Writer’s Choice

Find 2 peer-reviewed articles from academic journals on information technology sourcing. Summarize each article and compare and contrast the sourcing approaches in each article. Identify the factors that were important…

Survey Research

Locate (online) at least 3-4 very brief “articles” that address response rates. One should be in a scholarly outlet. The data they present should not share the same source. What…

Leadership and Advocacy

Choose one of the following to respond to with 500 words. Make sure you cite (MLA or APA) at least once from each of the assigned readings you reference. You…

Health Psychology

How people understand disease is critical for their behavior when they believe they are ill. Pick one of the five components that Leventhal and his associates have identified as components…

Qualitative Article Analysis Qualitative Article Analysis Assignment Instructions Choose 1 qualitative article and compose a 3-page review (not including the reference page in the count). Your review must include 2 sections (using Level I headings in current APA): (1) a summary of the article, and (2) a critical analysis of the article. All articles must be of studies conducted and published in the United States or Canada within the past 5 years. Your summary must include: Qualitative Article Analysis

Qualitative Article Analysis Qualitative Article Analysis Assignment Instructions Choose 1 qualitative article and compose a 3-page review (not including the reference page in the count). Your review must include 2…

In the mid-1950s, the first study linking cigarette smoking to lung cancer was published. In the decades that followed, many other studies supported this finding and a host of other health-related effects attributed to smoking were uncovered. Over the last few decades, cities and states have created local regulations prohibiting smoking in certain public places. In 2009, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was given regulatory authority of all tobacco products. Chapter 20 of your textbook begins with a comparison of two sources of inhalable nicotine: traditional tobacco cigarettes and E-cigarettes. Because E-cigarettes are a relatively new technology, less is known about the long-term effects of the firsthand and secondhand inhalation of vaping products. However, in recent years they have been treated and regulated similarly to traditional cigarettes. Your assignment for this unit is to create a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation that covers the following elements:

In the mid-1950s, the first study linking cigarette smoking to lung cancer was published. In the decades that followed, many other studies supported this finding and a host of other…