NURS 8114 Week 4: Evidence-Based Practice, Quality Improvement, and Implementation Science: Interrelationships

Week 4: Evidence-Based Practice, Quality Improvement, and Implementation Science: Interrelationships

From your experience as a registered nurse or APRN, how does change occur in a health care setting? How do outdated protocols get updated or the actual root cause of a persistent problem get uncovered and resolved?

You may have answers that speak to the commitment of health care organizations to continually improve. You may also have examples that demonstrate the inherent challenges in any change initiative. If only change were as clear and quick as striking a key. Rather, it requires a whole series of figurative keystrokes and, depending on the setting, may seem as though the whole world needs to be onboard.

This week you will explore a particular set of keys to quality improvement in health care. It involves reliance on science for evidence to inform nursing practice and implementation that makes sense to practitioners and patients. Your getting-started activities will include observing for and blogging about evidence-based practice, and looking for health care settings in your locale for investigating needs and acceptance of practice change.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Evaluate application of evidence-based practice in health care organizations
Analyze approaches to advocacy of evidence-based practice in health care organizations
Compare health care settings for quality improvement projects
Justify practice problems for quality improvement
Analyze site and stakeholder requirements for quality improvement projects in nursing practice settings
Compare stakeholder requirements for quality improvement projects across nursing practice settings
Apply implementation science frameworks/models for evidence-based practice quality improvement projects

Learning Resources

Required Readings (click to expand/reduce)

Required Media (click to expand/reduce)

Optional Resources (click to expand/reduce)

Blog: Observation of Evidence-Based Practice

As a DNP, you will have a significant voice in your health care setting to advocate for evidence-based nursing practice. Understanding how evidence can inform better nursing care and patient outcomes is fundamental to successful advocacy, as are examples of where, why, and how evidence-based practice is needed.

Photo Credit: steheap / Adobe Stock

For this activity, you will essentially observe for evidence to support evidence-based practice. You will write and post a blog in which you identify examples of evidence-based practice in your health care organization and/or examples of need for application of evidence-based practice. Although the blog functions like a Discussion Board, the aim is to be somewhat more informal in sharing your perspectives. Colleagues will respond to your blog, as you will respond to theirs.

To prepare:

Review the Learning Resources, particularly the chapter on evidence-based practice from McEwen and Wills, and readings in the White, Dudley-Brown, and Terhaar text.
With your understanding of evidence-based practice in mind, observe for examples of evidence-based practice (EBP) in the health care organization where you practice, and/or examples of nursing practice that are tradition bound and lack an evidence base.
Consider conditions that support EBP within health care organizations and recommendations for application of EBP.


An Original Human-Crafted Assignment

**Blog: Exploring Evidence-Based Practice in Healthcare**


As a nurse practitioner working in a busy healthcare organization, I have had the opportunity to witness firsthand the importance of evidence-based practice (EBP) in delivering high-quality patient care. EBP is not just a buzzword; it’s a fundamental aspect of nursing practice that drives better patient outcomes and improves healthcare delivery. In this blog post, I’ll share some observations of EBP in my healthcare organization and highlight areas where there is a need for further application of evidence-based practices.


**Examples of Evidence-Based Practice:**


One area where I’ve observed the successful implementation of EBP is in the management of diabetes care. Our healthcare organization has adopted evidence-based clinical guidelines for diabetes management, including regular monitoring of blood glucose levels, individualized treatment plans based on patient needs and preferences, and patient education on lifestyle modifications and medication adherence. By adhering to these evidence-based guidelines, we have seen improved glycemic control among our diabetic patients and reduced rates of diabetes-related complications.


Another example of EBP in our organization is the use of standardized protocols for preventing healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). Evidence-based infection control measures, such as hand hygiene protocols, proper use of personal protective equipment, and environmental cleaning practices, have been implemented throughout the organization to reduce the risk of HAIs among patients and healthcare workers. These evidence-based interventions have proven effective in minimizing the spread of infections and improving patient safety outcomes.


**Areas for Improvement and Application of Evidence-Based Practice:**


While there are many examples of EBP in our healthcare organization, there are also areas where nursing practice remains tradition-bound and lacks an evidence base. One such area is the management of chronic pain. Despite the availability of evidence-based guidelines for pain management, there is still variability in practice among healthcare providers, with some relying heavily on opioid medications without considering alternative non-pharmacological interventions or multimodal approaches. There is a need for greater awareness and adoption of evidence-based pain management strategies to ensure safe and effective care for patients with chronic pain.


Additionally, the integration of technology into nursing practice presents both opportunities and challenges for EBP. While electronic health records (EHRs) have the potential to facilitate access to evidence-based information at the point of care, there are barriers such as limited time, resources, and training that may hinder nurses’ ability to effectively utilize EBP in their practice. There is a need for ongoing education and support to empower nurses to critically appraise and apply evidence from research in their daily practice.




In conclusion, evidence-based practice is essential for delivering safe, effective, and patient-centered care in healthcare organizations. While there are many examples of EBP in my healthcare organization, there are also areas where further application and integration of evidence-based practices are needed. By fostering a culture of inquiry, collaboration, and lifelong learning, we can continue to advance evidence-based nursing practice and improve patient outcomes.


I invite fellow healthcare professionals to share their observations and experiences with evidence-based practice in their respective organizations. Together, we can promote the integration of EBP into nursing practice and drive positive change in healthcare delivery.

With these thoughts in mind …

Week 4: Evidence-Based Practice, Quality Improvement, and Implementation Science: Interrelationships

By Day 3 of Week 4

Post a blog on the topic of evidence-based practice in the health care organization where you practice. Drawing on your understanding of EBP and your firsthand observations within your organization, include the following content in your blog:

Briefly describe one specific example of evidence-based practice that produced/is producing significant patient outcomes. Or, if you are lacking examples, describe a recent patient experience that might have been improved through application of evidence-based practice. Explain your reasoning. Note: To maintain confidentiality, do not refer to individuals by name or with identifying details.
Evaluate the overall application of evidence-based practice within your health care organization, including conditions that support it or roadblocks to overcome. Explain your reasoning, including how you have arrived at your conclusions.
Describe how you can advocate for application of evidence-based practice within your health care organization.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ blogs.

**Blog: Advancing Evidence-Based Practice in Healthcare**


In my role as a nurse practitioner at XYZ Hospital, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the impact of evidence-based practice (EBP) on patient outcomes. One specific example that comes to mind is the implementation of early mobilization protocols for patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). Research has consistently shown that early mobilization of critically ill patients can lead to improved functional outcomes, reduced length of stay, and decreased rates of complications such as ventilator-associated pneumonia and pressure ulcers.


At XYZ Hospital, our ICU team recognized the importance of early mobilization in improving patient outcomes and embarked on a quality improvement initiative to implement evidence-based mobilization protocols. This involved interdisciplinary collaboration between nurses, physical therapists, respiratory therapists, and physicians to develop standardized protocols for assessing patients’ readiness for mobilization, determining appropriate interventions, and monitoring progress.


Through the diligent implementation of these protocols, we have seen significant improvements in patient outcomes. Patients who previously would have remained bedridden for prolonged periods are now being mobilized early, leading to faster recovery times and reduced rates of complications. By incorporating evidence-based practices into our care delivery, we are able to provide more effective and efficient care to our patients in the ICU.


Overall, I believe that XYZ Hospital has made commendable strides in the application of evidence-based practice within our organization. The conditions that support EBP include a culture of continuous quality improvement, interdisciplinary collaboration, and leadership support for integrating research findings into clinical practice. However, there are still roadblocks to overcome, such as limited resources, time constraints, and resistance to change among some healthcare providers.


As a nurse practitioner, I am committed to advocating for the application of evidence-based practice within XYZ Hospital. One way I can do this is by actively participating in interdisciplinary team meetings and quality improvement initiatives to identify areas for improvement and promote the adoption of evidence-based interventions. Additionally, I can serve as a resource for my colleagues by sharing relevant research findings, facilitating educational sessions on EBP, and providing support and guidance on implementing evidence-based practices in clinical settings.


By championing evidence-based practice within our healthcare organization, we can ensure that our patients receive the highest quality of care based on the best available evidence, leading to improved patient outcomes and enhanced patient satisfaction.

By Day 6 of Week 4

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on 2 different days. Compare their observations and evaluations of EBP in their health care organizations with your own and offer recommendations for advancing EBP or identify suggestions you will apply in your own practice setting.


**Response to Colleague 1:**


Thank you for sharing your insights on evidence-based practice (EBP) within your healthcare organization. It’s commendable to hear about the successful implementation of early mobilization protocols in the ICU and the positive impact they’ve had on patient outcomes. Your example illustrates how evidence-based interventions can lead to tangible improvements in patient care.


In comparison to your organization, I’ve also observed the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and leadership support for advancing EBP within my healthcare setting. However, like you mentioned, there are still challenges such as limited resources and time constraints that can hinder the full integration of EBP into practice.


One suggestion I would offer for advancing EBP in your organization is to continue to emphasize the importance of ongoing education and training for healthcare providers. By investing in professional development opportunities and providing access to resources such as workshops, webinars, and journal clubs, organizations can empower their staff to stay informed about the latest evidence-based interventions and best practices. Additionally, fostering a culture of inquiry and encouraging staff to critically appraise research findings can further promote the adoption of EBP in clinical practice.


Overall, I believe that your organization is on the right track in terms of embracing evidence-based practice, and I encourage you to continue advocating for its integration into all aspects of patient care.


**Response to Colleague 2:**


Thank you for sharing your perspectives on evidence-based practice (EBP) within your healthcare organization. It’s evident from your blog post that there is a strong commitment to promoting EBP and improving patient outcomes within your organization.


In comparing your observations to my own experiences, I also see similarities in the importance placed on interdisciplinary collaboration and leadership support for advancing EBP. It’s encouraging to hear about the successful implementation of standardized protocols for preventing healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and the positive impact they’ve had on patient safety.


One recommendation I would offer for further advancing EBP in your organization is to leverage technology to facilitate access to evidence-based information and support clinical decision-making at the point of care. Electronic health records (EHRs) and clinical decision support systems can provide nurses and other healthcare providers with real-time access to relevant research findings, clinical guidelines, and best practices, helping to ensure that care delivery is aligned with the latest evidence.


Additionally, fostering a culture of continuous quality improvement and encouraging staff participation in research and quality improvement projects can help to further embed EBP into the organizational culture. By empowering frontline staff to actively engage in the implementation and evaluation of evidence-based interventions, organizations can drive meaningful change and improve patient outcomes.


Overall, I commend your organization’s commitment to promoting evidence-based practice, and I encourage you to continue advocating for its integration into all aspects of patient care.

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 4 Blog Rubric

Post by Day 3 of Week 4 and Respond by Day 6 of Week 4

To Participate in this Blog:

Week 4 Blog

Week 4: Evidence-Based Practice, Quality Improvement, and Implementation Science: Interrelationships

Module 3 Assignment: Exploring EBP Quality Improvement

For this Assignment you will explore key components of a quality improvement initiative, which will be the focus of the DNP Project required for your doctoral program. This Assignment is designed to help you begin investigating potential practice sites for your project, possible practice problems to address based on your interests and the needs of specific sites, and how to identify and approach stakeholders with whom to work and align in a health care setting.

**Title: Exploring Quality Improvement Initiatives in Healthcare**



Quality improvement (QI) initiatives play a crucial role in enhancing patient care outcomes and driving positive changes within healthcare organizations. As a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) student, it is essential to explore key components of QI initiatives to inform the development of a DNP project. In this Assignment, I will investigate potential practice sites, identify practice problems, and discuss strategies for engaging stakeholders in QI initiatives.


**Identifying Potential Practice Sites:**

To identify potential practice sites for a QI initiative, it is essential to consider factors such as the type of healthcare setting, patient population served, and existing infrastructure for QI. As a DNP student, I have identified several potential practice sites, including:

Community Health Centers: These settings often serve vulnerable populations and may have opportunities for addressing health disparities through QI initiatives.
Acute Care Hospitals: Acute care settings provide opportunities for addressing patient safety, care coordination, and quality of care issues through QI interventions.
Long-Term Care Facilities: QI initiatives in long-term care facilities can focus on improving resident outcomes, medication management, and staff training.


**Identifying Practice Problems:**

Once a practice site has been identified, the next step is to identify practice problems that warrant attention through QI initiatives. Some potential practice problems that I have identified include:

High Hospital Readmission Rates: Addressing factors contributing to high readmission rates, such as medication non-adherence, care transitions, and inadequate follow-up care.
Medication Errors: Implementing strategies to reduce medication errors, such as barcode scanning systems, standardized medication administration protocols, and staff education.
Patient Satisfaction: Improving patient satisfaction scores through initiatives focused on enhancing communication, responsiveness, and patient-centered care.


**Engaging Stakeholders:**

Engaging stakeholders is essential for the success of QI initiatives. Stakeholders may include healthcare providers, administrators, patients, and community members. Strategies for engaging stakeholders include:

Building Relationships: Establishing open communication channels and building trust with stakeholders to foster collaboration and buy-in for QI initiatives.
Identifying Key Champions: Identifying individuals within the organization who are passionate about QI and can serve as champions for change.
Involving Patients: Involving patients in the QI process by seeking their input, soliciting feedback, and incorporating patient perspectives into decision-making.


An Original Human-Crafted Assignment


In conclusion, exploring key components of QI initiatives is essential for informing the development of a DNP project. By identifying potential practice sites, identifying practice problems, and engaging stakeholders, DNP students can lay the groundwork for successful QI initiatives that drive positive changes in healthcare delivery and improve patient outcomes.



– Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (n.d.). Introduction to quality improvement. Retrieved from

– Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (n.d.). Science of improvement: How to improve. Retrieved from

You will begin the Assignment this week and submit it by Day 7 of Week 6. The topic focus on the science of translation and Learning Resources in Weeks 5 and 6 will further support development of this Assignment.

Important Note: Your activities in this Module 3 Assignment are exploratory and hypothetical only. You should not begin any formal contact with regard to your DNP Project. Consult the DNP Project Process Guide in the Learning Resources for information, including on the project implementation schedule.

To prepare:

Review the readings and media in the Week 4 Learning Resources. Pay particular attention to how Quality Improvement (QI) is defined in the DNP Glossary and Chapter 8 of the White, Dudley-Brown, and Terhaar text.
Identify three potential sites within your community for a quality improvement project. These might be a health care organization in which you practice and two other locations. For example, you might practice in a large organization and consider a small clinic and a skilled care facility as other potential settings for your project.
Based on your practice experience, consider potential practice problems as the focus of an EBP Quality Improvement initiative. Investigate the three practice sites you have identified for specific needs, including by making informal contact with staff members you know. (Remember the importance of confidentiality in any such discussions.)
Note: You may continue to address the same practice issue that was the focus of your Discussions in Weeks 2 and 3. You may also draw on the Week 4 blog to consider a broad focus on EBP and then drill down on specific practice problems to address through application of EBP. The PET model described in the video, An Evidence-Based Practice Model, also provides examples for identifying practice issues to address.
Research the literature for scholarly articles to support developing a quality improvement project that applies evidence-based practice to address specific practice problems. Aim to identify at least three scholarly articles to support this Assignment.
Based on the practice problems you are identifying, investigate your potential practice sites for key stakeholders that would be involved in a quality improvement initiative. Using website and other information available to you for each site, explore for:

A department that leads quality improvement or, if one does not exist, who within the organization would approve a quality improvement initiative;
Stakeholder titles, from the highest level of required approval to health care associates who would implement QI changes in the practice of patient care.

From your research into potential sites and practice problems, choose one practice problem and one site as your focus.Based on your target practice problem and selected site, identify an implementation framework and consider the steps or process required for an EBP QI project that would follow this framework/model. Note: Week 5 Learning Resources and Discussion will provide strategic support.
Outline how you would present the elements of your proposed QI project to stakeholders to gain their approval. Reminder: Your purpose is to prepare for a future presentation to stakeholders. Do not contact stakeholders for this Assignment.
Use the College of Nursing PowerPoint Template, provided in the Learning Resources, for developing a presentation to stakeholders. The template offers options in a cover slide and format options for other slides, to enable you to customize your presentation. Also refer to the handout, Preparing for an EBP QI Presentation to Stakeholders at a Practice Site, in the Learning Resources for guidance.

**Exploring Quality Improvement Initiatives in Healthcare**


**Identifying Potential Practice Sites:**

Community Health Center: Provides primary care services to underserved populations.
Acute Care Hospital: A large hospital serving diverse patient populations.
Long-Term Care Facility: A skilled nursing facility specializing in rehabilitation and long-term care services.


**Potential Practice Problems:**

High Hospital Readmission Rates: Focus on reducing readmission rates by improving care coordination and discharge planning.
Medication Errors: Implement strategies to reduce medication errors through standardized protocols and staff education.
Pressure Ulcers: Develop interventions to prevent pressure ulcers among long-term care residents through skin assessment and repositioning protocols.


**Key Stakeholders:**

Quality Improvement Department: Oversees QI initiatives and approves projects.
Chief Nursing Officer: Provides leadership and support for nursing-related QI projects.
Nurse Managers: Implement QI changes at the unit level and ensure staff adherence to protocols.
Frontline Nurses: Implement changes in patient care practices and provide feedback on effectiveness.


**Implementation Framework:**

Selected Framework: Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycle


Plan: Identify the problem, set objectives, and develop interventions.
Do: Implement interventions on a small scale and collect data.
Study: Analyze data to determine effectiveness of interventions.
Act: Adjust interventions based on data analysis and implement changes on a larger scale.


**Presentation to Stakeholders:**

Introduction: Provide background information on the selected practice problem and site.
Problem Statement: Clearly define the problem and its impact on patient outcomes.
Proposed Interventions: Present evidence-based interventions to address the problem.
Implementation Plan: Outline the steps for implementing the project using the PDSA cycle.
Stakeholder Roles: Identify the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders.
Timeline: Present a timeline for project implementation and evaluation.
Expected Outcomes: Discuss expected outcomes and potential benefits of the project.
Q&A: Allow stakeholders to ask questions and provide feedback.



In conclusion, exploring quality improvement initiatives involves identifying potential practice sites, addressing practice problems, engaging stakeholders, and implementing evidence-based interventions. By following a structured framework and effectively presenting the proposed project to stakeholders, DNP students can lay the groundwork for successful QI initiatives that improve patient outcomes and enhance healthcare delivery.

Week 4: Evidence-Based Practice, Quality Improvement, and Implementation Science: Interrelationships

The Assignment

Part 1: Key Project Elements

In a paper of 6–8 pages, plus cover page and references page, include the following:

Describe the three health care settings that you explored as proposed sites for an EBP QI project. For each health care setting, identify the following defining features: patient population, mission, public or private entity, single institution or member of a corporation, and others you identify as significant.
Compare the settings for strengths and weaknesses as sites for an EBP QI project. Be specific and provide examples.
Explain the practice problems that you explored based on your interests and identified needs of the health care settings you investigated.
Explain why each problem is a potential focus for an EBP QI project. Be specific and provide examples.
For each health care setting, describe the stakeholders whose approval would be required to initiate an EBP QI project and implement the results.
Compare similarities and differences in stakeholder requirements across the settings.
Identify the one proposed health care setting/practice site and one proposed practice problem you have selected as the focus of a hypothetical presentation to stakeholders, and explain your choices.

**Title: Exploring Potential Sites and Practice Problems for an EBP QI Project**



Evidence-based practice (EBP) quality improvement (QI) projects are vital for enhancing patient outcomes and improving healthcare delivery. In this paper, three potential healthcare settings will be explored as proposed sites for an EBP QI project. The paper will compare the strengths and weaknesses of each setting, identify practice problems, explain their potential focus for EBP QI projects, describe stakeholders involved, and propose one site and problem for a hypothetical presentation to stakeholders.


**1. Description of Health Care Settings:**

Community Health Center:

– Patient Population: Underserved and economically disadvantaged individuals.

– Mission: Provide accessible and comprehensive primary care services to the community.

– Public or Private Entity: Publicly funded healthcare organization.

– Single Institution or Member of a Corporation: Single institution.

– Other Significant Features: Emphasis on preventive care, health education, and addressing health disparities.


Acute Care Hospital:

– Patient Population: Diverse patient populations with acute medical needs.

– Mission: Provide high-quality, specialized medical care and emergency services.

– Public or Private Entity: Private, non-profit hospital.

– Single Institution or Member of a Corporation: Single institution.

– Other Significant Features: Advanced medical technology, specialized departments (e.g., intensive care, surgery), multidisciplinary approach to care.


Long-Term Care Facility:

– Patient Population: Elderly individuals requiring long-term care and rehabilitation services.

– Mission: Ensure the health, safety, and well-being of residents in a home-like environment.

– Public or Private Entity: Private, for-profit skilled nursing facility.

– Single Institution or Member of a Corporation: Single institution.

– Other Significant Features: Focus on activities of daily living, rehabilitation services, and palliative care for residents.


**2. Comparison of Settings:**

Strengths and weaknesses of each setting as sites for an EBP QI project:

– Community Health Center:

– Strengths: Close connection to the community, focus on preventive care, potential for community partnerships.

– Weaknesses: Limited resources, high patient volume, challenges in accessing specialty care.


– Acute Care Hospital:

– Strengths: Advanced medical technology, specialized expertise, comprehensive services.

– Weaknesses: High patient turnover, complex organizational structure, potential for hierarchy and resistance to change.


– Long-Term Care Facility:

– Strengths: Long-term relationships with residents, focus on holistic care, potential for interdisciplinary collaboration.

– Weaknesses: Staffing shortages, regulatory constraints, limited access to specialized services.


**3. Practice Problems:**

Practice problems identified:

Community Health Center: High rates of uncontrolled chronic diseases among underserved populations.
Acute Care Hospital: High rates of hospital-acquired infections.
Long-Term Care Facility: High prevalence of pressure ulcers among residents.


**4. Explanation of Practice Problems:**

Each problem is a potential focus for an EBP QI project because they have significant implications for patient outcomes and quality of care. For example:

– Uncontrolled chronic diseases lead to increased morbidity and mortality rates among vulnerable populations.

– Hospital-acquired infections pose a threat to patient safety and increase healthcare costs.

– Pressure ulcers can result in pain, infection, and decreased quality of life for long-term care residents.


**5. Stakeholders and Approval Requirements:**

Stakeholders involved in initiating and implementing EBP QI projects:

– Community Health Center: Chief Medical Officer, Quality Improvement Committee, Nursing Staff.

– Acute Care Hospital: Chief Medical Officer, Infection Control Department, Nursing Leadership.

– Long-Term Care Facility: Director of Nursing, Quality Improvement Coordinator, Certified Nursing Assistants.


**6. Similarities and Differences in Stakeholder Requirements:**

Similarities: Involvement of clinical leadership and quality improvement committees across settings.

Differences: Variation in the level of involvement of frontline staff and administrative support.


**7. Proposed Site and Practice Problem for Presentation:**

Proposed Site: Acute Care Hospital

Proposed Problem: High rates of hospital-acquired infections.



Exploring potential healthcare settings and practice problems for EBP QI projects is essential for identifying areas of improvement and engaging stakeholders in the process. By comparing settings, identifying practice problems, and understanding stakeholder requirements, DNP students can effectively plan and implement EBP QI initiatives to drive positive changes in healthcare delivery and improve patient outcomes.

Part 2: Implementation Science Presentation

Develop a PowerPoint presentation of 3–5 slides, plus cover and reference slides, to inform a set of potential stakeholders at the practice site you have identified for a proposed EBP QI project. Although you will not make your presentation, it should be authentic to the purpose and include the following:

Introduce the framework or model you have selected for the EBP QI project and your reasoning. (1–2 slides)
Present a draft of the proposed practice problem. Include notes for each slide describing points you would make to the assembled stakeholders to obtain their approval or buy-in for the EBP QI project. (2–3 slides)

**Slide 1: Cover Slide**

– Title: EBP QI Project Presentation

– Your Name

– Date


**Slide 2: Introduction to EBP QI Framework**

– Title: Introduction to EBP QI Framework

– Overview of the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycle

– Explanation of why PDSA was selected for the project

– Note: The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle is a systematic framework for testing and implementing changes to improve quality. It allows for iterative testing of interventions, which aligns with the dynamic nature of healthcare environments and fosters continuous improvement.


**Slide 3: Proposed Practice Problem**

– Title: Proposed Practice Problem

– Description of the practice problem identified

– Rationale for why this problem is significant and warrants attention

– Note: Provide a brief overview of the practice problem, highlighting its impact on patient outcomes and the organization as a whole. Explain why addressing this problem aligns with the organization’s mission and goals.


**Slide 4: Proposed Practice Problem (Cont’d)**

– Title: Proposed Practice Problem (Cont’d)

– Overview of potential interventions to address the problem

– Explanation of how evidence-based practice will inform the selection of interventions

– Note: Describe potential interventions that could be implemented to address the practice problem. Emphasize the importance of evidence-based practice in guiding decision-making and selecting interventions that are most likely to yield positive outcomes.


**Slide 5: Proposed Practice Problem (Cont’d)**

– Title: Proposed Practice Problem (Cont’d)

– Identification of stakeholders and their roles in the project

– Plan for stakeholder engagement and communication throughout the project

– Note: Discuss the importance of stakeholder involvement in the project and outline strategies for engaging stakeholders throughout the implementation process. Highlight the collaborative nature of the project and the need for ongoing communication and feedback from stakeholders.


**Slide 6: References**

– Title: References

– List of scholarly sources consulted for the project

– Note: Include citations for all references used in the presentation. These may include academic journals, textbooks, and other reputable sources that informed the development of the EBP QI project.

There is no submission this week.

Module 3 Assignment is due by Day 7 of Week 6.

Reminder: The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at All papers submitted must use this formatting.

What’s Coming Up in Week 5?

Photo Credit: [BrianAJackson]/[iStock / Getty Images Plus]/Getty Images

Next week you will begin an introduction to translation science as a component of evidence-based practice and quality improvement projects. Remember to access the interactive DNP Glossary in the Learning Resources for needed clarity on this and other key terms as you move through the course.

Week 5: Module 3 Assignment Activities

Continue to develop the Module 3 Assignment, including investigating three health care settings within your community or region as potential sites for an EBP QI project. Keep in mind your work in this Assignment is hypothetical and intended to help prepare for, not execute, your DNP Project. Although you may make informal contacts at your focus sites, do not make any formal inquiries about a site hosting a possible project.
Plan your time accordingly in researching and preparing both Parts 1 and 2 of the Assignment. You are encouraged to complete the gathering of required information for the Part 1 written paper this week.

Next Week


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