisciplinary collaboration (Essential IV) and advocacy for healthcare policy (Essential VII), particularly if the experience involves advocating for patient-centered care or addressing disparities in access to healthcare services.


In summary, both the completion of the Doctoral Project and the practicum/field experience provide opportunities for DNP students to demonstrate alignment with the AACN DNP Essentials. By engaging in projects and experiences that address nursing practice gaps, organizational needs, and broader healthcare challenges, DNP students can develop and showcase the competencies necessary for advanced nursing practice and leadership in diverse healthcare settings.

To prepare:

Review the Discussion Forum from this week.
Review the AACN DNP Essentials document in the Learning Resources and reflect on how the completion of your Doctoral Project and the completion of a Practicum/Field experience may align to these Essentials.
Select at least 3 AACN DNP Essentials to focus on for this Assignment.

The Assignment: (2-3 pages)

Describe the 3 AACN DNP Essentials that most align to the completion of a Doctoral Project. Note: This is in general terms, not in relation to a particular quality improvement or organizational goal.
Explain how the AACN DNP Essentials will relate to the completion of a Practicum/Field Experience. Be specific.

Reminder: The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at All papers submitted must use this formatting.


**Title: Alignment of AACN DNP Essentials with Doctoral Project and Practicum/Field Experience**



The completion of a Doctoral Project and a Practicum/Field Experience are integral components of a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program. These milestones provide opportunities for DNP students to demonstrate alignment with the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) DNP Essentials, which outline the foundational competencies for DNP-prepared nurses. This paper will explore how specific AACN DNP Essentials relate to the completion of a Doctoral Project and a Practicum/Field Experience.


**AACN DNP Essentials Alignment with Doctoral Project:**

Essential III: Clinical Scholarship and Analytical Methods

– This essential emphasizes the application of evidence-based practice and analytical methods to improve patient outcomes and healthcare delivery.

– The completion of a Doctoral Project requires DNP students to engage in scholarly inquiry, analyze relevant literature, and utilize analytical methods to identify practice gaps or organizational needs.

– DNP students apply clinical scholarship by synthesizing evidence, designing interventions, and evaluating outcomes to address identified issues within a healthcare setting.


Essential VI: Healthcare Policy and Advocacy for Population Health

– This essential focuses on the advocacy for healthcare policy changes that promote population health and advance nursing practice.

– In completing a Doctoral Project, DNP students may engage in advocacy efforts aimed at influencing healthcare policy or organizational practices to address identified gaps or improve patient care outcomes.

– By advocating for evidence-based interventions and policy changes, DNP students contribute to advancing population health and promoting the role of nursing in shaping healthcare delivery systems.


Essential VIII: Advanced Nursing Practice

– This essential emphasizes the integration of advanced nursing practice knowledge and skills to provide high-quality, patient-centered care.

– The completion of a Doctoral Project allows DNP students to demonstrate advanced nursing practice competencies by designing and implementing interventions that directly impact patient care outcomes.

– DNP students apply advanced clinical skills, critical thinking, and leadership abilities to develop innovative solutions to complex healthcare challenges and enhance the quality of care provided to patients.


**AACN DNP Essentials Alignment with Practicum/Field Experience:**

Essential I: Scientific Underpinnings for Practice

– This essential focuses on the integration of scientific knowledge into advanced nursing practice.

– During the Practicum/Field Experience, DNP students apply scientific principles and evidence-based practices in direct clinical care settings.

– By translating research findings into practice, DNP students enhance the quality and effectiveness of patient care delivery while contributing to the advancement of nursing science.


Essential IV: Information Systems/Technology and Patient Care Technology for the Improvement and Transformation of Health Care

– This essential emphasizes the utilization of information systems and technology to improve healthcare outcomes.

– In the Practicum/Field Experience, DNP students utilize electronic health records, telehealth platforms, and other healthcare technologies to support patient care delivery and clinical decision-making.

– By leveraging information systems and technology, DNP students optimize patient care processes, enhance communication among healthcare teams, and facilitate the delivery of evidence-based care.


Essential VII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving the Nation’s Health

– This essential focuses on promoting health and preventing disease at both the individual and population levels.

– During the Practicum/Field Experience, DNP students engage in population health initiatives, health promotion activities, and disease prevention strategies.

– By participating in community health assessments, developing health education programs, and collaborating with public health agencies, DNP students contribute to improving the health of diverse populations and addressing healthcare disparities.



The completion of a Doctoral Project and a Practicum/Field Experience offers opportunities for DNP students to demonstrate alignment with the AACN DNP Essentials. Through scholarly inquiry, evidence-based practice, advocacy, and advanced clinical practice, DNP students contribute to improving patient outcomes, advancing nursing practice, and promoting population health. By integrating these essential competencies into their doctoral education, DNP students prepare to lead and innovate within the complex and evolving healthcare landscape.

Week 3: AACN Essentials for the Doctorally Prepared Nurse

By Day 7 of Week 3

Submit your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 3.

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Grading Criteria

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Module 2 Assignment Rubric

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Module 2  Assignment

What’s Coming Up in Module 3?

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In the next module, you will analyze intra- and interprofessional collaboration and the DNP-prepared nurse. You will also examine the role of the DNP-prepared nurse in fostering a community of practice in responding to and addressing the needs/challenges of their communities.

Next Module

Week 3: AACN Essentials for the Doctorally Prepared Nurse

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