NRSG266_Extended Unit Outline_202260 © Australian Catholic University 2022_ Version: Final moderated 13/7/2022
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SEMESTER 2, 2022
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Credit points: 10
Prerequisites: Nil
National Lecturer in Charge
: Coral Bayley
Office location: Melbourne
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (03) 9953 3172
Contact: Please contact your campus LIC via email
Teaching Team

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While the Registered Nurse plays a central role in the provision of health care for people who
experience health alterations, they are also involved in caring for those aspects of care required
through healthy ageing. Health alterations occur across a range of settings and it is a requirement
that the nurse is able to provide care for people experiencing these alterations. This unit is required
by students to assist their ongoing development of theoretical knowledge underpinning the many
facets of nursing care required by the older person, including aspects of care which are required as
a result of normal ageing.
This unit will focus on the importance of promoting quality of life, independence, maintaining choice
and dignity for older people as they live with age-related changes, risk factors, sociocultural issues
and functional consequences that may occur with ageing. Key principles that underpin best practice
will be demonstrated by the use of evidence-based case studies. The roles of the registered nurse
across a variety of settings, and within the context of multi-disciplinary care, will be explored. The
theoretical knowledge gained in this unit will inform nursing students‟ future clinical practice across a
variety of settings.
This aim of this unit is to support students to develop knowledge and skills for the provision of
person-centred, evidence-based nursing care of the older person.
Mode: This unit is offered in mixed mode format. This means the content will be delivered via online
lectures and activities, resource sessions, self-directed study material and either online tutorials via
Zoom or face to face tutorials held on campus.
Attendance pattern: Students will be provided with access to online Lectures, and self-directed
learning modules. It has been planned for some campuses to offer students a choice of either face to
face or virtual tutorials for this unit. Once chosen, students must stay in their allocated tutorial for the
whole semester – movement between modes cannot be accommodated. However, in circumstances
where directives regarding COVID restrictions impact students’ ability to attend campus, your class will
be provided as a virtual tutorial via Zoom. Face-to-Face tutorials will resume on campus when it is
deemed safe to do so. The campus tiles will provide links to access Zoom tutorials.
You are advised to regularly check emails and the announcements on the campus specific tile of
NRSG266 for further information about COVID impacted classes. As future health professionals it is
expected that you remain fully compliant at all times regarding; wearing masks, social distancing, logging
on to QR codes and undertaking COVID testing as indicated.
Students are expected to view weekly online lectures and engage with content and associated activities.
Students are expected to attend any resource sessions that will explore lecture material in more depth
and allow for questions and answers. Students are expected to attend either an online tutorial via Zoom
or a face to face on campus tutorial and to actively participate in tutorials and group work. A record of
attendance will be taken at the beginning of each tutorial and students who miss 2 or more tutorials will
be required to explain their absences.
Please refer to Attendance Requirements section. Poor
attendance may affect students‟ ability to pass this unit
Duration: This unit will be taught over 10 weeks. You should anticipate undertaking 150 hours of
focused learning – this includes lectures and resource sessions, tutorials, online learning activities,
reading and self-direct study, and preparation of assignments to achieve the unit learning outcomes.

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On successful completion of this unit, students should be able to:

critically analyse the concept of healthy ageing and its promotion at an individual and
community level; (GA4)
understand experiences of ageing and how these are impacted by biopsychosocial,
spiritual and cultural factors; (GA1, GA4)
demonstrate advanced knowledge of pathophysiology related to the ageing process;
critically apply the Roper-Logan-Tierney Model of Nursing to the context of ageing;
(GA1, GA4, GA5, GA9)
implement the Levett-Jones‟ Clinical Reasoning Cycle across a range of settings, to
plan safe, evidence-based, culturally sensitive, person-centred nursing care for the
older adult; (GA3, GA4, GA5, GA8, GA9)
critically apply legal and ethical principles related to care of the older adult. (GA3)

On successful completion of this unit, students should have developed their ability to:
demonstrate respect for the dignity of each individual and for human diversity
apply ethical perspectives in informed decision making
think critically and reflectively
demonstrate values, knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to the discipline
and/or profession
locate, organise, analyse, synthesise and evaluate information

demonstrate effective communication in oral and written English language and visual

The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia‟s Registered Nurse Standards for Practice developed in
this unit are:

NMBA Standards for Practice
Learning Outcomes
1. Thinks critically and analyses nursing practice.
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7

LO1, LO2, LO4,

2. Engages in therapeutic and professional relationships.
2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8

LO4, LO5
3. Maintains the capability for practice.
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.7

LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4,
LO5, LO6

4. Comprehensively conducts assessments.
4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4

LO2, LO3, LO4,

5. Develops a plan for nursing practice.
5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4

LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4,

6. Provides safe, appropriate and responsive quality nursing practice.

LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4,
LO5, LO6

7. Evaluates outcomes to inform nursing practice.
7.1, 7.2

LO1, LO4, LO5

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Topics will include:
Older people, families, communities and healthy ageing

Demographic profile of the Australian older population
Impact of multiculturalism on health care needs of older Australians, including A&TSI
and CALD older people.


Impact of demographics on older adults, their family, community and health care

General health status of older people;
Common health issues for older Australian people, including A&TSI and CALD
older people;

Australia‟s Long Term National Health Plan (2019) priorities and implications for nursing
care for older people
Healthy ageing

o Definition
o Strategies

Theoretical approaches to ageing
Biological and physiological ageing

Biological theories (e.g., genetic, wear-and-tear, immunity, cross-linkage, free
Normal age-related physiological changes and their consequences
Ageing changes in specific organ systems and their consequences (e.g.
cardiovascular, respiratory, ENT, endocrine, gastrointestinal, genital/sexual, renal,
musculoskeletal, dermatological, and neurological)

o Psychological aspects of ageing

Psychological theories (e.g. theory of personhood, life course and personality
development, gerotranscendence)
Risk factors that impact on psychosocial well-being

Social and spiritual aspects of ageing

Sociological theories and the experience of ageing (e.g., health inequalities,
disengagement, activity, person-environment fit)
Ageism, stereotypes and myths of ageing
Social determinants, such as gender and social class
Spiritual theories (e.g., innovation, spiritual needs, multi-paradigm model)
Spiritual growth and identity
Spiritual well-being and activities

Person-centred nursing care for older people

Holistic nursing assessment of the older adult (informed by Roper-Logan-Tierney Model of
Nursing and Levett-Jones‟ Clinical Reasoning Cycle)

o Use of assessment tools/instruments
o Prioritising care
o Choice and dignity for older person

Overview of continuum of care services for older adults
Community care services including a range of government funded services

o Models of care coordination (i.e. chronic care models, and case management services)
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o Respite services
o Acute and subacute care services
o Residential aged care facilities
Working within a multidisciplinary team
o Nurses‟ roles
o Evidence-based care
o Palliative approach in aged care
o Health practitioners‟ attitudes toward care of the older person
Factors which can influence activities of living for older people and families
o Mobility/balance issues
o Cognitive impairment
o Continence issues
o Independent self-care issues
o Nutrition/hydration issues
o Sensory deficits
o Sexuality in older age

Social isolation
Quality use of medicines

Pharmacological issues


National Medicines Policy – Quality Use of Medicines

Evidence-based nursing strategies to promote medication safety
Nursing strategies to promote health and quality of life for older adults and their families,
within a legal and ethical framework

Quality of life
Loss and grief
Care-giver burden

o Promoting carer wellness

Needs of family and carers

Legal and ethical issues across a continuum of care settings

o Autonomy and rights
o Advance care planning
o Advance care directives
o Facilitating decisions about care
o Transition to residential care
o Elder abuse and neglect
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This unit has been evaluated through the „Student Evaluation of Learning and Teaching‟ (SELT)
online surveys. Assessment tasks and instructions have been updated to reflect emerging trends in
aged care.
SELT surveys are usually conducted at the end of the teaching period. Your practical and
constructive feedback is valuable to improve the quality of the unit. Please ensure you complete the
SELT survey for the unit. You can also provide feedback at other times to the unit lecturers, course
coordinators and/or through student representatives.
Modes of delivery in this unit include lectures, tutorials (either online or face to face), online activities
and self-directed study. Consistent with adult learning principles, the teaching and learning
strategies used within these modes of delivery will provide students with foundational knowledge
and skills relevant to professional nursing practice. These strategies will also support students in
meeting the aim, learning outcomes and graduate attributes of the unit and the broader course
learning outcomes. Learning and teaching strategies will reflect respect for the individual as an
independent learner. Students will be expected to take responsibility for their learning and to
participate actively with peers.
Students at university need to operate effectively as self-sufficient learners who drive their own
learning and access the learning supports they require. To guide students in their learning, feedback
is required to identify what is being done well, what requires additional work and to identify progress
toward required learning outcomes. Located in the second year of the programme, this theory unit
includes moderate face-to-face teaching hours and an increasing online component of learning to
build life-long learning skills. Lectures are utilised to convey content and its central principles while
tutorials deliver interactive and student driven learning sessions which require an increasing reliance
on students to extend their community of learners and increase self-reliance. Online materials
provide students with the opportunity to undertake directed, self-motivated study and continue to
transition to independent study and life-long learning.
An optional formative online quiz for this unit will also be made available to students in week 6 of
semester. This quiz will provide feedback on their progress and guide their unit learning. The
formative quiz does not contribute to the student‟s grade and follows the same format as the online
quizzes used in first year. First year quizzes were summative and did contribute to the unit grade;
second year quizzes are predominantly formative and will not contribute to the final unit grade – they
are designed to assist students in reinforcing good study patterns which will assist them in their
transition toward independent study and life-long learning
This unit may also be offered on or off campus in intensive mode for sponsored / special cohorts,
with the learning and teaching strategies being equitable with on campus mode offerings as
endorsed by the Discipline Curriculum Implementation Committee.
Lectures in this unit will be recorded and delivered within online modules. They will be available to
students via the LEO page for the unit.
For the most up-to-date information, please check your LEO unit and also note advice from your
lecturing and tutoring staff for changes to this schedule. The learning and teaching schedule for this
unit may vary depending on the campus at which you are enrolled. Please refer to your campus tile
within the national NRSG266 LEO site for a breakdown of study weeks and campus based resource

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National Lecture
Tutorial (Online/
Face to Face)

Online Activity
Introduction to the unit,
demographics of ageing
and introduction to
healthy ageing.

Overview of unit,
introduction to “Mrs
Anna Maria,” case
study one

Self-directed web
based activities

Normal age-related
physical changes and
their consequences.

Case study one

Self-directed web
based activities

sociocultural, spiritual
and politico economic
aspects of ageing.

Case study one

Self-directed web
based activities

Continuum of nursing
care of the older adult

Case study two, “Mr
Karl and Mrs Frances”

Self-directed web
based activities

Assessment 1
due 2pm Wed.
Aug 17

assessment of the older

Case study two

Self-directed web
based activities

Influence of pathological
processes on the health
of older adults

Case Study three “Mr

Self-directed web
based activities.
Formative quiz opens
on assessment tile

Influence of medications
on the health of older

Introduction to case
study four, “Ms

Self-directed web
based activities

Promoting and achieving
quality of life in older

Case study four

Self-directed web
based activities

Legal and ethical issues
for older adults across
the continuum of care

Self-directed Activities
from all case studies
and lecture concepts

Self-directed web
based activities.
Formative quiz closes.

Assessment 2
due 2pm Wed.
Sept 21

UA Vacation Week
Summary week
Summary of case
study content and
lecture concepts

Assessment 3
due 2pm Wed.
Oct 19

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Students should refer to information on their NRSG266 LEO campus tile as to how replacement
learning will be offered for students who have a public holiday fall on the day of their scheduled
Public Holidays falling in Semester 2, 2022
Monday 3/10/2022 (Labour Day)
VIC: Friday 30/9/2022 (Grand Final Eve tbc)
NSW: Monday 3/10/2022 (Labour Day)
QLD: Wednesday 10/8/2022 (Show day Brisbane area only) and Monday 3/10/2022 (Queen‟s
Attendance records of tutorial classes are maintained with a minimum of 80% attendance expected.
Reasons why attendance is required
In class, you will be interacting with other students and developing skills which you will use in your
professional/clinical experience; working within a group or team is an essential skill for all healthcare
workers. Additionally, contributing to and learning from interactions in tutorials has been shown to
increase students‟ understanding and improve student success. Lecturers monitor attendance and
your use of LEO so that we can support your learning. You are required to attend a minimum of 80%
of classes in this unit. These are your responsibilities as an adult learner.
To ensure that you benefit from the ACU learning experience and continue to achieve, you are
encouraged to plan your week carefully and prioritise time to engage in learning activities. These
may include face-to-face tutorials, virtual tutorials and online learning activities, as scheduled. You
should anticipate undertaking 150 hours of study for this unit, including class attendance, readings
and assignment preparation.
A range of assessment items consistent with University assessment requirements and policy will be
used to ensure students achieve the unit learning outcomes and attain the graduate attributes.
This unit has three assessment items. Assessment task one is a narrated e poster designed to
facilitate an understanding around healthy ageing and a consumer‟s perspective. Assessment task
two is an essay designed to engage students with the application of theory into practice and how
this needs to be flexible to meet the needs of the person requiring health care assistance. The third
assessment task is a case study designed to ensure a sound knowledge base, synthesis of
knowledge to the given scenario.
These assessments are required to build student knowledge and skills which, by the conclusion of
this programme, will enable the student to graduate as a safe and effective nurse.
In order to pass this unit, you are required to achieve an aggregate score of 50% or more for the
assessment tasks in the unit.
The assessment tasks for this unit are designed for you to demonstrate your achievement of each
learning outcome.

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Electronic submission, marking and return is being used for this unit. Assessment tasks will be submitted
and marked via LEO.

Assessment task
Due date



Assessment Task 1
Written Assignment.

2pm on Wednesday
August 17
LO1, LO2
GA1,GA4, GA5,GA9
Assessment Task 2
Oral Presentation: Narrated
E Poster Presentation
(group task)

2pm on Wednesday
September 21st, 2022

LO1, LO3,

GA5, GA9

Assessment Task 3
Case Based Assignment

2pm on Wednesday
October 19th, 2022

LO LO2 4, , LO6 LO3,
GA1,GA3, GA4,GA5,

Please include the word count of your assignment on the front page of your assignment or in a
header as appropriate. Please note that in-text citations and headings are included in the word
count whilst the reference list is not included in the word count. Words that are more than 10% over
the word count will not be marked. Please see further information in the section below titled „Word

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ASSESSMENT 1 – Written assignment: essay
This assessment requires students to prepare a written essay which analyses literature on the topic of
healthy ageing, and critically analyses the role of the registered nurse.
Due date: 2pm on Wednesday August 17th, 2022
Weighting: 40%
Length and/or format: 1000 words +/- 10%
Purpose: The purpose of this task is to enable students to incorporate current
literature and evidence based practice as they address the given
topic. Refer to LEO Assessment tile for essay topic and further
Learning outcomes assessed: LO1, LO2
How to submit: The assessment must be in word document format and is to be
submitted to the relevant Turnitin assessment drop box located on
NRSG266 LEO Assessment Tile.

Return of assignment:
Grades and feedback will be made available through LEO in
accordance with ACU policy.

Assessment criteria: This assessment task will be graded against a standardised criterion
referenced rubric. Please follow the criteria closely during the
planning and development of your assessment task (Appendix 1).

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ASSESSMENT 2 – Narrated e-poster presentation (group assessment)
Students are to work in groups of 3 or 4 to develop and present a peer educational presentation on one
of the two topics supplied. The target audience for this presentation is a group of professional nursing
colleagues caring for older people in a high care residential aged care facility. See Instructions and
Due date: 2pm on Wednesday September 21st 2022
Weighting: 20%
Length and/or format: Up to a maximum of eight (8) minutes of narration of an e-poster
presentation; maximum of six (6) PowerPoint slides with audio
recording only. Files are to be saved as file type “PowerPoint show”
to reduce file size for submission. It is the responsibility of the
student group to submit in the correct format. Incorrectly formatted
submissions may not be graded.

The purpose of this assessment task is to enable students to
demonstrate understanding of the application of theory to the

nursing care. Refer to LEO Assessment tile for narrated e-poster
presentation topic options and further instruction.
Learning outcomes assessed: LO1, LO3, LO5
How to submit: The submission must include 2 items. 1. A completed ACU Group
Assignment Cover Sheet containing each group members name
and Student ID.
2. The narrated E poster presentation. The
assessment is to be submitted to the Assessment 2 campus drop
box located in NRSG266 LEO Assessment tile. The group will
nominate one member of the group to submit the task. One
submission only per group. Do not submit multiple copies of the
Return of assignment: Assignments results and feedback will be returned via the
submission box as per ACU Policy. All students in the group will
receive the same mark. Feedback will be via the LEO submission
box in accordance with ACU policy.
Assessment criteria: This assessment task will be graded against a standardised criterion
referenced rubric. Please follow the criteria closely during the
planning and development of your assessment task (Appendix 2).

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ASSESSMENT 3 – Case based assignment
This assessment is an opportunity for students to demonstrate a breadth of understanding relating to
care of older people in Australia. In addition, students will apply knowledge and develop nursing
interventions to case scenarios. Students will analyse literature on the topic of healthy ageing, and
critically analyses the role of the registered nurse in working with older people.
Due date: 2pm on Wednesday October 19th 2022
Weighting: 40%
Length and/or format: 1200 words +/-10%
Purpose: The provided case scenarios and six short answer questions will
ensure a sound knowledge base to address content questions and a
synthesis of knowledge to demonstrate its application in practice.
The purpose of this written task is to enable students to synthesise
literature on healthy ageing, care of the older person in a variety of
clinical settings and the nurses‟ role in empowering older adults
within their care. Refer to LEO Assessment tile for case based
assignment questions and further instruction.
Learning outcomes assessed: LO2, LO3, LO4, LO6
How to submit: The assessment must be in word document format and is to be
submitted to the relevant Turnitin assessment drop box located on
NRSG266 LEO Assessment Tile.

Return of assignment:
Grades and feedback will be made available through LEO in
accordance with ACU policy.

Assessment criteria: This assessment task will be graded against a standardised criterion
referenced rubric. Please follow the criteria closely during the
planning and development of your assessment task (Appendix 3).

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Writing requires skill and being able to write within a specified word limit is an essential component
of professional and academic work. Reading and writing critically are fundamental skills which
demonstrate an understanding and an ability to make judgements and solve problems, hence why
only 10% of a word count should be direct quotes. That is, if the word count is 1400 words only 140
of those words should be direct quotes. Word counts provide students with an indication of the
amount of detail and work required for each assessment item. Words over the maximum limit will
not be graded.
What is included in a word count?
Essentially, all text within an assessment item from the introduction through to the conclusion is
counted in the word count. This includes all in-text citations, direct quotes and headings. The word
count does not include the following:

Title page

Reference list



Figures and legends

Please note that if you submit your assignment, notice that the similarity index is high but do not
have time to revise your assignment before the due date has passed, then you are advised to:

contact the Lecturer in Charge and request that your assignment be removed.
revise the assignment, submit it within three days of the due date and incur a late submission

submit it into the regular drop box. Do not submit into the extension drop box.
Please review the
Academic Integrity and Misconduct policy if you choose not to do this.
This unit requires you to use the APA 7th Edition referencing system.
See the „
Academic referencing‟ page of the Student Portal for more details.
It is your responsibility to read and familiarise yourself with ACU policies and regulations, including
regulations on examinations; review and appeals; acceptable use of IT facilities; and conduct and
responsibilities. These are in the ACU Handbook, available from the website.
A list of these and other important policies can be found at the
University policies page of the
Student Portal.

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Assessment policy and procedures
You must read the Assessment Policy and Assessment Procedures in the University Handbook:
they include rules on deadlines; penalties for late submission; extensions; and special consideration.
If you have any queries on Assessment Policy, please see your Lecturer in Charge.
Please note that:
(1) any numerical marks returned to students are provisional and subject to moderation;
(2) students will not be given access to overall aggregated marks for a unit, or overall unit grade
calculated by Gradebook in LEO; and
(3) students will be given a final mark and grade for their units after moderation is concluded and
official grades are released after the end of semester.
Academic integrity
You have the responsibility to submit only work which is your own, or which properly acknowledges
the thoughts, ideas, findings and/or work of others. The Academic Integrity and Misconduct Policy
and the Academic Misconduct Procedures are available from the website. Please read them, and
note in particular that cheating, plagiarism, collusion, recycling of assignments and
misrepresentation are not acceptable. Penalties for academic misconduct can vary in severity and
can include being excluded from the course.
The Turnitin application (a text-matching tool) will be used for 2 assessment tasks in this unit, in
order to enable:

students to improve their academic writing by identifying possible areas of poor citation and
referencing in their written work; and
teaching staff to identify areas of possible plagiarism in students‟ written work.

While Turnitin can help in identifying problems with plagiarism, avoiding plagiarism is more
important. Information on avoiding plagiarism is available from the Academic Skills Unit.
For any assignment that has been created to allow submission through Turnitin (check the
Assignment submission details for each assessment task), you should submit your draft well in
advance of the due date (ideally, several days before) to ensure that you have time to work on any
issues identified by Turnitin. On the assignment due date, lecturers will have access to your final
submission and the Turnitin Originality Report.
Please note that electronic marking, Grade mark, is used in this unit using Turnitin. Turnitin will be
used as a means of submitting, marking and returning assessment tasks and so a text matching
percentage will appear on your submission automatically.
Every campus provides information and support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students.
Indigenous Knowings are embedded in curricula for the benefit of all students at ACU.

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If you are experiencing difficulties with learning, life issues or pastoral/spiritual concerns, or have a
disability/medical condition which may impact on your studies, you are advised to notify your
Lecturer in Charge, Course Coordinator and/or one of the services listed below as soon as possible.
For all aspects of support please visit
ACU Info section in the Student Portal.

Academic Skills offers a variety of services, including workshops (on topics such as
assignment writing, time management, reading strategies, referencing), drop-in sessions,

group appointments and individual consultations. It has a 24-hour online booking system for
individual or group consultations.

Campus Ministry offers pastoral care, spiritual leadership and opportunities for you to be
involved with community projects.
Career Development Service can assist you with finding employment, preparing a
resume and employment application and preparing for interviews.
Counselling Service is a free, voluntary, confidential and non-judgmental service open
to all students and staffed by qualified social workers or registered psychologists.
Disability Services can assist you if you need educational adjustments because of a
disability or chronic medical condition; please contact them as early as possible.

To support your progression in this unit, students are directed to access the course inherent
requirements, on the link below, to understand the essential aspects of their course. If you
require assistance to enable you to achieve the knowledge, skills and attitudes outlined in the
inherent requirements, please speak with your academic and or a disability advisor for
The LEO page for this unit contains further readings/discussion forums.
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Recommended references
Bernoth, & Winkler, D. (2017). Healthy ageing and aged care. Oxford University Press.
Bullock, Manias, E., Hales, M., Hoehn, K., Keller, S. M., Carlson, D., Clapperton, R., Bullock, S., &
Marieb, E. N. (2021).
Pathophysiology and pharmacology for nurses. 1. Pearson
Bullock, Manias, E., Hoehn, K., Hales, M., Keller, S. M., Sorenson, M., Quinn, L., Klein, D., Holland,
L. N., Urban, C. Q., Carlson, D., Clapperton, R., Bullock, S., Marieb, E. N., Sorenson,
M., & Adams, M. (2021).
Pathophysiology and pharmacology for nurses. 2. Pearson
Calleja, Theobald, K., Harvey, T., & Estes, M. E. Z. (2020).
Estes health assessment & physical
(Third Australian and New Zealand edition.). Cengage Learning.
Chang, & Johnson, A. (2017).
Caring for older people in Australia, principles for nursing
(Second edition.). Wiley.
Chang, & Johnson, A. (2021).
Living With Chronic Illness and Disability: Principles for Nursing
. Elsevier.
Edwards, Buckley, T., Aitken, R. L., & Brown, D. (2019).
Lewis’s Medical-surgical Nursing Ebook:
Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems
. Elsevier.
Holland, & Jenkins, J. (2019).
Applying the Roper-Logan-Tierney model in practice (Third edition.).
Jarvis, Eckhardt, A., Watt, E., & Forbes, H. (2021).
Jarvis’s health assessment & physical
(Australian and New Zealand, 3rd edition.). Elsevier Australia.
Levett-Jones. (2018).
Clinical reasoning : learning to think like a nurse (Second edition). Pearson
Vafeas, & Slatyer, S. (2021).
Gerontological nursing : a holistic approach to the care of older people.
Further references
As per LEO modules and NRSG266 reading list
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APPENDIX 1: Assessment Task 1 – Written Assessment: Essay

High Distinction
No attempt

4.5 – 5
There is a clear introduction
that outlines the topic, and
contextualises and profiles the
scope, content, and the
sequence of the essay topic.

There is a clear introduction
that outlines the topic, and
profiles the scope, content,
and the sequence of the
essay topic.

There is a clear
introduction that outlines
the topic, and profiles the
content and the sequence
of the essay topic.

There is a clear
introduction that outlines
the topic and the content
to be covered.

There is an introductory
sentence that partly
outlines the topic.

There is no
introduction and/or
the introduction does
not outline the topic.

Evidence and

34 – 40
30 – 33
26 – 29
20 – 25
0 – 19
The content is relevant to the
topic. Perceptive and
comprehensive identification
and discussion of main ideas,
themes, strengths, and
limitations of the articles.
Very high level understanding
of the topic area is
demonstrated. High quality
evidence and examples are

The content is relevant to
the topic. Comprehensive
identification and discussion
of main ideas, themes,
strengths, and limitations of
the articles. High level
understanding of the topic
area is demonstrated.
Appropriate evidence and
examples are presented.

The content is relevant to
the topic. The main ideas,
strengths and limitations
of the articles are
identified with some
discussion presented.
Understanding of the
topic area is
demonstrated. Evidence
and examples of varying
quality are presented.

Most content is relevant
to the topic. Some of the
main ideas, strengths and
limitations of the articles
are presented. Discussion
is evident but superficial.
Understanding of the
topic area is
demonstrated in a limited
way. Evidence and
examples of varying
quality are presented.

The content is partly
relevant to the topic. Some
of the main ideas or
themes or strengths or
limitations of the articles
are identified.
No discussion is evident or
is not relevant.
Understanding of the topic
area is demonstrated in a
very limited way. Evidence
and examples are minimal.

The content, evidence
and examples are not
appropriate a d/or
The main ideas or
themes or strengths
or limitations of the
articles are not
Understanding of the
topic area is not

Evaluation of
the Evidence

34 – 40
30 – 33
26 – 29
20 – 25
0 – 19
There is evidence of both
depth and breadth of reading.
A clear, well-constructed and
balanced argument is
presented which
demonstrates substantial
originality, comprehensive
organisation, and synthesis of
the evidence and a well
developed understanding of
the current state of knowledge
on the topic.
Argument is consistently and
appropriately supported by
valid, varied, and current

There is evidence of
breadth of reading.
A clear, well constructed
argument is presented
which demonstrates
comprehensive organisation
and synthesis of the
evidence and a well
developed understanding of
the current state of
knowledge on the topic.
Argument is well supported
by appropriate valid, varied,
and current evidence.

There is inconsistent
evidence of breadth of
A clear argument is
presented which
organisation and synthesis
of the evidence and sound
understanding of the
current state of
knowledge on the topic.
Argument is supported by
appropriate and varied

There is limited evidence
of breadth of reading.
A clear argument is
presented which
organisation of the
evidence and
understanding of the
current state of
knowledge on the topic.
Argument is supported by
appropriate and adequate

There is no evidence of
breadth of reading.
A summary of the
evidence is presented. No
clear argument is
presented and/or
understanding is not clearly
Argument presented is not
appropriately supported by
evidence and/or appears

There is no evidence
of breadth of reading.
No argument is
presented. There is
no attempt to
synthesise of
summarise the
evidence. Evidence
provided is not
appropriate or is
heavily biased

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4.5 – 5
The conclusion is articulate
and returns to what was
stated in the introduction.
Articulately includes all the
main discussion points of the
paper and reflects on the
larger implications of the
Any use of expert quotes
supports the writing.
Leaves the reader with
something to think about.

The conclusion returns to
what was stated in the
Clearly outlines all the
main discussion points of
the paper and conclusions
drawn attempt to reflect
larger implications of the
Any use of expert quotes
supports the writing.

The conclusion returns
to what was stated in
the introduction.
Conclusion clearly
outlines all main
discussion points of the

Conclusion summarises
main discussion points in
the essay.

Minimal and or
ineffective conclusion.
Conclusion is vague, too
broad and does not
address the purpose of a

No conclusion.
Structure and

4.5 – 5
There are no errors with
grammar, spelling and
punctuation, and the meaning
is effortlessly discernible.
Correct terminology and
professional language are used
proficiently and consistently.
Each answer is expertly
organised into paragraphs that
are perfectly structured
without error.

There are few errors with
grammar, spelling and
punctuation, and the
meaning is easily
Correct terminology and
professional language are
mostly used.
Each answer is organised
into paragraphs, and the
information is organised
appropriately within the

There are minimal errors
with grammar, spelling
and punctuation, and the
meaning is easily
Correct terminology and
professional language are
frequently used.
Answers are organised
into paragraphs, and the
information is organised
appropriately within the

There are some errors
with grammar, spelling
and punctuation.
However, the meaning is
readily discernible.
Use of correct
terminology, syntax and
professional language was
Answers are mostly
organised into
paragraphs, and the
information is mostly
organised appropriately
within the paragraph.

There are substantial errors
with grammar, spelling and
punctuation. The errors
detract significantly, but
the meaning is discernible.
Writing was characterised
by incorrect terminology,
or a lack of professional
There is evidence of
paragraphs, however
paragraph structure is

Grammar, spelling
and punctuation are
such that the reader
cannot make sense of
the content.
Incorrect terminology
or inappropriate
professional language
used consistently.
Paragraph structure is
disorganised, with no
clear ideas, and no
linking of paragraphs.


4.5 – 5
Accurate use of APA 7th Ed
referencing style on all
In text citations are provided
where required in all
No errors in citations or
reference list.

Minor errors in use of APA
7thEd referencing style.
In text citations are
provided where required in
most instances.

Minimal errors in use of
th Ed referencing
In text citations are
provided where required
in some instances.

Frequent errors in use of
th Ed referencing
In text citations are at
times provided.

Any or all of the following:
Substantial errors in use of
th Ed referencing
In text citations are used
Insufficient resources are

There are no
references used.
There are no in text
citations provided.

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APPENDIX 2: Assessment Task 2- Narrated E-poster Presentation Group Marking Rubric

High Distinction
No Attempt

13 – 15
11.5 – 12.5
10 – 11
7.7 – 9.5
0 – 7
E-poster content is presented
with exceptional visual clarity
and impact, with high level
creativity evident through use
of colour, design and images.

E-poster content is
presented with good
visual clarity and impact,
with good creativity
evident through use of
colour and or images.

E-poster content is
presented with visual
clarity and impact, with
some creativity evident in
use of colour and images.

E-poster content is
presented with basic
visual clarity and impact,
with basic creativity
evident in use of colour
and/or images.

E-poster content lacks visual
clarity and impact, and low
level creativity is evident
through poor use of colour
and/or images.

Did not meet
requirements of set
task, no evidence of
meeting this criterion.

of topic in
relation to
CRC 1 to 4 as
per task

34 – 40
30 – 33
26 – 29
20 – 25
0 – 19
Demonstrates excellent
knowledge of the topic.
Very good evidence based,
person centred responses to
questions relating to CRC 1 to 4.
Expert understanding of related
pathophysiology is evident.
Content is evidence based and
extensively supported by high
quality evidence.

Demonstrates very good
knowledge of the topic.
Evidence based, person
centred responses to
questions relating to CRC 1
to 4.
Very good understanding
of related pathophysiology
is evident.
Content is evidence based
and extensively supported
by quality evidence.

Demonstrates sound
knowledge of the topic.
Person centred responses
to questions relating to
CRC 1 to 4.
Some understanding of
related pathophysiology is
Content is evidence based
and supported by quality

Demonstrates basic
knowledge of the topic.
Inconsistent person
centred responses to
questions relating to CRC
1 to 4.
Some understanding of
related pathophysiology
is evident.
Content is evidence
based and mostly
supported by evidence.

Any or all of the following:
demonstrates poor
knowledge of the topic; all 4
CRC stages not addressed as
required; limited
understanding of related
pathophysiology is evident
and or insufficient evidence
to support content.

Demonstrates no
knowledge of the
health problem. No
use of relevant

Content :
of current
based best

26 – 30
22.5 – 25
19.5 – 22
17.5 – 19
0 – 17
Comprehensive discussion of
current evidence based best
practice in relation to topic.
Principles of person centred
care are clearly evident in your
Goal or goals relevant and
expertly justified. Presented in
SMART format.

Very good discussion of
current evidence based
best practice in relation to
topic. Principles of person
centred care are evident in
your responses.
Goal or goals relevant and
justified. Presented in
SMART format.

Sound discussion of
current evidence based
best practice in relation to
topic. Principles of person
centred care are
somewhat evident in your
Goal or goals relevant and
justified. Presented in
SMART format.

Basic discussion of
current evidence based
best practice in relation
to topic. Principles of
person centred care are
minimally evident in
your responses.
Goal or goals relevant.
Presented with some
aspects of SMART

Inadequate or incomplete
discussion of current
evidence based best
practice in relation to topic.
Principles of person centred
care are not evident in your
Goal or goals are irrelevant
or not supplied.

Did not meet
requirements of set
task, no evidence of
meeting this criterion.

NRSG266_Extended Unit Outline_202260 © Australian Catholic University 2022_ Version: Final moderated 13/7/2022 Page 20 of 22


8.5 – 10
7.5 – 8
6.5 – 7
5 – 6
0 – 4
The student’s voice is well
modulated, there is appropriate
use of oral language, and the
meaning is clearly discernible
by the target audience.
A highly engaging, well
organised and persuasive
Oral content comprehensively
supports slide content with
clear expansion and elaboration
of all points.

The student’s voice is well
modulated, there is
appropriate use of oral
language, and the
meaning is discernible by
the target audience with
minimal effort..
In the main, an engaging,
well-organised and
persuasive presentation.
Oral content thoroughly
supports slide content
with expansion and
elaboration of most

The student’s voice is well
modulated, there is
appropriate use of oral
language, and the
meaning can generally be
discerned by the target
Generally, a well
organised and persuasive
Oral content supports
slide content with
expansion and elaboration
of most points.

The student’s voice is
discernible, there is
appropriate voice
modulation most of the
time and the meaning
can be understood by
the target audience
some of the time. At
times, presentation
could have been better
organised, more
engaging and persuasive.
Oral content is at times
read directly from slides
content with some
variation or addition.

Any of the following:
Unsatisfactory oral
presentation. The student
voice is discernible but there
is minimal use of voice
modulation, and the
meaning is difficult to
understand by the target
audience. The student
appears uncomfortable with
presentation of the
Oral content is mostly read
directly from e-poster
content with limited
variation or addition.

The audience is
mostly unable to
understand and/or
hear the student
and/or discern
meaning. The student
does not appear to be
familiar with the
Oral content is mostly
read directly from e
poster content with
no variation or


4.5 – 5
Accurate use of APA 7th Ed
referencing style on all
In text citations are provided
where required in all instances.
No errors in citations or
reference list.

Minor errors in use of APA
7thEd referencing style.
In text citations are
provided where required
in most instances.

Minimal errors in use of
th Ed referencing
In text citations are
provided where required
in some instances.

Frequent errors in use of
th Ed referencing
In text citations are at
times provided.

Substantial errors in use of
th Ed referencing style.
In text citations are used
infrequently. Insufficient
resources are used.

There are no
references used.
There are no in text
citations provided.

NRSG266_Extended Unit Outline_202260 © Australian Catholic University 2022_ Version: Final moderated 13/7/2022 Page 21 of 22
APPENDIX 3: Assessment Task 3 Case Study Short Answer Questions.

High Distinction
No attempt
Knowledge and

29.5 – 35
26 – 29
23 – 25
17.5 – 22.5
0 – 17
All questions attempted
and answers expertly
and correctly discussed.
All relevant concepts
relating to the selected
case and the context in
which it is set are
identified. All discussion
points were clearly
relevant to the topic.

All questions attempted
and most answers
correctly discussed, with
only a few minor
concepts missing or not
discussed in sufficient
detail. Nearly all
relevant concepts
relating to the selected
case and the context in
which it is set are
identified. The
discussion points were
mostly logically related
to the topic.

All questions attempted and
answers are mostly
correctly discussed and
most concepts relating to
the topic identified, but a
few significant issues were
missing, unclear or not
discussed in sufficient
detail. Some important gaps
were apparent. The
discussion points were
generally related to the

All questions attempted and
answers identified and
discussed the essential
concepts relating to the topic,
but some significant issues
were missing, unclear or not
discussed in sufficient detail.
Evidence of an attempt to
discuss points, but answers
were generally superficial
and/or descriptive in nature,
and/or there was limited
logical development of
argument in some areas.

Any of the following:
All questions must be
attempted to pass this
Answers attempted to
provide an explanation of
relevant concepts/principles
related to the topic, but
some essential issues were
not addressed and there
was little evidence of the
essential concepts.
Limited logical progression
and/or major gaps were

Absence of
discussion of
applicable to the
Major issues were
not addressed and
many important
gaps in reasoning
were apparent.

Content: Critical
analysis of the
nurse’s role.

29.5 – 35
26 – 29
23 – 25
17.5 – 22.5
0 – 17
The answers expertly
identified and discussed
all relevant concepts
related to each scenario
and to the nurse’s role.

The answers correctly
identified and discussed
all relevant concepts
related to each scenario
and to the nurse’s role.

The answers correctly
identified and discussed
nearly all the relevant
concepts pertaining to each
scenario and the nurse’s
role, with only a few minor
points missing or not
discussed in sufficient

The answers identified and
discussed the essential
concepts relating to each
scenario and the nurse’s role,
but quite a number of
significant issues/points were
missing, unclear or not
discussed in sufficient detail

Any of the following: All
questions must be
attempted to pass this
There was incomplete
coverage of essential
concepts related to each
scenario and the nurse’s
role within the answers.
Some important issues/
points were not addressed
and there was little
evidence of the correct
usage of relevant concepts.

There was an
absence of
relevant identified

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Evidence and

17 – 20
15 – 16.5
13 – 14.5
10 – 12.5
0 – 9
There is evidence of
both depth and breadth
of high quality reading.
All content is pertinent
to the topic. High quality
evidence supports all
discussion and examples
of nursing care when
required. Minimum 10
current and credible
references included.

There is evidence of
both depth and breadth
of reading. The content
is relevant to the topic.
Quality evidence to
support discussion and
examples of nursing
care for most answers.
Minimum 10 current
and credible references

There is evidence of
reading. The content is
mostly relevant to the topic.
Some appropriate evidence
and examples are presented
for each answer. Minimum
10 current and credible
references included.

There is limited evidence of
reading. The content is
relevant to the topic.
Evidence and examples are
presented of varying quality
for each answer. Minimum 10
current and credible
references included.

Any of the following: Most
questions attempted or
questions attempted with
evidence and examples of
varying or poor quality. And
/ or insufficient or low
quality resources used to
support answers.

No evidence to
support content
and or no

Structure and

4.5 – 5
There are no errors with
grammar, spelling and
punctuation, and the
meaning is effortlessly
discernible.. Each
answer is expertly
organised into
paragraphs that are
perfectly structured
without error.

There are few errors
with grammar, spelling
and punctuation, and
the meaning is easily
discernible. Each answer
is organised into
paragraphs, and the
information is organised
appropriately within the

There are minimal errors
with grammar, spelling and
punctuation, and the
meaning is easily
discernible. Answers are
organised into paragraphs,
and the information is
organised appropriately
within the paragraph.

There are some errors with
grammar, spelling and
punctuation. However, the
meaning is readily discernible.
Answers are mostly organised
into paragraphs, and the
information is mostly
organised appropriately
within the paragraph.

Any of the following: There
are substantial errors with
grammar, spelling and
punctuation. The errors
detract significantly, but the
meaning is discernible.
There is evidence of
paragraphs, however
paragraph structure is

Grammar, spelling,
and punctuation
are such that the
reader cannot
make sense of the
content. Paragraph
structure is
disorganised, with
no clear ideas, and
no linking of

APA Referencing

4.5 – 5
Accurate use of APA 7th
Ed referencing style on
all occasions.
In text citations are
provided where
required in all instances.
No errors in citations or
reference list.

Minor errors in use of
APA 7thEd referencing
In text citations are
provided where
required in most

Minimal errors in use of
th Ed referencing style.
In text citations are
provided where required in
some instances.

Frequent errors in use of APA
th Ed referencing style.
In text citations are at times

Any or all of the following:
Substantial errors in use of
th Ed referencing style.
In text citations are used
infrequently. Insufficient
resources are used.

There are no
references used.
There are no in
text citations