Pick THREE questions.
Answer each in 300 words per question. Please use a specific text
when answering each question. You do not have to provide a direct quote
but I need to see a reference to a text in each question.
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1. Sociologists have historically critiqued medicine in general and
psychiatry specifically. Using one of the texts we covered this
semester, explain why sociologists are critical of psychiatry’s approach
to mental unwellness.
2. What is the “autism matrix”?
3. What is deinstitutionization? Discuss two consequences of deinstitutionization?
4. What did Goffman mean by “stigma”? What is unique about the way in which stigmatized people navigate the social world?
5. Describe Goffman’s argument regarding what goes on in psychiatric institutions.
6. What is Gil Eyal’s claim regarding the reshuffling on expertise in the treatment of autism?
7. Why is William Davies critical of the notion of “happiness?”
8. What is the relationship between people’s mental states and disengagement at work?
9. What is the problem with positive psychology and self help books?
10. Historically, what is the role of psychoactive drugs in the way that medicine/ society has dealt with mental illness?
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