Quiz Instructions This semester you have read the book Blur. I am now asking you

Quiz Instructions
This semester you have read the book Blur. I am now asking you to respond to the book as a whole by answering each of these questions thoughtfully and thoroughly as individual questions. (Copying and pasting the questions does not count as the 750 word count) Your response to the book should be a minimum of 750 words. You will be graded on the quality of your responses.
Please note I will be running your exam through AI scanners, so please use your own words when your respond to these questions. Any exam using AI (even partially) will not be passed.
Submit as a PDF or Doc. No JPG files will be accepted.
What is the main idea of the book? 
What are your takeaways from reading this book? Do you have a new perspective on the topic after reading it? What have you learned from reading it?
Why was this book written? How can it be applied to your own life or the world at large?
What does the title mean? Does it have anything to do with the book’s content?
Were you surprised by anything in the book, good or bad?
Did any of the author’s thoughts or opinions change your own? If so, why and how? Be specific.
How did the book change the way your process information that the media throws at you? Provide several examples.
How did the book overlap with critical thinking concepts that you learned from your textbook Thinking for Yourself? Be very specific. For example discuss observation, fact checking, viewpoints etc.
Did the author accomplish their goal in writing this book? Why or why not?
Would you recommend this book to others? Why or why not?