Read the attached article on Health and Wholeness. This article was published by the United Methodist Church in 2016. Ellen G. White, the visionary and one of the founders of Loma Linda University, came from a Methodist background. As such, the Seventh-day Adventist church shares much in common with the Methodist church. In this article on Health and Wholeness, the biblical vision is laid out. Further, the church invites and challenges Christians to proactively participate in personal, and communal, health and wholeness. Read the article thoroughly and reflectively. Answer the following: 1. What three new things have you learned in your reading? 2. Reflect on your graduate journey here at LLU by answering the following. What is the research you are undertaking for your master’s/doctoral dissertation? Why did you choose this particular field of research? How do you believe your research will contribute to health and wholeness? 3. List two questions about health and wholeness, based on your reflection of the article, that you would like to explore as you journey here at LLU.
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