Overview: Over the nine months of CEP, you learn about the process it takes to

Overview: Over the nine months of CEP, you learn about the process it takes to get a bill from an idea to law. In this second half of CEP, it’s time to put some of the skills you’ve learned into practice. You and your pod will have the opportunity to follow a real bill and apply the skills you’ve learned in CEP as you track the bill during the 2024 Legislative Session. You all will decide if you would like to track a bill that your pod host is working on or if you want to track another bill that is more meaningful to you and your pod.

As a pod, choose a bill and get it approved by Michelle & Dan by February 9, 2024. This bill can be one that your pod-host is working on or one that you and your pod find meaningful.
Answer the who, what, when, and how of the bill
Who introduced it?
What organizations are working on it?
What problem(s) is this bill trying to solve for?
When was it introduced?

How long have people been working on this bill?
Decide on a position on the bill
Powermap the bill
Using your digital power map, determine who your supporters, opposers, or who’s neutral on you your bill
For this, also determine if there are coalitions working on this bill
Create a one-pager on the bill
Attend a hearing on your bill
Final project presentation
Each group will be given 20 minutes to share about their bill and 10 minutes for questions
Presentations should include:
Visual, i.e. PowerPoint, Prezi, handout, etc.
The who, what, when, and how of the bill
What the process was like tracking the legislation
Final action on the bill/next steps

SEE Also notes attched wich answers some questions and gives further instructions.