Read & Respond Book Link:

Read & Respond
Book Link:
For The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, that means Chapters 1 – 9

Note: You will have a total of 1 response entries for this assignment, but the instructions are a bit different. So please read the instructions below carefully, and be extra thoughtful with this entry!
Be sure to include all of the following things in your Reading Response:

1. Summarize, in your own words, what has happened in the chapters so far.

2. Choose two quotes from the book that you find particularly impactful, either because they are interesting, beautiful/artistic, or create an emotional reaction of some kind in you.

3. A response to both of the quotes you have chosen and explain why you chose them and what impact they had on you as a reader – write at least one full and thoughtful paragraph!

4. Your response, impressions, or general thoughts on the work as a whole. – write at least one full and thoughtful paragraph!