Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre-Joseph_P

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Wikipedia,
Read and write on the section entitled “philosophy” and on the section entitled “controversial positions”. (In your paper cite as Wikipedia-Proudhon). NOTE: there are a lot of sub-headings under these two main headings that contain a lot of topics/information. You are free to choose which topics/information you want to write on.
2. Mikhail Bakunin, Wikipedia,
Read and write on the section entitled “thought” and on the section entitled “legacy”. (In your paper cite this as Wikipedia-Bakunin). NOTE: there are a lot of sub-headings under the “thought” heading that contain a lot of topics/information. You are free to choose which topics/information you want to write on.
NOTE: you can only use these two sources of information for your paper. You cannot use any other internet sources or the course textbook for this assignment. Failure to follow this rule will result in a failing grade on the paper.