NURS 8114 Week 11: Translation and Application of Evidence

Week 11: Translation and Application of Evidence

Imagine approaching this genial group of professionals to discuss a practice change initiative in their health care setting. How do you anticipate they would respond? How many would quickly lose the smile? How many would be interested but uncertain? How many eager to get started?

Translating evidence into action for quality improvement can be a particular hurdle, depending on the people and problems involved. However, as a DNP promoting evidence-based practice to improve patient care and outcomes, it is part of the process to anticipate the barriers and be willing to address them. Consider your own experience with change-makers in health care or other areas of importance to you. Advocacy is not always appreciated or welcomed, which is why it is so necessary to be prepared for pushback and be armed with strong evidence.

In this final week, think ahead to the realities of promoting practice change and the DNP role in creating an organizational culture that embraces translation and application of evidence for quality improvement.

Anticipating the response of a group of professionals to a practice change initiative can be challenging, as it often depends on various factors such as organizational culture, individual attitudes, and the specific nature of the proposed change. Here’s how I imagine the response might unfold:


**Quick to Lose the Smile**:

– Some individuals may react negatively or be resistant to change from the outset. This group might include those who are comfortable with the status quo, skeptical of new initiatives, or concerned about the potential impact on their workload or responsibilities. They may quickly lose their smile and express reluctance or opposition to the proposed change.


**Interested but Uncertain**:

– Another group of professionals may be intrigued by the proposed practice change initiative but uncertain about its feasibility or potential impact. They may have questions or reservations about how the change will be implemented, what resources will be required, and how it will affect their day-to-day work. While they may be open to the idea, they may need more information or reassurance before fully committing to the initiative.


**Eager to Get Started**:

– Finally, there may be individuals who are enthusiastic about the proposed practice change and eager to get started. This group may include early adopters, innovators, or individuals who recognize the potential benefits of the change and are motivated to see it succeed. They may offer support, ideas, and resources to help drive the initiative forward.


As a DNP promoting evidence-based practice to improve patient care and outcomes, it’s essential to anticipate these different reactions and be prepared to address them effectively. This may involve providing clear communication about the rationale for the proposed change, addressing concerns or objections raised by skeptics, and engaging champions and influencers to help build momentum and support for the initiative.


Drawing from my experience with change-makers in healthcare and other areas, I’ve found that advocacy is indeed not always appreciated or welcomed initially. However, by approaching discussions with empathy, respect, and a focus on shared goals and outcomes, it’s possible to overcome resistance and build consensus around important practice changes.


Ultimately, the DNP plays a crucial role in creating an organizational culture that embraces the translation and application of evidence for quality improvement. This involves leading by example, fostering collaboration and communication, providing education and support, and championing the value of evidence-based practice in improving patient outcomes and enhancing the overall quality of care. Through these efforts, the DNP can help create a culture where practice change initiatives are not only accepted but embraced as opportunities for growth and improvement.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Analyze challenges and barriers to the translation of evidence in health care organizations
Recommend approaches to increasing translation and application of evidence for quality improvement in health care organizations
Justify the DNP role in creating an organizational culture that enables translation and application of evidence for quality improvement
Recommend advocacy and social change efforts for nursing practice through evidence-based practice quality improvement projects

Learning Resources

Required Readings (click to expand/reduce)

Discussion: Translation of Evidence and Application

Based on your work in previous modules, you will wrap up the course with a Discussion on challenges in translating and applying evidence to implement a quality improvement initiative. Draw on your experience in your current or previous health care settings to consider specific barriers to address and opportunities to leverage in advocating for evidence-based practice quality improvement.

To prepare:

Review the readings in the White, Dudley-Brown, and Terhaar text. With your current health care organization, or an organization you are targeting for your DNP Project, in mind, consider the area(s) of greatest challenge with regard to translating and applying evidence for a practice change initiative, e.g., leadership, technology, collaboration, stakeholder buy-in. Focus on the relevant text chapter(s) in your Discussion preparation.
Consider theories and best practice recommendations for addressing your identified challenges and barriers to translating and applying evidence that would support practice change initiatives.
Reflect on the philosophy of nursing practice that you developed in Modules 1–2. Consider your role as a DNP in creating an organizational culture that embraces evidence-based practice and quality improvement.

To begin this discussion, let’s focus on the challenges and opportunities in translating and applying evidence to implement a quality improvement initiative within a healthcare organization. Drawing from my experience in a hospital setting, I’ve identified several key areas of challenge and potential strategies for addressing them:


**Leadership Support and Engagement**:

– Challenge: One of the primary barriers to translating evidence into practice is obtaining buy-in and support from organizational leaders. Without strong leadership support, it can be challenging to allocate resources, implement changes effectively, and sustain improvements over time.

– Strategy: To address this challenge, it’s essential to engage organizational leaders early in the process and demonstrate the potential benefits of evidence-based practice initiatives. Providing data-driven evidence of the impact on patient outcomes, cost savings, and staff satisfaction can help garner support from leadership.


**Technology Integration and Implementation**:

– Challenge: Healthcare organizations often struggle with integrating new technologies and systems into existing workflows. This can hinder the adoption of evidence-based practices that rely on technological solutions for implementation.

– Strategy: It’s crucial to involve IT specialists and end-users in the planning and implementation process to ensure that technological solutions align with clinical workflows and meet the needs of frontline staff. Providing comprehensive training and ongoing support can also facilitate successful adoption and utilization of new technologies.


**Collaboration and Interdisciplinary Communication**:

– Challenge: Effective collaboration and communication among interdisciplinary teams are essential for implementing evidence-based practice initiatives. However, silos and communication barriers between different departments or professional groups can impede collaboration and hinder the translation of evidence into practice.

– Strategy: Encouraging interdisciplinary teamwork and fostering a culture of collaboration is key to overcoming this challenge. Implementing regular multidisciplinary meetings, establishing clear communication channels, and promoting mutual respect and understanding among team members can facilitate effective collaboration and improve the uptake of evidence-based practices.


**Stakeholder Engagement and Buy-In**:

– Challenge: Engaging frontline staff and other stakeholders in the change process is critical for successful implementation of evidence-based practice initiatives. However, resistance to change, skepticism about the evidence, and competing priorities can pose significant barriers to obtaining stakeholder buy-in.

– Strategy: To address this challenge, it’s essential to involve frontline staff and key stakeholders in the planning and decision-making process from the outset. Providing opportunities for staff input, addressing concerns and misconceptions, and offering incentives or recognition for participation can help foster a sense of ownership and commitment to the initiative.


In summary, addressing the challenges of translating and applying evidence for practice change initiatives requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses leadership engagement, technology integration, collaboration, and stakeholder engagement. By employing strategies such as engaging organizational leaders, involving end-users in technology implementation, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and soliciting stakeholder input, healthcare organizations can overcome barriers and successfully implement evidence-based practice initiatives to improve patient outcomes and quality of care.

With these thoughts in mind …

By Day 3 of Week 11

Post an explanation of the challenges and barriers to translating and applying evidence for practice change in your target health care organization. Briefly explain your issue(s) of concern and describe specific approaches for addressing these challenges. Explain how you view your role as a DNP in creating a health care culture that promotes translation of evidence for quality improvement and explain why. Then, recommend actions and activities you could model and lead, including through an EBP QI project, to advocate for quality improvement and social change in nursing. Be specific and provide examples.

In my target healthcare organization, a large urban hospital, there are several challenges and barriers to translating and applying evidence for practice change. One significant issue is the resistance to change among frontline staff, particularly in implementing new evidence-based practices or protocols. This resistance may stem from a variety of factors, including fear of the unknown, skepticism about the evidence, or perceived disruptions to established workflows.


Another challenge is the lack of interdisciplinary collaboration and communication. Different departments within the hospital often operate in silos, which can impede the sharing of best practices and hinder the adoption of evidence-based interventions that require collaboration across specialties.


Additionally, there are technology-related challenges, such as outdated systems and insufficient training on new technologies. This can hinder the implementation of evidence-based practices that rely on technological solutions for effective execution.


To address these challenges, as a DNP, my role would be multifaceted. First and foremost, I would serve as a leader and advocate for evidence-based practice within the organization. This involves fostering a culture that values continuous learning, innovation, and improvement. I would work closely with organizational leaders to champion the importance of evidence-based practice and advocate for the allocation of resources to support staff training, technology upgrades, and interdisciplinary collaboration initiatives.


Specific approaches for addressing these challenges could include:


**Staff Education and Training**: Develop comprehensive training programs to educate frontline staff about the importance of evidence-based practice and provide them with the knowledge and skills needed to implement new practices effectively.


**Interdisciplinary Collaboration Initiatives**: Facilitate regular interdisciplinary meetings and collaborative projects to promote communication and teamwork across departments. Encourage the sharing of best practices and the development of evidence-based care pathways that span multiple specialties.


**Technology Integration and Support**: Work with IT specialists to identify and implement technological solutions that support evidence-based practice initiatives. Provide ongoing training and support to ensure that staff are proficient in using these technologies.


**Feedback and Recognition**: Establish mechanisms for soliciting feedback from frontline staff about their experiences with implementing evidence-based practices. Recognize and celebrate successes, and use feedback to identify areas for improvement and address barriers as they arise.


As part of advocating for quality improvement and social change in nursing, I could lead an evidence-based practice quality improvement project focused on a specific area of need within the organization. For example, I could lead a project to reduce hospital-acquired infections by implementing evidence-based infection control protocols and providing staff education on best practices for infection prevention. Through this project, I would model the use of evidence to inform practice change, engage frontline staff in the implementation process, and demonstrate the positive impact of evidence-based practice on patient outcomes. Additionally, I would disseminate the findings of the project to other healthcare organizations and advocate for broader adoption of evidence-based infection control practices across the healthcare system.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ posts.

Week 11: Translation and Application of Evidence

By Day 6 of Week 11

Respond to at least two colleagues on 2 different days by suggesting other theories, strategies, ideas, and/or best practices for addressing the challenges and barriers they identify. Also agree or disagree with their view of the DNP’s role in creating a culture that enables translation of evidence and support your reasoning, including with other actions that promote a culture that embraces translation of evidence. Cite sources to support your posts and to recommend to colleagues.

Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the “Post to Discussion Question” link and then select “Create Thread” to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and you cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 11 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 3 of Week 11 and Respond by Day 6 of Week 11

To Participate in this Discussion:

Week 11 Discussion

What’s Coming Up?

Congratulations! After you have finished all of the assignments for this week, you have completed the course. Please submit your Course Evaluation by Day 7.

Week 11: Translation and Application of Evidence

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