For your “Complete” assignment, you are to write a COMPREHENSIVE APA analysis paper/project including knowledge you gained from the Read and Attend throughout the course. A minimum of three scholarly sources are required

For your "Complete" assignment, you are to write a COMPREHENSIVE APA analysis paper/ project including knowledge you gained from the Read and Attend throughout the course. A minimum of three scholarly sources are required, and all sources should be cited and referenced in…

Choose one of the following scripts to create a commercial. Once you choose the script below, You can record your own voice narration in Audacity or use an AI text to Speech generator to convert the text to audio. If you use the AI text to Speech

Powtoon Commercial ProjectDo not pay for anything on this site!Learning animation can be very challenging yet very fun. Navigate to the Powtoon website, click Pricing in the top menu, scroll down, and click FREE Start Now $0 free. Create an account if you do not already have an account. Also, if you do not have…