Objectives: 1. Connect the content of this course with active research areas in

1. Connect the content of this course with active research areas in the expanding, dynamic field of population ecology.
2. Engage with original scientific literature in this field of study.
Select a peer-reviewed journal article on a topic relevant to applied population ecology.
The article should develop a population model to address a conservation or management question – The article could present newly collected data that were then analyzed to parameterize a population model, OR could present an analysis of already existing data to develop a different population model than has already been developed for the species/system. – For an example of the type of article you should look for (PDF is in WebCampus):
Crowder, Larry B., Crouse, D., Heppell, S., and Martin, T. 1994. Predicting the impact of turtle excluder devices on loggerhead sea turtle populations. Ecological Applications 4(3):437–445.
Write a response to the article you select:
No more than 2 pages, double-spaced, size 12 font.
Use essay format: write in complete sentences and coherent paragraphs.
Three main elements to write about:
Summarize research questions, main methods and results
Identify how the research was applied to a particular conservation or management issue, and describe the relationship between the research and the contents of this course. Please be as specific as possible about how the course concepts link to your chosen article.
Provide your personal response to the article – why did you choose to read it, and what did you learn?
I will attach the rubric. (screenshot)
Also attached is an example of an article for this assignment. Don’t use it!