QSM301: Prepare a take-off list, and unit of measurement and apply relevant SMM clauses for measuring the reinforced: Construction Measurement (3 of 4) Advanced Civil & Structural Works Assignment, SUSS

Question 1

Interpret Figures Q1.1 to Q1.7 and apply measurement techniques to the following questions.

Specification Notes for Question 1:

Reinforced concrete shall be grade 40. Lean concrete shall be grade 15.
Formwork shall be of sawn timber for sub-structure works and written timber for super-structure works.
The concrete cover shall be 50 mm thick for sub-structure works and 25 mm for super-structure works.
Topsoil excavation shall be to a reduced level and deposited on-site in temporary spoil heaps average of 30m away from the excavation works for reuse.
Reinforcement for roof beams and roof slab is not to be measured.

Question 1a

Prepare a take-off list, and unit of measurement and apply relevant SMM clauses for measuring the reinforced concrete structure.

Question 1b

Take off quantities for the sub-structure works.

Question 1c

Take off quantities for the super-structure works.

Question 1d

Take off quantities for the reinforcement works.


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The post QSM301: Prepare a take-off list, and unit of measurement and apply relevant SMM clauses for measuring the reinforced: Construction Measurement (3 of 4) Advanced Civil & Structural Works Assignment, SUSS appeared first on My blog.