Part II: Choose Three (3) of the following topics and write An essay on Each. Use source material in each essay. Three (3) of the following will be on the Examination(50%).
A. America has been referred to as the “Golden Land” and in many cases, America has received the “gold” back many times over from those who came here. Discuss the contribution of three (3) immigrant groups to American Life. Why did they come to America? What did they contribute? How were their dreams realized? (or not realized)
B. “The United States has at times followed a policy of open arms towards immigrants and at other times has tried to restrict immigration.” Discuss this statement in Detail.
C. “ Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” – “The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus. 1. Explain the main theme or ideas expressed in the poem. 2. Who is asking to “Give me your tired, your poor”? 3. What does the “golden door” represent or symbolize? 4. What people would be interested in going through the “golden door”? 5. Compare the experience of Three (3) groups of immigrants with those immigrants described in the words in “The New Colossus.”
D. The Refugees from Hitler’s Europe found it extremely difficult to immigrate to America. What was the reason for their difficulties in coming to America? What role did the American government play in aiding or hindering their immigration to America?
E. In the Second Half of the 20th Century, the United States has seen immigration from New parts of the world. Discuss the reasons for the large increase in immigration from Asia and Discuss how these newer immigrants have been integrated or not integrated into American Society.
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