Read Gilbert’s two free verse poems, “Trying to Sleep” and “Adulterated,” and an

Read Gilbert’s two free verse poems, “Trying to Sleep” and “Adulterated,” and answer the following questions.
1. In “Someone Is Writing a Poem,” Adrienne Rich writes:
Someone is writing a poem. Words are being set down in a force field. It’s as if the words themselves have magnetic charges; they veer together or in polarity, they swerve against each other. Part of the force field, the charge, is the working history of the words themselves, how someone has known them, used them, doubted and relied on them in a life. Part of the movement among the words belongs to sound—the guttural, the liquid, the choppy, the drawn-out, the breathy, the visceral, the downlight.
Choose an example from each of Gilbert’s poems to exemplify Rich’s claims about “magnetic charge” and “movement.” In other words, what are some language combinations you find especially interesting or powerful? Explain why you made these choices.
2. As noted in the Free Verse Poetry page included in this module, enjambment is an important tool free verse poets use when structuring their poems. From each of Gilbert’s poems, choose an example of enjambment you think is particularly effective, quote the lines, and explain why you think his use of enjambment is effective.
3. In “Trying to Sleep,” Gilbert (who is the speaker of the poem) says, “I crank my heart even so and it turns over” (8). This line is the central metaphor in the poem, and it also signals the turn of the poem, which is interesting since he actually uses the verb “turn.” To what is he comparing his heart? What does he mean by “heart”? Why does he use the phrase “even so”?
4. In line 11 of “Adulterated,” Gilbert claims, “For this the birds sing sometimes without purpose.” What is “this”?
5. Summarize the overall messages of these two poems.