As we have read Mother Night we have had considerable difficulty defining the protagonist Howard W. Campbell. Is he a good guy? Bad guy? American spy? Nazi propagandist? Thoroughly indifferent? Ardently engaged in the war effort? As a modernist writer Kurt Vonnegut insists that you draw your own conclusion. With that in mind your task is as follows:
In a well-developed essay response answer the following question:
Who is Howard W. Campbell?
Your essay should be properly developed and organized. It should have an introduction that culminates in a clear and concise thesis. The body paragraphs should help to prove your thesis by incorporating sufficient context, as well as examples from the novel, and your conclusion should pull it all together while making a thoughtful connection to life in general.
Your essay should be 4-5 pages in length, be properly organized, and include a minimum of 5 quotes for the text.
Your essay should adhere to proper MLA formatting in all areas and include a works cited page. You do not have to incorporate any outside sources, but if you do be sure to cite them properly.
he likes the thesis to be clear and easy and make sure its not tooo wordy but make sure you’re using 5 quotes form the text at least from mother night to support the thesis
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