Open En-ROADSLinks to an external site.. Here are some available resources to he

Open En-ROADSLinks to an external site.. Here are some available resources to help you understand how to use this model. You will likely find the En-ROADS Control Panel guide particularly helpful for this project.
En-ROADS Control PanelLinks to an external site.
En-ROADS User GuideLinks to an external site..
En-ROADS frequently asked questionsLinks to an external site..
En-ROADS VideosLinks to an external site..
More information on En-ROADS is available at The En-ROADS Climate Solutions SimulatorLinks to an external site..
Develop a scenario to meet your goals. Use En-ROADS to develop your vision of how to successfully limit global warming to less than 2 °C—and ideally 1.5 °C—per the Paris AgreementLinks to an external site..
Submit a write-up expressing your vision. After developing your preferred scenario, write a thoughtful and concise response to the questions that follow in this prompt. Develop your vision and approach on the issues. Instructions on how to format your write-up are at the end of this activity prompt.
Your En-ROADS lab assignment will be a 3- to 5-page memo describing your proposal.
Policies: Utilize the En-ROADS Assignment Section One Plan to address the following:
Name of your plan.
Screenshot of the main En-ROADS interface with results.
Bullet points summarizing the most-important policies and outcomes.
Pasted text from Actions & Outcomes documenting assumptions and policy settings used.
Pasted URL of your scenario.
In your Section 1 content, you may also choose to share screenshots of specific graphs that caught your attention and are worth noting. Refer to the Illustrative Example Download Illustrative Exampleincluded with the template for guidance on what your Plan should look like.
Section 2: Meeting the Goals
Climate: How well do you think your proposal does in meeting the Paris climate goals? If it does not meet the goal, why is this acceptable to you?
Economy: If the world followed your recommendations, how would the economy be different at various points in the future, for example, 2030, 2050, and 2100, and so on? In what ways would it be better? In what ways would it be worse?
Equity: How can your proposal strive to increase equity across different nations and different peoples?
Environment: To what extent might your proposal mitigate other environmental challenges (e.g., biodiversity, pollution, water, and air quality)? To what extent might your proposal cause or worsen other environmental problems?
Realism without cynicism: What would it take for your proposal to be realized? What barriers might arise in the implementation of your proposals, and how might they be addressed? To get started, what actions and priorities are needed as soon as possible from businesses, civil society, governments, or the public?
Winners/Losers: Who would be the biggest winners and losers globally in your proposed future? Create a table with two columns for winners and losers.
Section 3: Reflections
Surprises from En-ROADS: What surprised you about the behavior of the energy and climate system as captured in the simulation? For example, what actions had a bigger or smaller effect than you thought? Did you discover why?
Feelings: How did your insights from the model and this assignment make you feel? (feelings as in emotions, not thoughts)
Hope and personal action: Do any trends in the world give you hope that your proposals are possible? What can you personally do to help create the necessary changes?
The Simulating Climate Futures in En-ROADS Laboratory memo write-up,
must be 3 to 5 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA StyleLinks to an external site. as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft WordLinks to an external site.
must include a separate title page with the following in title case:
title of memo write-up in bold font
Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.
student’s name
name of institution (The University of Arizona Global Campus)
course name and number
instructor’s name
due date
must utilize academic voice.
Refer to the Academic VoiceLinks to an external site. resource for additional guidance.
must use at least 1 credible source in addition to the course text, for 2 total sources.
** I have completed the En-ROADS part of this lab. THe link and screen shot is below.