Read the Berwick article and reflect on the concepts and practices you have learned in NR506 on healthcare system

Read the Berwick article and reflect on the concepts and practices you have learned in NR506 on healthcare systems, politics, and health policy. Reflections should include the following:

Describe how one will apply content from NR506NP to the upcoming clinical courses.

As I reflect on this text, “15% of all hospital costs in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries can be attributed to patient harm from adverse events” (Berwick et al., 2018). Based on our last pandemic of the Covid-19, I do not want to sound biased, and this is an open forum discussion, so I will discuss my opinion based off of the first paragraph I read in the required article in the assigned readings. During Covid-19 I was particularly torn as to how to go about taking care of myself and still being able to work. With all the requirements that were recommended by the healthcare workers in reference to vaccinating or not meant that my job was on the line. In the past, if one did not want to obtain the influenza vaccine, then they were required to wear a surgical mask to prevent contracting and spreading this disease. However, when Covid-19 came out, not only did one have to wear the N-95, we also had to stand 6 feet apart. Driving-drivers were harassed for not masking up when outside and away from the public. They also masked up when they were driving their cars solo. This did not make any sense to me. Besides this, I found out that individuals who did vaccinate were highly susceptible to blood-clots, and some states were hit pretty hard with high mortality rates. When I was working in the first hospital that I started at, the supervisor nurse saw and displayed that the higher mortality rates came from individuals that were more unhealthy with medical histories including diabetes, kidney failure, and heart disease. With this in mind, being a nurse at that time and advocating for something that we have no proof of being a sure thing displays us, if not for myself, as being unfaithful to this practice. Nevertheless, as an advocate, I would provide more insight into how to care for patients who are skeptical about this Covid-19 and future ailments and simply educate them on why we do certain things to keep them healthy. The healthcare system reminds us as healthcare workers that we need to follow the state we reside in on what we can and cannot do based on diagnosis and treatment as well as prescriptions that may be involved. With politics, APN’s can advocate for change when necessary and for improvement when that is needed as well. There are always in-house forums and workshops that are provided when a new tool, be it something physical that needs to be changed, versus new training in the informatics side of charting that is always provided when a change is about to occur on the hospital unit. This could be brought about by a nurse educator who saw the need for improvement and developed a system to implement it.

How to make informed decisions on nursing practice and patient outcomes on a global basis.  In addition, state how you will apply what you have learned on this course to your upcoming practicum experience.

I have read an article in the AJCC Journal of Critical Care Nursing about providing live music in the ICU, since caring for their loved ones in this type of scenario can be very intense and stressful. Some said they would not change anything and others welcomed this new idea into the process of caring for their loved one while they were in the ICU as it eased their thoughts and helped to alleviate any doubts since they felt more comfortable (Bruder et al., 2024). Based off of this article, I think it is important to find ways of caring for our patients where they know we are there to help them and at the same time be their friend, so to speak, where they can feel part of the team instead of being talked down to. We are always trying to help our patients, yet if the patient does not understand what they are doing or why they are applying these new methods to their lifestyle, then why would they continue? As the journal states, seeking more information about the circumstances in which the patient lives can build a collaborative relationship with the patient and help identify and address drivers of health, residence, and transportation. In stereotyping a patient as being noncompliant can bother the patient-healthcare relationship, which eventually only worsens the situation (Baah et al., 2018).

Describe how one will apply content from NR506NP to the upcoming clinical courses.

In my opinion, looking out for the policies in healthcare in their state is a start as to how to implement what was learned in this course to the future courses in this program. Making sure that the ANP is following the federal and state government law about what they can and cannot provide care for based on their degree status and training is very important, and then making sure the documentation is correct when inputting it into the insurance qualification so that one patient is able to afford their care. Also, restricted NP’s for the future, understanding the policies based on restricted versus non-restricted states and what it entails is very important as perhaps more states will allow NP’s to provide care without restrictions when needed. Furthermore, I am very much for experience. Therefore, the longer a registered nurse plays in the field of nursing, the better they become. Nevertheless, the longer the ANP has in the field and is being supervised based on state policy, the better they become and can then go on their own with greater confidence and support from their peers. I am very much for experience as they can portray better leadership and make a very good candidate for the future in this field.


Berwick, D., Snair, M., & Nishtar, S. (2018). Crossing the global health care quality chasm: A key component of universal health coverage.Links to an external site. Journal of American Medical Association, 320 (13), 1317-1318.

Bruder, A. L., Gururaja, A., Narayani, N., Kleinpell, R., & Schlesinger, J. J. (2024). Patients’ perceptions of virtual live music in the intensive care unit. American Journal of Critical Care33(1), 54–59. to an external site.

Baah, F., Teitelman, A. M., & Riegel, B. (2018). Marginalization: Conceptualizing patient vulnerabilities in the framework of social determinants of health—an integrative review. Nursing Inquiry26(1). Retrieved April, 2024, Critical Care Nurse Vol 44, No. 2, from to an external site.

Read the Berwick article and reflect on the concepts and practices you have learned in NR506 on healthcare system

Reflecting on the concepts and practices learned in NR506 on healthcare systems, politics, and health policy, I recognize the importance of understanding the impact of policies and regulations on nursing practice and patient care. The Berwick article highlights the significant economic burden associated with patient harm from adverse events, emphasizing the need for effective healthcare policies to improve patient safety and quality of care.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers faced challenges related to vaccination mandates and safety protocols, which raised concerns about personal and patient safety. This situation underscores the importance of advocating for evidence-based practices while considering individual rights and public health priorities. As a nurse practitioner, I understand the need to educate patients about preventive measures and address their concerns to promote optimal health outcomes.


In applying the content from NR506 to upcoming clinical courses, I will focus on understanding and adhering to federal and state healthcare policies and regulations. By staying informed about policy changes and advocating for improvements in healthcare delivery, I can contribute to enhancing patient care and safety. Additionally, I will prioritize patient education and communication to address misconceptions and promote informed decision-making.


Furthermore, I will apply the principles of evidence-based practice and advocacy learned in NR506 to my upcoming practicum experience. By collaborating with patients and addressing social determinants of health, I aim to provide patient-centered care and improve patient outcomes. Additionally, I will advocate for policy changes and improvements in healthcare delivery to enhance access to quality care for all patients.


In conclusion, NR506 has equipped me with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of healthcare systems, politics, and health policy. By applying these concepts and practices in clinical courses and practicum experiences, I can contribute to improving patient care and advancing healthcare delivery.

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