Planning Nutritious Diets and Body Basics Now that you know the basics of nutrition, we will begin to analyze and understand dietary food labels and the nutritional facts of the foods we consume. It is important to understand that you do not need to consume packaged foods in order to be healthy. The best foods to consume are those that are fresh with only one ingredient, the food itself, for example, the only ingredient in apples is apples. However, with so many foods now being packaged, it is also important to understand how to decipher the nutrient content of the packaged foods you are consuming.After consuming some healthy foods, the next step is for the human body to process those foods. We will review the process of digestion and the major organs involved. Understanding how the human body works will help you understand the importance of proper nutrition and making the best food choices to fuel your body.
Define the major food groups and organize foods into the appropriate groups.
Use online sources and dietary guides.
Interpret a Nutrition Facts panel and recognize common health claims listed on the packaging.
List the organs of the digestive system, their functions, and how this relates to proper digestion and nutrient absorption.
Read, view, and engage with Readings and Resources.
Actively participate in the Unit Discussion.
Complete and submit the Unit 2 Knowledge Check.
Complete and submit Exam 1.
Readings and Resources
Readings and Resources
Schiff, W. (2022). Nutrition for healthy living (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill.In this chapter, you will learn what nutrients are required for proper health and in what quantity. You will also learn where to get these nutrients from. At the end of this chapter, you will be able to read nutrition labels and use this information to make healthier choices regarding your diet.
Chapter 3: Planning Nutritious Diets
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In this chapter, you will learn basic chemistry terms regarding nutrition, as well as the difference between an acid and a base. You will also review the major organs of the human body and their functions.
Chapter 4: Body Basics
Schiff 6ed_ch04_lecture_PPT_Accessible.pptx Schiff 6ed_ch04_lecture_PPT_Accessible.pptx – Alternative Formats
Articles, Websites, and Videos:
This article will dive deeper into how and why to read nutrition labels and ingredient lists. It will also give you real-world ideas as to how to add nutrition label reading into your food choices.
Hyman, M. (n.d.). Reading Labels. Reading Labels. – Alternative Formats
After watching this video, you will have a much better understanding of how to read nutrition labels and why it is important.
Supplemental Resources:
This article contains a document that labels in detail the information found on the back of foods to give you a better understanding of what you are looking at.
The Iron You. (2012). Why you need to read nutrition labels more carefully.
Unit 2 DB: Nutrition Labels
Unit 2 DB: Nutrition LabelsLook at the nutrition labels for the two breakfast bars below, also paying close attention to the ingredient lists provided in each. Answer the following questions:● What is the difference between total sugars and added sugars? How do the total sugars and added sugars differ in these two bars? Be specific.
● What are the biggest differences in the ingredient lists in these bars? Explain.
● Choose one ingredient that you have not heard of from the list from either bar. Explain to the class what the ingredient is and what its purpose is.In response to your peers: Discuss how you will apply both the information you learned and the information they shared to your future shopping trips.Blueberry Rx Bar:’s Nutri-Grain Bar: review the Discussion Board Grading Criteria on the Course Information Page.