Personal Philosophy of Teaching, Revised (Part II)
As discussed earlier in this course, your personal teaching philosophy is a work in progress. During week 8, you will revisit and revise your teaching philosophy that you submitted during week 1. As part of this assignment, you should evaluate your original philosophy and include a one-page discussion of how your thoughts and ideas about teaching have changed and developed during this course. Guidelines for revising your teaching philosophy and the one-page discussion are below.
Assignment Guidelines
Revised Personal Teaching Philosophy (3–5 pages)
· Reflect on the teaching principles and practices discussed during the course.
· What did you learn about teaching that you did not know prior to this course?
· What stood out as important to you over the past 8 weeks?
· Consider how you might expand, adapt, or change your original philosophy to your current perspective on teaching (or you may feel compelled to take it in a completely new direction).
· Your revised teaching philosophy should:
o Have a clear focus or theme.
o Be authentic and personal.
o Relay who you are (or aspire to be) as a teacher.
o Exhibit genuine enthusiasm for teaching.
o Clearly express your current teaching values and beliefs, and discuss why you hold those values and beliefs (whether or not they have changed).
o Describe your current teaching goals (whether or not they have changed).
o Explain the teaching methods or strategies that you believe are best (whether or not they are different from your original philosophy). Note: make sure the teaching methods you find best are consistent with your goals.
o Incorporate any new ideas and/or practices that encourage a rich teaching and learning experience.
o Be 3–5 pages, including the evaluation discussion but excluding title and reference pages; length should suit the context. It should be typed in Times New Roman using 12-point font and double-spaced with 1″ margins.
o Be well written, using a first person narrative and present tense.
o Follow APA style.
o Have no any grammatical, typographical, or spelling errors.
Evaluation Discussion of Teaching Philosophy (1 page)
As part of this revised teaching philosophy assignment, you should include a discussion evaluating how your personal thoughts and ideas about teaching have changed during this course.
· After you have revised your personal teaching philosophy, carefully review your original teaching philosophy that you submitted during week 1 of this course.
· Compare your original philosophy to your revised teaching philosophy and evaluate the following in a one-page written discussion:
o Have your teaching goals, methods, or strategies changed, and if so, how and why? Have your teaching priorities and/or perspectives changed or shifted, and if so, how and why?
o Do you value different learning experiences, and if so, what are they and why?
· Include any additional information that may highlight how your thoughts and ideas have changed or developed during this course.
· Include references that you found helpful, insightful, or meaningful in the development of your philosophy of teaching.
· In addition to the course texts, include at least two outside sources from peer-reviewed journals to support your ideas.
· Your evaluation discussion should:
o Be one page excluding title and reference pages, typed in Times New Roman using 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1″ margins.
o Be well written, using a first person narrative and present tense.
o Follow APA style.
Points 100
Due Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time)
NURS_535_DE – NURS535 Personal Philosophy of Teaching Part II
NURS_535_DE – NURS535 Personal
Philosophy of Teaching Part II
This criterion is linked to a
Learning OutcomeOverall Teaching Philosophy
20 to >15.8 pts
Philosophy paper is personal, mentions students in
a positive manner, and clearly indicates a personal viewpoint on teaching.
15.8 to >11.8 pts
Philosophy paper is somewhat personal, somewhat
mentions students in a positive manner, and somewhat indicates a personal
viewpoint on teaching.
11.8 to >0 pts
Philosophy paper is not personal, fails to mention
students in a generally positive manner, and a personal viewpoint on
teaching is absent or severely lacking in detail.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a
Learning OutcomeInstructor Goals/Strategies
20 to >15.8 pts
Goals as an instructor are clearly identified.
Actual or anticipated teaching strategies/methods are clearly indicated.
15.8 to >11.8 pts
Goals as an instructor are somewhat identified.
Actual or anticipated teaching strategies/methods are included but not
clearly indicated.
11.8 to >0 pts
Goals as an instructor are absent or significantly
lacking. Actual or anticipated teaching strategies/methods are absent or
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a
Learning OutcomeOverall Teaching Strategy, Values and Beliefs
20 to >15.8 pts
A clear explanation on why you teach, how your
teaching facilitates student learning, and your values and beliefs on
teaching, are included
15.8 to >11.8 pts
An explanation on why you teach, how your teaching
facilitates student learning, and your values and beliefs on teaching, are
included, but not clearly indicated
11.8 to >0 pts
An explanation on why you teach, how your teaching
facilitates student learning and your values and beliefs on teaching, are
absent or are significantly lacking in details and relevance.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a
Learning OutcomeEvaluation Discussion
30 to >23.7 pts
A clear explanation on how your views on teaching
have changed is included. This explanation includes information on teaching
goals, methods, strategies, and priorities/perspectives.
23.7 to >17.7 pts
A somewhat clear explanation on how your views on
teaching have changed is included. This explanation includes some
information on teaching goals, methods, strategies, and
17.7 to >0 pts
An explanation on how your views on teaching have
changed is absent or significantly lacking. This explanation may include
information on teaching goals, methods, goals, strategies, and
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a
Learning OutcomeOrganization, Writing, & APA
10 to >7.9 pts
Paper is approximately 4-6 pages, double spaced and
includes at least two outside sources. Current APA Style followed, and
written in APA formal letter format. Written in a clear, concise, formal,
and organized manner. Information from sources is paraphrased appropriately
and accurately cited.
7.9 to >5.9 pts
Paper is approximately 3-7 pages in length and
includes at least one outside source. APA formal letter format mostly
followed. Writing is generally clear and organized but is not concise or
formal in language. Multiple errors exist in spelling and grammar with minor
interference with readability or comprehension. Most information from
sources is paraphrased and cited correctly.
5.9 to >0 pts
Paper may be significantly more or less than 4-6
pages in length. APA formal letter format may not be followed. Writing is
generally unclear and unorganized. Errors in spelling and grammar detract
from readability and comprehension. Sources are missing or improperly
10 pts
Total Points: 100