PSYC 5304 Week 1 – Discussion: Classify Your Healthcare

PSYC 5304 Week 1 – Discussion: Classify Your Healthcare

PSYC 5304 Week 1 – Discussion: Classify Your Healthcare

The collaborative care model characterizes a single approach to care integration where care managers, primary care providers, and consultants work together to deliver care and assess the progress of a patient (Reising et al., 2021). This healthcare approach is associated with enhanced clinical outcomes, quality of care, the safety of care, and reduced cost for various health conditions. The basic strategies of the collaborative care model include care coordination and management. Care coordination entails the deliberate arrangement of patient care activities and the spreading the information among members of the interprofessional team concerned with patient care to realize safer and more effective care (Ghiyasvandian et al., 2021). The primary goal of care coordination is to realize the needs and preferences of a patient to promote high-value healthcare. The other strategies include proactive monitoring of the treatment of a patient based on validated clinical standards and systematic reviews of evidence related to patient conditions.

The elements of care fit within the Collaborative Care Model include team-driven. The collaborative care model entails a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals tasked with delivering and supporting patient care and also implementing and adjusting the treatment plan (Duncan, 2019). The other element is population-focused. This care is responsible for the delivery of healthcare and outcomes to a definite patient population. The third element is evidence-based. Evidence-based care involves the integration of measurement-directed information to inform clinical decision-making while tailoring disease management interventions to individual patient needs. The final element is measurement guided. This model should use systematic, patient-reported, and disease-specific outcome measures to inform clinical decision-making (Deschodt et al., 2020). The use of the Collaborative Care Model can affect patient care by improving the quality of care, addressing patients’ mental and physical health needs, preventing medication errors, reducing healthcare costs, enhancing patient outcomes, and enhancing the patient experience with healthcare.

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PSYC 5304 Week 1 – Discussion: Classify Your Healthcare References

Deschodt, M., Laurent, G., Cornelissen, L., Yip, O., Zuniga, F., Denhaerynck, K., … & De Geest, S. (2020). Core components and impact of nurse-led integrated care models for home-dwelling older people: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 105, 103552.
Duncan, M. (2019). Integrated care systems and nurse leadership. British Journal of Community Nursing, 24(11), 538-542.
Ghiyasvandian, S., Shahsavari, H., Matourypour, P., & Golestannejad, M. R. (2021). Integrated Care model: Transition from acute to chronic care. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 74.
Reising, V., Diegel-Vacek, L., Dadabo MSW, L., & Corbridge, S. (2021). Collaborative Care: Integrating Behavioral Health Into the Primary Care Setting. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 10783903211041653.

This week, you learned about the basic components of an integrated approach to health care. For this assignment, discuss the basic strategies of the Collaborative Care Model by examining your own experiences with health care, or that of someone you know. Determine what elements of care fit within the Collaborative Care Model and how the use of the model (or not using the model) effected the care received.

Provide examples to support your thoughts, but please note that you should adjust details (e.g., names, relationships, illness) to maintain confidentiality.

Support your discussion posting with at least one scholarly resource.

Length: 350-500 words

Your response should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards where appropriate.

Post your discussion by clicking on Start a New Thread and then click the Post button when you have completed your response.