Purpose: Podcast extra credit and/OR a lecture with notes by Prof. J on connecting Cold War to “war on terror” and understanding why we invaded Iraq though that country did nothing to warrant it.

Purpose: Podcast extra credit and/OR a lecture with notes by Prof. J on connecting Cold War to “war on terror” and understanding why we invaded Iraq though that country did nothing to warrant it. (I post notes for that latter optoin and also added a video overview, ideal for visual learners or those who want to know about Cold War covert operations and why we invaded Iraq really. You have to really pay attention, as incorrect or shallow answer will not get credit.) The goal of NPR’s podcast “Throughline” (<– that’s the link to click) is to take a timely issue today and trace its history/origins into the American past, so that we may better understand the topic through the evolution of its history to the present today. There are two narrators, and they interview historians and field experts to tell the story, and it’s usually quite enjoyable. This exercise will help build your listening, comprehension, analytical, and writing skills, and potentially inform your Final Project, if you choose well. Again, only 1 (one) extra credit option will be granted, unless your Final Project passes. Thus, I will grade only ONE podcast or lecture option, and any more submitted beyond that will not be graded until after one’s Final Project (part 1 and 2) is in and passes with at least 70% C- Tasks:Choose an episode (or more than one) of the podcast called “Throughline” on NPR from those listed below, listen to the entire podcast, ideally taking some notes while you do, or you won’t remember key history. You might choose to just listen the first time while relaxing, driving, working out, or cleaning, and then listen again and/or read the transcript too in order to take notes. And/or you can choose the video lecture with notes I added. Summarize the key historical events conveyed in the podcast in about three paragraphs (min. 300 words of non-repetitive, accurate, relevant content). I need to be able to tell you listened to the entire thing and understand the key history presented. This is not about giving opinions, but rather about learning some history. Here are your options (click links or search title online): Student Loans: The Fund-Eating Dragon (2022) At the start of the 20th century, only the most privileged could afford to go to college. Today, millions of students pursue higher ed — and owe $1.7 trillion in debt. (April 6, 2023 episode) The Mystery of Inflation (2022) Rising interest rates. Layoffs. A shrinking dollar. Over the past year, the US economy has been squeezed: The same amount of money gets you less stuff. It’s inflation: a concept that’s easy to feel but hard to understand. Its causes are complex, but it isn’t some kind of naturally-occurring phenomenon — and neither are the ways in which governments try to fight it. The Whiteness Myth In 1923, an Indian American man named Bhagat Singh Thind argued before the U.S. Supreme Court that he was a white man and was therefore eligible to become a naturalized citizen. He based his claim on the fact that he was a member of India’s highest caste and identified as an Aryan and therefore white. His claims were supported by the so-called Indo-European language theory, a controversial idea at the time that says nearly half the world’s population speak a language that originated in one place. Theories about who lived in that place inspired a racist ideology that contended that the original speakers of the language were a white supreme race that colonized Europe and Asia thousands of years ago. This was used by many to define whiteness and eventually led to one of the most horrific events in history. On this episode of Throughline, we unpack the myths around this powerful idea and explore the politics and promise of the mother tongue. (Feb. 2023) The Monster of We (2021) Are most modern problems caused by selfishness or a lack of it? Ayn Rand, a Russian American philosopher and writer, would say it’s the latter — that selfishness is not a vice but a virtue — and that capitalism is the ideal system. Everyone from Donald Trump, to Alan Greenspan, to Brad Pitt have sung Ayn Rand’s praises. The Library of Congress named her novel Atlas Shrugged the second most influential book in the U.S. after the Bible. Ayn Rand wasn’t politically correct, she was belligerent and liked going against the grain. And although she lived by the doctrine of her own greatness, she was driven by the fear that she would never be good enough. The Real Black Panthers (2021) In 1968, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover said the Black Panther Party “without question, represents the greatest threat to the internal security of the country.” And with that declaration he used United States federal law enforcement to wage war on the group. But why did Hoover’s FBI target the Black Panther Party more severely than any other Black power organization? Historian Donna Murch says the answer lies in the Panthers’ political agenda: not their brash, gun-toting public image, but in their capacity to organize across racial and class lines. It was a strategy that challenged the very foundations of American society. And it was working. AND OTHER OPTIONS…. –“The Land of the Fee” (On the belated and unlikely–and originally un-American–addition of a culture of “tipping” in the United States.) March 25, 2021 episode –“The Everlasting Problem” (On the unusual American health system that could’ve been socialized like in Canada, Europe and most of the work, but we didn’t get that and have employer based instead. How did that happen? It was not supposed to be.) Oct. 1, 2020 episode –“The Evangelical Vote” (The history of the evangelical Christian vote and involvement in politics. It changed greatly over time unexpectedly!) Sept. 24, 2020 episode –“The Postal Service” (Pretty self-explanatory and interesting) (Sept. 10, 2020 episode) –“Reframing History: Mass Incarceration” (Why do Americans have more people in prison than any other nation in the world? It has a long history with specific reasons.) Sept. 3, 2020 episode –“Remembering Bayard Rustin: The Man Behind the March on Washington” (About Civil Rights Movement and the famous gay man who helped make it happen, usually hidden from history) Feb. 25, 2021 episode –“The Electrical Grid” (Dec. 30, 2021) Where did our electrical grid come from, why is it split into three regions, and what did this have to do with a battle between Tesla and Edison? This is the tale. –“Before Stonewall” (2019 and 2021) Some famous LGBT history for those unaware. –“The Supreme Court” (2021) Where did this court come from and come to be what it is with so much say over our lives. –“Policing in America” (April 2021) Why the unusual violence against African American citizens in the context of history. –“Impeachment” (January 2021) A look back at President Johnson and the first ever impeachment of a President. –“The Spotted Owl” (Nov. 2020) How the Endangered Species Act went from beloved by all, passed by Republicans, to a political wedge issue related to big timber. If you wish to do a different one, you must get permission from me FIRST, or no credit given. That’s become some are too short or not related to US history or in our time period. OR! Another option: PROF’S LECTURE THAT CONNECTS THE COLD WAR TO WAR ON TERROR (specifically WHY we invade Iraq): This one is worth more than the options above, not merely 100% credit, but much more depending on quality of answer. Open the notes attached (Latin American and Iraq) and watch after reading OR pause video as you skim notes. Here is the link to the video lecture: https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/c3f30ZVYrJc Link to video lecture in new window Purpose In the 1990s, the Soviet Union had fallen, leaving the U.S. as the one remaining superpower. Still, terror attacks threatened the seemingly easy American hegemony, but these events were largely ignored, until 9-11. The path from Cold War to War on Terror ran through Afghanistan (and Latin America), but Iraq faced invasion though it had nothing to do with 9-11 or WMDs. But how does the world of covert operations in Latin America inform wars in the Middle East, Iraq in particular? This week’s lecture (a live video lecture by Prof. J. Knapton with notes to view) connects the dots and brings to life some often overlooked events in both world and U.S. history. If you choose to do this I recommend the film Charlie Wilson’s War. Task Link to video lecture: https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/c3f30ZVYrJc Prepare to take some lnotes on the video lecture, and do consult the written content in posted notes where I supply book quotes used in the lecture to help you to find answers and post meaningfully and even quote directly. The notes content specifically on this post’s history (see attached document) starts on page 8, while the earlier pages remind everyone about the Cold War, some key ideas–interesting but not required. Expectations and Criteria for Success: Posts should be a minimum of 350 words (but it’s worth more points than the other task (I offer up to double points for fulfilling this choice fully and accurately) Answer BOTH of the following two prompts (Part 1 and Part 2) accurately based on the video lecture and posted notes (pages 8 – 15 minimally): Part 1) Introduce your post by either connecting America’s loss in Vietnam to renewed interest in a strong military and a new war on “terror” (only as per my lecture, not conjecture or outside sources or AI in any way) OR …explain what I said about American Cold War goals in general in efforts to control other nations (not letting them become part of the Soviet sphere of influence). Do not use outside sources of any kind to answer any question. Just pick one or the other for the first part of the post. Part 2) AND you must also explain in your own words (quoting my notes or video ideally) the connection between American Cold War efforts in Latin American to our goals