[Question 1]
Historically, economic growth has been a function of both business and government. Economist Paul Romer presented to Congress what it will take to lead in scientific and technological progress.
– Read his report to the House Budget Committee at:
– Read his article ‘New’ Growth Theory at:
Explain what you learned about resources and economic growth
If we consider knowledge to be a driver of economic growth that is not subject to diminishing returns, how could a public/private partnership develop knowledge capital, particularly in the fields of technology and science, as a way to encourage growth in the economy?
How would this ‘investment’ improve rates of return?
[Question 2]
One of the outcomes of poverty and income inequality is households that are food insecure.
Visit the USDA Economic Research Service to learn about food security and insecurity in the United States
NOTE – you may need to use a browser other than Chrome to obtain the images like the map. Then click the Food & Nutrition Assistance tab.
Explain what you learned about food scarcity and food security
Locate information for your state and provide a report on what you found out. Is your state one of those that is above the U.S. average?
Given the level of government assistance provided to those who are food insecure, why do you think there are still so many people who are food insecure or close to it?
Be sure to discuss the concepts you learned in this module [Concepts: employment & unemployment].
Assignment Instructions:
Write at least 500 words ( going over 575 words will be penalized)
USE ARIAL Font Size 12
Use Headings and subheadings between Questions.
Use at least two scholarly references to support your answer: include in-text APA7 citations & reference listing.
Write professionally and use proper English, have no spelling and/or grammar errors.
Students are expected to use economic concepts from text readings & assigned readings, NOT to be only written from students’ thoughts or opinions.
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