Reflect on the diverse topics we’ve explored throughout our Childhood Obesity co

Reflect on the diverse topics we’ve explored throughout our Childhood Obesity course. As you think ahead, consider what you believe should be the primary priorities in addressing childhood obesity over the next ten years.

As part of your reflection, you might address questions such as:

How might the media’s influence on perceptions of obesity evolve or be directed?
How could we create better opportunities for care and support for children and families dealing with obesity?
What strategies could effectively address health inequities in this area?
What treatments and interventions do you see as most promising, and how could they be promoted or enhanced?

Be sure to reference specific modules from the course in your response, and explain why you’ve chosen the priorities you have. There are no right or wrong answers—this is an opportunity for you to consolidate your learning and articulate your vision for the future of childhood obesity prevention and treatment.

The purpose of this assignment is to recap the semester with your own vision of what they future should hold. Please use at least 5 of the attached sources!!!!

Anticipated Length of Paper: 1000-1500 words

Sources- PMC2805368 PMC3014770 Metabolic_Adaptations_to_Weight_Loss__A_Brief.39.aspx 24231879 Weight-Bias-in-the-Workplace.pdf PMC4408699 nejmoa012512 30236792 34061777 20395581