Module Handbook
Faculty of Social and Health Sciences
School of Health and Social Care
Module Code: SHN 3103
Module Title: Project
Welcome to Project Module (SHN3103)
A very warm welcome to Project Module (SHN3103)
I hope that you find this Module Handbook helpful in supporting your studies and that it provides you with all the information you need to know about this module.
This module is designed to introduce project work. By conducting an individual project on an approved topic of your choice, you will gradually develop, not only knowledge and understanding of a topic which you find interesting, but you will also develop important key skills. In this module you will be researching, either at a topic you have come across in your studies or at a new topic which you would like to examine in more depth. Your project work will be based exclusively on existing academic literature and other secondary sources. No primary empirical research will be undertaken. This means that you will not be collecting data, interviewing, or involving participants in your research.
Throughout the module, you will be working one-to-one with a tutor, who will guide you through the steps to develop your confidence in reading new material, researching a topic and putting together your own piece of project work.
The team of staff on the module look forward to exploring these topics with you
It connects with the rest of your degree programme. For example, the project component is linked with one of the components of Level 4 module (Research Methods) and Level 6 Dissertation in which students are expected to demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental concepts in research whilst undertaking basic qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis.
On the last page, you will see your module at a glance. This document helps you understand your assessment for Level 3, how it connects to your programme outcomes and to the graduate attributes (skills and behaviours) you will develop during your studies. This handbook is designed to help you understand what you have to do for this module and to explain why you are being assessed in a particular way. This will include how the learning you do, the teaching sessions you attend, and how the module assessment will support you in successfully completing your level of study.
All assessments included at your current level study have been aligned against the programme outcomes to ensure you achieve these. These outcomes are included at the end of this document. We have designed your assessment so that it supports you to make meaningful connections across all the content you will study during this academic year. This handbook sets out the key assessments dates so you know when you will need to submit work and when you can expect your feedback.
During this module, you will be asked to complete one piece of work in Semester 2.
On successful completion of your course when you apply for jobs you will be able to talk about the following transferrable skills, including communication and written skills, presentation skills, time-management skills, and organisational skills that you have developed in this module. You will also be able to demonstrate ability to work independently and as part of a team to analyse and interpret a wide range of information and use it to inform programme planning. You will be able to demonstrate ability to analyse and resolve highly complex information queries and problems, and ability to interpret it in an easily understandable form to large group of audience.
Marie Tchaptchet
Module Leader
Module Code and Title:
Project (SHN3103)
Where and When:
Manchester: (Group B,C, D & E): Time Day Group: 9:45- 2:45 pm
Evening group: 6- 9 pm
Saturday: 9:45-2:45
London: (Group B & C): Time: Day Group: 9:45- 2:45 pm
Evening group: 6- 9 pm
Saturday: 9:45-2:45
Birmingham (Group C & E): Time: Day Group: 9:45- 2:45 pm
Evening group: 6- 9 pm
Saturday: 9:45-2:45
B group- Wednesday & Thursday – Day time
C group- Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday – Evening time
D group- Wednesday, Thursday & Friday – Evening time
E group Friday & Saturday – Day time
Delivery pattern (5 weekly sessions)
Module Leader:
Marie Tchaptchet
Module Leader Contact Details & Availability:
Marie Solange Tchaptchet
Office: 3rd floor Manchester Campus GBS
Phone: +441615280494
Office hours: Day / time(s) 9:00 – 18:00 Mon- Fri
Module Team Tutors / Contact Details:
Tiswani Khumalo
Ayorinde Arowoiya
: office hours: 9:00 – 18:00
Oladipupo Abioye
: office hours: 9:00 – 18:00
John Ngaojia
Fazal sahibzada
: office hours: 9:00 – 18:00
Marie Tchaptchet:
Fazal sahibzada
Lauren Young
: office hours: 9:00–18:00hrs
Lauren Young
Dr Ejiofor A Ezika:;
: Office hours: 09:00 – 18:00hrs
John Ngaojia
Fazal sahibzada
: Office hours: 09:00 – 18:00hrs
B1 Republic
Mentesnot Mengesha
: Office hours: 09:00 -18:00hrs
B1 Greenford
Adebayo Osibote
: Office hours: 09:00 -18:00hrs
Sushoma Syed
: Office hours: 09:00 -18:00hrs
Summary of Content:
On successful completion of the module, you will be able to:
Identify a suitable academic topic that is related to your field of study
Plan an effective project based on existing academic literature and sources
Present a coherent account of a problem or area of interest
Demonstrate reflection on the problems that you encountered when undertaking your chosen project
Learning and Teaching Strategies
This module is composed of first 5 weeks with face to face teaching activities supported with project activities. There will be supervised sessions with a tutor, scheduled class
workshops/ seminars and guided independent study. The schedule of class/group sessions will be given in by your tutors before. You will be given a Proposal form and this need
to be signed by you and your tutor in order to approve your chosen topic.
Most sessions will take the form of individual supervision but also class led. Individual supervision will include one to one session with a tutor which may take the form of email, telephone, and face to face contact as appropriate; to meet the needs of individual students and the stage of the project process.
A key aim of this module is to help you to build your confidence in identifying relevant academic material, drawing together different ideas, and putting together a balanced, clearly structured, and well thought out piece of research. At each stage you will be supported by your tutor who will work with you to build an evidence base by helping you to develop your literature searching skills and encouraging you to think about the value of different sources.
Each week you will share your progress so far, think about the problems you have encountered and how you will move forward.
After each session or contact with your tutor you should write down an action plan – a list of tasks to be working on along with how you are going to achieve this and by when. Identify any issues that may arise and how you plan to work through these. Set a day and time for your next meeting or contact with your tutor and be ready to email or to bring along the completed work to the next session.
The way we teach have been designed to contribute to providing an environment that respects the dignity of all people whatever their background. We are an anti-racist university. We expect our colleagues and students to have respect for one another, to uphold each other’s dignity and to support each other to thrive. We do this in a way which is collaborative in line with our institutional values of solidarity and service.
Our expectations are that we create and contribute in a way which recognises that collaboration and success requires each of us. We will be on this journey with you.
How your Module is Delivered
Your time on campus, learning through in-person teaching, is at the heart of your academic experience and the way we deliver our programmes. It helps to ensure that you are part of a connected learning community which provides you with the opportunity to interact with your peers and your tutors. Your on-campus in-person teaching sessions are supported and enhanced by a range of additional learning activities, including digital teaching materials and online platforms.
This multi-modal approach to your programme of study is designed to ensure a positive learning, teaching and academic experience, and has been carefully designed around three stages:
These stages work as follows:
You will be given clear tasks to support you in preparing for live, in-person teaching. This may include watching a short, pre-recorded lecture (or other open educational resource), reading a paper or text chapter, finding resources to discuss with your peers in class, reading and commenting on a paper or preparing other material for use in class. Your Module Tutor will give you information to help you understand why you are completing an activity and how this will be built on during live, in-person teaching.
All your live, in-person teaching will be designed around active learning, providing you with valuable opportunities to build on preparation tasks and interact with staff and peers, as well as helping you to deepen your understanding, apply knowledge and surface any misunderstandings.
Follow-up activities will include clear opportunities for you to check understanding and apply your learning to a new situation or context. These activities will also be a source of feedback for staff that will inform subsequent sessions.
For further information on what is expected of you before, during and after in-person sessions, please refer to your module schedule at the end of your handbook.
Assessment and Deadlines
Assessment Negotiated assessment 3000 words Pass/Fail 17th May 2023
Component form
(eg. Essay or Online test)
(eg. 2,000 words
or 2 hours)
Weighting and/Categorical marking
Objective(s) assessed
(eg. 1, 2)
Negotiated assessment
3000 words.
Categorical marking
17/ 05/ 2023
1,2,3 & 4
You are required to submit your assignments electronically via Moodle/Turnitin. Please note that we operate an anonymous marking system.
Feedback and Marks
The assessments will be marked electronically, and feedback will be available promptly via Moodle 15 working days after the submission date (as indicated above). In the unlikely event that we cannot meet this commitment, we will inform you and explain the reasons
Assessment Criteria
Your work will be assessed by the marking criteria. Modules will also include specific guidance to help you with your assessment and unpacking the criteria in relation to each piece of assessment.
The format of this assessment can be negotiated. This means that you can negotiate with your tutor a topic suitable for the project. This should be approved by your tutor and signed off before you start your project work.
project. The word count for the main project is 3000 words. Your work will be marked on a Pass/Fail basis.
Students who fail a component will be granted a re-sit opportunity within the resit periods.
Late submission of coursework
Late Submission: Where there is no agreed request for an extension, a deduction of 5 marks will be made for assignments which are submitted in the 24-hour period immediately after the deadline. This means that work submitted one minute after the submission time will lose 5 marks. Subsequent deductions of 5 marks will be made for assignments submitted during subsequent 24-hour periods (not including non-working days). Work submitted more than 5 working days after the deadline will not be marked and a mark of zero will be returned.
Plagiarism is a form of cheating which involves presenting another person’s ideas or expressions without acknowledging the source. The penalties for this are severe. Extensive and repeated instances can result in your removal from the degree programme. It is therefore very important that you understand how to avoid being accused of plagiarism. Any work submitted for assessment must, unless collaborative work has been specifically permitted in the assignment guidelines, be your own work. Any material used, from whatever source, must be clearly acknowledged. Any words that are not your own should be shown as quotes and their author and publication details given. Where you paraphrase the words of another you should make this clear and give details of where you found this material. You should make use of the referencing guidelines on the Library website and complete the online plagiarism tutorial to ensure that you are providing such details correctly.
LTU APA 7th Referencing Guide
Doing so will gain you marks for showing evidence of research and ability to reference. Not doing so could lead to accusations of plagiarism. You can also use Turnitin in advance of the deadline to enable you to check for elements of plagiarism in your work and then correct these.
For details about assessment-related issues, such as plagiarism/poor scholarship and penalties for late submission, please see the Programme Handbook.
Assessment Task: Final project
To write a 3000-word project report which identifies and addresses the needs, problems and opportunities of a given situation.
There are 3 milestones:
To submit a proposal for the project in order that the project supervisor can approve the topic and provide formative feedback.
To provide an interim of report of progress to the project supervisor.
To submit the final written report of 3000 words (+ or – 10%) for summative assessment.
Project Plan: by the week 2 (Please use the template as specified below and submit it to your tutor for approval before carrying out your project.
Proposal Structure
Project Title
Background to topic
Reason for choosing this topic
Aim of this work
How the aim will be achieved
2. Project Task (3000 words): by the deadline on Moodle – 26/ 05/23
Project Structure
Project Title (Not in Word Count)
Table of Contents (Not in Word Count)
Introduction (approx. 1000 words) This will include
Background to topic
Reason for choosing this topic
Aim of this work
How the aim will be achieved
Literature Survey (Approx. 1500 Words)
Conclusions (Approx. 500 Words)
Can include Recommendations for Further Work
Glossary (Not in Word Count)
Reference List (Not in Word Count)
Appendix A: Project Plan (Not in Word Count)
Other Appendixes (label as B, C, D etc. as required and guided by your Supervisor) (Not in Word Count.
All assignments must be submitted via Turnitin by 12:00 noon on the deadline day.
Assessment Criteria Grid
Exceptional 1st
100, 95
Outstanding 1st
68, 65, 62
58, 55, 52
48, 45, 42
38, 35, 32
Abject Fail
25, 20, 10, 0
Knowledge & Understanding
Polished grasp of subject. Astute and authoritative approach to complexity.
Comprehensive and confident grasp with strong sense of subject complexity.
Thorough understanding evident and well applied to specific assessment task.
Secure, general understanding and reasonable application to assessment task.
Sound knowledge relevant to the assessment task.
Limited knowledge shows basic understanding. Some awareness o the context of the assessment task.
Faulty understanding of assessment task or concepts. Irrelevant or mostly absent content.
No understanding of assessment task or concepts. Irrelevant or absent content.
Structure, Argument
Effective and integrated over-arching argument or structure, clear, insightful synthesis. Highly creative understanding of topic.
Effective overall argument with clear and insightful connections between claims. Creative understanding of topic.
Clear and logical focus and direction with valuable connections made between claims. Good level of creativity.
Well-focused on the question with some clear connections made between claims and some overall direction. Some creativity.
Addresses the topic with some direction and makes some connections between claims or different parts of artefact/assignment.
Argument is weak and difficult to detect. Connections made between statements limited
Lack of argument. Faulty connection between statements.
No argument. Many faulty connection between statements.
Analysis and Conclusions
Original and searching analysis, critical appraisal of task and judicious conclusions.
Searching analysis with pertinent conclusions drawn.
Insightful analysis throughout with appropriate conclusions drawn.
Strong analysis of salient illustrative examples. Some general conclusions drawn.
Some conclusions drawn based on some reasonable comparisons and examples.
Basic analysis. Remains descriptive, little evaluation or comparison. Few clear conclusions.
Insufficient evaluation or attempt to make comparisons. Conclusions illogical insufficient.
No evaluation or attempt to make comparisons. Conclusions illogical or absent.
Sources & Evidence
Extensive and evaluative use of evidential support for argument.
Extensive use of evidence with some evaluation.
Clear support of argument with well selected evidence.
Draws on relevant independent sources and evidence to support claims.
Makes simple use of evidence from recommended sources.
Relies on superficial statements with little supporting evidence.
Lack of evidence or relevant sources.
No evidence or relevant sources.
Adherence to Referencing Conventions, Technical Skills
Flawless referencing or technical skills.
Flawless referencing or technical skills.
Excellent referencing or technical skills.
Consistent and accurate referencing or technical skills.
Largely consistent accurate referencing. or technical skills.
Limited referencing/ adherence to convention or technical skills.
Inadequate referencing or technical skills.
Inadequate or no referencing or technical skills.
Written/Visual/ Oral
Style & Clarity
Professional and sophisticated with exceptional clarity and coherence. Excellent, controlled, confident delivery, pace, and audience engagement.
Professional and fluent with great clarity and coherence. Confident delivery, pace and audience engagement.
Fluent and accurate with great clarity and coherence. Mostly confident delivery, pace and audience engagement.
Clear and coherent. Good delivery, pace and audience engagement
Some lapses of clarity. Some expression is ineffective. Satisfactory delivery, pace and audience engagement
Adequate, but awkward expression throughout with little clarity. Poor delivery, pace and audience engagement
Inadequate and unclear presentation. Impaired communication. Error-strewn.
Grossly inadequate and unclear presentation. Severely impaired communication.
12. Resources
Core texts
Burns, T. and Sinfield, S. (2016). Essential study skills: The complete guide to success at university. London: SAGE.
Recommended texts
Piscitelli, S. (2014). Study skills: Do I really need this stuff? London: Pearson International.
Bedford, D. and Wilson, E. (2013). Study skills for foundation degrees. London: Routledge.
Machi, A.L. and McEvoy, B.T. (2016). The literature review: Six steps to success. California: Corwin.
Wurdinger, S.D. (2016). The power of project-based learning: Helping students develop important life skills. Maryland: Rowman & Litchfield Publishers.
Graham, N and Portny, S.E. (2011). Project Management for Dummies. New York: for Dummies.
Howard, K., Sharp, A. and Peters, S. (2002) The Management of a Student Research Project. 3rd edition. Abington: Gower.
Library contact details
Website: , Email: or
13. Academic Support
As a minimum here details of tutor availability and encouragement to approach tutor for advice, support and explanation of assessment feedback – assessment unpacking should scheduled as part of the module, as also should time for students to practice marking on each other’s work.
If you require help from any of the module tutors, please speak to the tutor in the session or at the end of the session. Alternatively, you can email your tutor with a question or to book an appointment with them either face to face or by telephone.
Feedback is given at multiple points across the duration of the module, in different modes. You should expect, and recognise, that feedback can be given by your peers, verbally in sessions, feedback might be given to the whole module cohort during teaching sessions, and it might also be given in conversation with your tutor.
Formative feedback doesn’t have a grade attached; it will often be given in your teaching sessions. Formative feedback is valuable as it allows you to improve your subject knowledge for your summative assessment(s) as well as allowing you to practice the type of assessment that you will count towards your final grade for the module.
You will receive feedback on all summative assessments, these are the graded assessments in your module. You might receive summative feedback during an assessment session, as audio or written feedback.
Feedback will focus on what you are doing well, and how you can continue to improve your work.
14. Action taken/Changes made in response to student feedback
Students have voiced that they would have benefited better from brushing up the academic skills first and having some hardcopy books available to them. Teaching and learning team is looking into it.
15. Essential Library and Learning Resources
Leeds Trinity’s Library is based in the Andrew Kean Learning Centre (AKLC). In it, you will find:
Friendly, helpful staff
Books to support your studies
Group, quiet and silent study spaces
Laptops for loan
A café where you can relax
A 24 hour IT room
Student Information Point
The Library Website
Access either by clicking on the Library icon on MyLTU or go to
From here you can:
Find and access print and electronic books
Research a specific topic
Access subject specific resources
Get information on referencing
Check our latest opening hours
Access library help and support
Book a study room
Use our ‘Request’ service to suggest an item for the library to purchase
Getting Help
For help with using the Library, contact the Library Helpdesk:
Or call: 0113 283 7244
You can also make an appointment with your Liaison Librarian, Rachel Davies who will help you get the most out of the library during your time at Leeds Trinity. Rachel delivers teaching sessions and offers 1-2-1 appointments to help you develop your research and referencing skills.
Contact Sarah:
16. Graduate Outcomes, Employability and Attributes
All Leeds Trinity University degrees offer a blend of employability skills, professional work placements, extra-curricular activities and one-to-one support.
We call this our employability formula – a special blend of support and guidance that gives our graduates a head starts to getting a job.
Our employability statistic speaks for itself with 97% of our graduates are in employment or further study 15 months after graduating (Graduate Outcomes, Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) published 2022).
17. Race Equality
We acknowledge that racism is ingrained across our society, institutionalised within the higher education sector and our university. We recognise that racism is not always overt and manifests in the everyday life of our staff and students; the impact of which is significantly harmful to individuals and our community. We hold ourselves accountable and empower everyone to be anti-racist, challenge all forms of racism and work to dismantle structures that perpetuate racism including challenging ourselves. We are committed to eliminating racial inequality and will take systematic action to address racial inequities. We expect all staff, students, and all members of our university community including partners and stakeholders to embody these values and behaviours.
Fit to Submit: Assignment Checklist
This brief assignment checklist is designed to help you avoid some of the most common mistakes made in coursework. You can sometimes lose marks by forgetting some of the more straightforward elements of your assignments. We recommend that you “tick off” each of the points below as you prepare your work for submission. If you need any help. you can ask your module tutor.
□ Have you read and understood the assessment criteria?
□ Have you addressed the learning outcomes? You will lose marks and your work may even be failed if you have not.
□ Have you kept to the word count? 10% under or over the word count is usually OK. If you are not sure, check with your tutor.
□ Have you demonstrated that you can write critically? Show you have supported your arguments using academic literature; you have presented ideas and information which challenges thinking, and you have offered discussion points which extends your own or others’ viewpoints.
□ Have you maintained an academic tone throughout your work? Have you tried to avoid repeating the same words? Have you attempted to use the technical language of your subject area?
□ Have you properly referenced the sources you have used?
□ Have you checked that the referencing/bibliography in your assignment is in line with your course requirements?
□ Have you proof-read your work and used spellcheck software to check your spelling and grammar? Have you made sure your font size, colour, style, line spacing and margins are consistent and appropriate to the work as specified by your tutor?
□ Can you confirm that the work submitted is your own and not plagiarised?
YOUR MODULE AT A GLANCE – Teaching, Learning & Assessment
Module Code
Module Title
Module Leader
Marie Tchaptchet
Pre (on-demand learning – available to all students on Moodle)
Live (in person learning)
Post (on-demand learning – available to all students on Moodle)
Assessment (mode of assessment, component weighting, submission and feedback date)
Level Learning Outcome
Weekly topic overview
Learning resource sets (Guided & Independent learning activities)
Face-to-face sessions on campus
Learning resource sets (Guided & Independent learning activities)
An introduction to the module:
Lecture 1: Overview: Defining and outlining a research project topic:
Background research, brainstorming of concepts, choosing a manageable topic of interest/research question
Library, IT, Moodle and project proposal.
One-to-one tutorials to be held with your lecturer.
Howard, K., Sharp, A. and Peters, S. (2002) The Management of a Student Research Project. 3rd edition. Abington: Gower.
Brainstorming different H&SC topics
Q & A
Monitoring students’ written proposal
S/T Feedback;
Overview: Defining and outlining a research project topic:
Developing your writing –
Pre-submission lecture/ class discussions/ individual support/ project planning.
Submitting your Research Project Plan
PPT, Library, IT, and Moodle
Machi, A.L. and McEvoy, B.T. (2016). The literature review: Six steps to success. California: Corwin.
Assessment criteria as specified in the assignment brief.
ASSESSMENT – Project Plan submission week
One-to-one tutorials to be held with your lecturer.
Research planning
Lecture on how to plan your research.
Planning, resources, permission, integrity, stakeholders, primary and secondary sources, timeline.
In preparation for session, think about and note down any questions or challenges that have arisen since the last meeting
Piscitelli, S. (2014). Study skills: Do I really need this stuff? London: Pearson International
Thinking about the material you brought to the session today, what did you and your tutor discuss about this? Make notes on your discussion with your
What new things were discussed and why?
Write down your plans for the week ahead. What will you look at, why are you looking at this?
Has your tutor asked you to do something for the next session?
One-to-one tutorials to be held with your lecturer
One-to-one tutorials to be held with your lecturer
3 hrs
PPT AND Worksheet.
Q & A
Feedback session
Make notes on what you discussed with your tutor today.
Assignment workshop
Graham, N and Portny, S.E. (2011). Project Management for Dummies. New York: for Dummies.
Assignment due
Total Guided Learning Hours
20 hours
Independent learning hours
240 hours
Overall learning hours
300 hours
YOUR MODULE AT A GLANCE – Employability/ Academic Skills workshop on Moodle
To contact the Team, please email: and include the following information:
– Your name/ LTU Student ID
– Your course (Healthcare) and Level (L3, L4, L5, L6, L7)
– Your Campus (Republic, Birmingham etc.)
– The topic you would like support with
– Your availability (days/ times you would be available to attend a session face-to-face)
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