Part 1: Select a topic from one of the following advanced issues in addictions:

Part 1: Select a topic from one of the following advanced issues in addictions: paradigms, social policy, ethics, or service delivery. Describe your selected topic in detail, including how diversity issues intersect, influence and are influenced by your chosen topic. Explain how current literature contributed to the selection of this topic and provide the rationale behind your selection. This will be the focus of the literature review you will critically analyze for your Week 7 assignment. Part 2: As you review the scholarly research relevant to the topic you have selected for your course project, complete an annotated bibliography to organize your sources. In your annotated bibliography, include the following for each source, as applicable: Article or book citation. Link (URL) for the source. Research method used in the study. Measurement or test used in the study. Major findings. Other findings of interest. Questions you had. Gaps or ideas for additional research suggested by the source. Other notes. 5 pages minimum , APA format