impact of differentiation

EDMAS 6027 AT2 – Practitioner Inquiry ProposalKyla Thebes30367370Assessing the impact of differentiation through questioningRelevance and Selection of the TopicEffective differentiation is a concept that is often discussed amongst teachers and…

Identification of personal and professional motivations

Criteria Descriptors Judgement and scorefor criteria Justification andfeedback Identification ofpersonal andprofessional motivations(10 marks) The proposal clearlyarticulates how thesuggested inquiry hasbeen developed frompersonal andprofessional interest. Use of literature tocontextualise inquiryproposal(15 marks)…

Tourism Management Perspectives

Contents lists available at ScienceDirectTourism Management Perspectivesjournal homepage: and event tourism research: Current and future perspectivesJennifer LaingDepartment of Management, Sport and Tourism, La Trobe University, Bundoora, VIC 3086, AustraliaA…

Progress in Tourism Management

Tourism Management 29 (2008) 403–428Progress in Tourism ManagementEvent tourism: Definition, evolution, and researchDonald GetzHaskayne School of Business, University of Calgary, 2500 University Ave. N.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4Received 24…

Research Tourism

83Gwtqrgcp”Lqwtpcn”qh “Vqwtkuo.”Jqurkvcnkv{“cpf”TgetgcvkqpVol. 5, Issue 2, pp 83-102, 2014© 2014 Polytechnic Institute of Leiria. All rights Printed in PortugalEJTHR Research TourismJosé Manuel Hernández Mogollón.”RjF”kp”Geqpqokeu”cpf”Dwukpguu”Cfokpkuvtcvkqp.”ku”rtqhguuqt”qh “Vqwtkuo”Octmgvkpi.”cpf”Fktgevqt”qh “Tgugctej”Wpkv”OCTMGVWT”*Octmgvkpi”cpf”Vqwtkuo”Ocpcigogpv+”wpfgt”vjg”Wpkxgtukv{“qh “Gzvtgocfwtc0″Jg”ku”jgcf”qh “vjg”Ocuvgt”kp”Vqwtkuo0″CwvjqtÔu”gockn<“lojgtfg¦Bwpgz0gu0”José Antonio Folgado-Fernandez…

create a resource kit

EDmAs6032 Early Childhood Language and Literacies (2022) Assessment 2 Teaching Resource Kit and Report Due Week 12: Sunday 30’5 October 2022 by 11.55pmPurpose: This task asks you to create a…

Childhood Language and Literacies

EDMAS6032 Early Childhood Language and Literacies (2022) Assessment Task 2: Developing a teaching resource kit Due Week 12: Sunday 30th October 2022 by 11.55pm Draft planning template (Does not need…

What is the problem?

As you begin to move beyond your initial outline and summary, your next step will be drafting. Drafting is a very important step in the writing process, but by no…


 Instructions For this assignment, analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the three different leadership styles: transformational, authentic, and servant.  To complete this task, create a table where you list each…