Read the research question below and write a one-paragraph description that incl

Read the research question below and write a one-paragraph description that includes the following;
Identify the variables, including the following:
Variables (ex: gender, GPA)
Are the variables numeric or categorical (ex: Gender is categorical; GPA is numeric)
If the variable is categorical, then provide the categories/groups that make up that variable (ex: For gender, the groups would be female, male, and other)
If the variable is numeric, then provide the range of possible values (ex: GPA is measuring the person’s college GPA score)
Correctly worded hypothesis (null & alternative)
What statistical test should be used to analyze this hypothesis, and why is that test the most appropriate?
Statistical Test Options: Chi-square, Correlation, Spearman correlation, Independent samples t-test, ANOVA, Linear Regression, Multiple Regression. [Note: You can only use one of these tests for this assignment unless you get permission from the instructor.]
Remember, the statistical test has to match the type of variables you have. For example, you cannot do a correlation between gender and GPA because gender is categorical. For a correlation, you need two numeric variables. Instead, you could do an ANOVA because there is a categorical variable with three groups and one numeric variable.
Have at least one APA style in-text citation and reference (peer-reviewed and/or textbook) to support your choice of test.
RESEARCH QUESTION – Is there a relationship between gender and education level?