Please make sure each post has two references. Separate each question.
Question 1
What is the clinical importance of understanding the origin of addiction? How does the client’s narrative affect treatment? How important is it to discuss the role that a Christian Worldview plays in their narrative and why? (150 words, 2 references)
Question 2 (Feedback)
According to our text, the origin of addiction is crucial for clinical treatment because knowing this origin from the client’s history will in fact inform the therapist of the direction of treatment planning. The therapist’s awareness of whether such addiction is genetically or environmentally is in fact-based factors into the assessment process, strategic process, and treatment intervention. The text also reveals that knowledge of this supports therapeutic professional disposition and self-awareness. The text reveals that healthcare professionals’ approach based on the origin of addiction provides targeted support for client long-term care and recovery (Van & Davis 2018). Christian worldview plays a great role in helping to create an atmosphere that ignites change. However, a reportable one’s Christian worldview should not cause additional harm to a client’s beliefs, values. The ACA code of ethics speaks clearly concerning one’s personal views. Counselors are advised to be conscious and mindful of their own values, attitudes, and beliefs (ACA code of ethics, A.4.a.b 2014). Feedback? (50 words, 2 references)
Question 3 (Feedback)
An important aspect of the client’s narrative is understanding how the social context of drug use influences what Goode (1972, as cited in McNeece & DiNitto, 2012) says is the “four central aspects of drug reality” (p. 31). The client’s version of how they define the drug experience, the effects of the drug and the drug related behaviors they demonstrate must be a part of the biopsychosocial assessment. As well, mental illness and addiction is another aspect of the client’s narrative that could affect treatment. How would you as a therapist integrate treatment for a client whose mental illness is affecting their ability to reduce the impact of their origin of addiction? Feedback? (40 words, 2 references)
Question 4
Describe how biological, psychological, and social factors contribute to the development of addictions. (150 words, 2 references)
Question 5 (Feedback )
You did a good job writing an initial discussion that integrates course theories by using research to support your ideas. The social work profession places a high degree of importance on being familiar with the literature relating alcohol issues to race, ethnicity, and culture and thus becoming knowledgeable about the effects of alcohol on different groups and the factors associated with alcohol use (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2013). In understanding the “underlying under-controlled or disinhibited behavior (i.e., impulsivity and sensation seeking) that have been identified as correlates of substance use” (Franco & Barnes, 2015, p. 107), consideration has to be given not just to the personality that could shape an individual’s behavior, but to the the fact that “heritability of drug dependence and alcoholism is approximately 50%, indicating that genetic and environmental risk factors also play a roughly equivalent role in the development of substance abuse/dependence” (Buscemi & Turchi, 2011; Enoch, 2012, as cited in Davis & Loxton, 2013, p. 2306).
Given these ideas, how would you expect the way clients construct stories about their lives that then would affect treatment? (30 words, 2 sources)
Question 6
What is the most effective and beneficial parenting style? Why? Identify the parenting style implemented by your parents and provide supporting details. (100 words, 2 sources)
question 7 (Feedback)
There are various parenting styles, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Parenting style can be categorized by two components: responsiveness, a parent’s response to the child’s needs and wishes, and demandingness or behavioral control, a parent’s approach to discipline and the level of demands placed on the child (Stein & Breckenridge, 2023). Research has shown that authoritative parenting is the most effective and beneficial style, it is also the preferred parenting style for child psychologists (US, 2020). Authoritative parents are warm, nurturing, and responsive to their children’s needs while also setting clear boundaries and expectations. This style promotes independence, self-discipline, and emotional intelligence in children. Authoritative parents provide guidance and support without being overly controlling or permissive. Children raised by authoritative parents tend to have higher self-esteem, better social skills, and excel academically. They are more likely to develop healthy relationships with others and become responsible adults. Authoritarian parenting is characterized by strict rules, high expectations, and little to no flexibility. Parents using this style often rely on punishment rather than positive reinforcement to discipline their children. This can lead to children feeling fearful, anxious, or rebellious. On the other hand, permissive parenting is marked by lenient rules, few consequences for misbehavior, and a lack of structure. Parents using this style may be more focused on being their child’s friend rather than an authority figure. While this can create a warm and nurturing environment, it may also result in children lacking self-discipline and struggling with boundaries. Growing up, I was raised by parents who implemented an authoritative parenting style. My parents (my mom specifically) set clear rules and expectations while also being responsive to my needs and emotions. My mother was firm in her discipline, but always took the time to explain the reasons behind her decisions. My father was a mix of both authoritative and permissive, I only saw him on weekends due to my parents being divorced, so it could very well be the circumstances. Since we were only there every other weekend, I felt he was a lot more relaxed in his parenting style and rarely needed to discipline me and my sister. (40 words, 2 sources)
Question 8 (Feedback)
Low emotional support and excessive control are characteristics of the authoritarian parenting style. (Stein) The authoritative parenting style is the most advantageous. While the primary goal of positive discipline is to assist parents in enforcing effective discipline, it’s also feasible that it will encourage parents to shift from permissive or authoritarian parenting to an authoritative approach (Caroll). This is just because the guardians who utilize this style have their kids confident and respectful; they perform well scholastically and are less inclined to report discouragement and even tension issues. My folks’ nurturing style is Tyrant style since they generally put down certain boundaries and principles expected to accomplish disappointment, which I achieved. For instance, at school, they typically gave me a good grade on some random test, and on the off chance that I neglected to accomplish a good grade, they rebuffed me by not giving me upkeep. (40 words, 2 sources)
Question 9
Discuss how the family of origin influences one’s parenting skills and what can happen when parenting styles, strategies, and philosophies are not discussed prior to parenthood. How might this be addressed in therapy? (100 words, 2 sources)
Question 10 (Feedback)
The family of origin plays a significant role in shaping an individual’s parenting skills, as it is within this primary social context that one first learns about parenting behaviors and attitudes. The experiences and interactions with one’s own parents often serve as a template for parenting one’s children. For instance, a study by Anikiej-Wiczenbach and Kaźmierczak (2023) found correlations between parental responsiveness and self-reported parental styles in the family of origin, with gender differences also playing a role. They observed that mothers who had liberal loving mothers themselves tended to exhibit higher sensitivity and cooperation in parenting, whereas those with autocratic mothers showed lower levels of these qualities. Fathers showed similar patterns, with positive correlations between having had democratic fathers and their own observed responsiveness toward daughters (Anikiej-Wiczenbach & Kaźmierczak, 2023) Feedback? (40 words, 2 sources)
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