Please use simple/easy words and grammar for this work. Also, the answer should be succinct. Please use APA-style headings to provide structure to your responses as appropriate. I really ask you that you thoroughly and completely follow my instructions. The words limit is between 300-500. I want the answer as soon as possible with high quality. Thanks in advance for you work.
There are two significant concerns related to research in Social Psychology are (1) the nearly exclusive use of undergraduate students as participants, and (2) reliance on lab experiments.
For this question, choose a topic of current concern related to social psychology and propose an experiment that uses a real-world setting and does not use university students (exclusively) as participants.
Include the following sections/headings in your research proposal:
Problem: Must be a problem/topic related to a Social Psychology construct.
Rationale: Why is it important to study this issue (how will people benefit from the knowledge gained)?
Research Question: Should be brief, clear, based on existing knowledge.
Participants: selection criteria and/or process of selection (may not use a convenience sample of undergraduate students). Include an estimated number, basic demographics, etc.
Overview of the Experiment: Tell what type of non-lab research you are proposing (such as field experiments, internet research, diary methods, ambulatory assessment, and trace measures), explain why this is the best choice for your study, and describe how the experiment will be conducted. (You must choose the best choice, not easiest one)
Describe what would be done to ensure validity and reliability for your experiment.
Ethical Considerations: Choose one ethical concern (outlined on page 45-17 of Aronson et al.; I attached the file below) and explain how your proposed study will adhere to it.
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