Purpose Each module unit takes the task of writing a good essay and breaks it do

Purpose Each module unit takes the task of writing a good essay and breaks it down into smaller steps. In this discussion, we will share our thoughts on our readings for this unit by relating the contents to our experiences and prior knowledge. By sharing our interpretations on the readings, we will generate ideas for the Research paper. In our discussion, you will also asked to support your thesis ideas with evidence from our assigned texts for this module. That evidence will also serve to help you put together a comprehensive outline for your essay in the next assignment. Main Post Instructions Write two or more paragraphs (at least 200+ words) on the following: Paragraph 1 (Historical Origin of Zombie Myths) Listen to or Read Unexplained Podcast Season 4, Episode 8 Part 1Links to an external site. and Part 2Links to an external site. with Richard McLean Smith. (Unexplained transcript also available.) Podcaster Richard McLean Smith describes the brutal history of slavery in Haiti and traces connections to the development of Haitian zombie myths. Smith then shares the story of a modern day Haitian former zombie survivor. Read Learn about the brutal history of slavery in Haiti in “Haiti: A Long Descent to Hell” by Jon Henley Reflection 1. Describe the story of the Haitian zombie myth in detail as told in Unexplained Podcast Season 4, Episode 8 Part 1Links to an external site. and Part 2Links to an external site.. (Unexplained transcript also available.) 2. Then provide a thesis that responds to this question: Argue whether or not the Haitian zombie myth originated from and / or mirrored Haitian slaves’ experiences by critiquing historical accounts of the Haitian slave trade and the testimonies of modern day Haitian people who believe they were made into zombies. Paragraph 2 (Dawn of the Dead) 1. Summarize the story of Zack Snyder’s film Dawn of the Dead (2004)Links to an external site.. Note: If you are a student with a disability that makes it difficult for you to watch films, I will provide you with an alternative assignment that replaces the films with readings so you can write your essay. Please contact me as early in the semester as possible if you would like me to set this up for you for this Research Paper. 3. Then provide a thesis that responds to this question: What is one point of similarity and one point of difference in the way Dawn of the Dead and Haitian Zombie Myths represent zombies’ relationships with people? 4. End your main post with an interesting question for the class that stems from the ideas in your post. Reply Posts (2 required, 50+ words each) What parts of the other student’s main post could you identify with? What parts did you like? Explain why you liked those ideas. Suggest improvements by referring to additional supporting examples from our class readings. Or point out parts of the other student’s main post that you would like to see discussed in more detail, either with more explanation, clarification, or support. End your reply post with an interesting question that is relevant to your discussion. Grading Requirements 1 main post (200+ words) that fully responds to Dr. Kwa’s prompt 2 replies (50+ words each) to others’ main posts Very Important: You are required to end all of your main posts and replies with a question that is related to your thoughts in your post. Originality Please make sure to give credit to other students by name should you discuss their ideas. If your discussion forum plagiarizes ideas or wording from another student’s post or an outside source, your post will not be accepted for credit. AI Generated Text Not Allowed No use of AI bots, including Chat GPT and Google Translate, are permitted for any stage of the writing process, including brainstorming, outlining, revisions, grammar check, or composition. Assignments that contain AI generated text or plagiarism in any amount will receive a “0” grade with no possibility of a rewrite. Discussion Formatting and Other Important Tips Main posts should be titled “Main Post” to distinguish them from replies Paragraph formatting: Divide your post into separate paragraphs. Skip a blank line between paragraphs, and do not indent paragraphs (e.g. business letters). Make sure to answer all parts of Dr. Kwa’s instructions for each discussion. Avoid recopying Dr. Kwa’s questions and writing in a question and answer format. Write in well-organized complete paragraphs. Must show language respectful of other students and Dr. Kwa. Disagreement is fine; hurtful language is not. Flaming posts will be immediately deleted from the forum. Must be proofread and reasonably grammatically correct. I recommend that you first write your post in Microsoft Word, save it, and then cut and paste it into the forum. Remember to capitalize “I,” beginnings of sentences, proper nouns etc. Use proper punctuation, including periods at end of sentences. Avoid all capitalized letters in words since this looks like screaming in written form. Avoid run-ons and fragments. Avoid abbreviations used typically when texting or writing casual emails. Always spell-check.