Part III. Topical Essay—since 1960 (30 pts.) Suggested length = 550-650 words, about 2 pages.
Answer ONE (1) of the following two questions in an analytical, thesis-based essay that presents
a clear response to the question, draws upon historical contexts learned in the course, and
includes relevant and specific examples drawn from articles, sources, and lectures. You should
incorporate at least three assigned primary sources from Canvas. The others may
come from lecture slides or Foner’s illustrations. Please take care not to mistake secondary
sources for primary sources.
1. Confirm, contradict, or complicate the following historical claim: The conservative
movement of the 1970s and ‘80s is best understood as a response to the counterculture of the
1960s. To make an effective case, be sure to define both “the counterculture” and “the
conservative movement.” It will behoove you to refresh your memory regarding what Foner has
to say on this subject. Take care, though, to draw heavily on evidence from primary-source
readings from the relevant class meetings to substantiate your case.
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