Prepare a ‘map’ or diagram of the Micro Environment for Aerial Drone (nonmilitary!) distribution in Australia: Marketing Insights Research Paper, SUT

1) Prepare a ‘map’ or diagram of the Micro Environment for Aerial Drone (nonmilitary!) distribution in Australia.

Your map should include a breakdown of major product/service categories and major market segments. It should also be labeled appropriately. You should include a brief commentary to highlight the most significant elements. – Needs at least 15 sources, if possible please support all points on a map with references – Attached is a rough idea of what the format should look like!! Then,

discuss in qualitative and quantitative terms, the three most significant Macro Environment factors that are currently impacting the Industry’s micro environment, and briefly discuss the implications for the Industry for 2022.

Marking Criteria will include Completeness of Micro Environment map.

Quantitative definitions/descriptions of the major sectors within the Micro Environment.

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